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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/193381-Season-7-part-1
by Dru
Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #523871
Season 7 of Buffy the way I know it's not going to happen
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#193381 added November 20, 2002 at 9:37pm
Restrictions: None
Season 7 (part 1/?)
Season 7 the way it should happen.

Ok this is a plot bunny that bit me last night. Spike doesn't get a soul from the demon. The demon makes him human and Spikes not happy about it. SPOILERS for season 6 and I guess maybe season 7 (tho I'm not really working from any spoilers)

Buffy was walking in the graveyard tossing her stake around bored out of her mind. "Common! There has to be something out here I can fight!" Glares around the empty graveyard.

"Bloody Hell! If I ever get my hands on that damn demon I'll rip him limb from limb!" Buffy hears yelled from a few yards away.

"Spike?! Is that you??" What the hell is he doing here?! She thought to her self.

"What does it look like Slayer? I'm falling on my head cuz I can't see a damn thing!" He looked down at his hand and cursed. "Argh! Balls! I'm bleeding again! Its probably going to get infected and fall off!"

"Whats your problem? No ones seen you for months and now your back and why can't I sense you?"

"Well you see my problem is that damn demon! He was supposed to get this damn chip out of my head but the bloody bastard screwed me and removed the chip but he also made my human! I hate being human! I didn't like it when i was human and I don't like it now!" Spike yelled and started pacing.

"H-Human?!? You're human!" Buffy yelled.

"Have you gone death? That's what I just said! I'm a lousy no good human! As in having a pulse and heartbeat and getting sick and healing so very, very slowly when I get hurt!"

Buffy stood there with her mouth hanging open in shock. "Oh My God! You're alive!" She grabbed his wrist and and felt his pulse in amazement.

Spike riped his arm back and started pacing again before he tripped on a root and fell over. "Argh!"

"Umm Spike? Why do you keep falling over?" Buffy asked frowning.

Spike sighed and looked up from where he was still sitting. "I can't see. When I was human the first time I needing glasses and now that I'm human again I'm once more blind as a bloody bat."

"But how could you have been Mr. Big Bad William the Bloody Killer Guy if you can't even walk with out glasses?" Buffy asked him in confusion.

"Err...well you see...umm I wasn't. I never killed anyone until I was a vampire...then I killed like crazy. But before that I never even hurt a fly."

"WHAT?!? What about all that 'I've always been bad' Stuff you told me?!"

Spike rolled his eyes. "Oh please Slayer! Why would I tell you the truth? I lied. Back then I still had some ego to protect. I wasn't really going to tell you I was a poet. A bloody awful one at that."

"Poet? You?" Buffy almost fell over she was laughing so hard.

"Oh hahaha yes fine laugh at the at the ex-poet, ex-vampire. Just like every other person I've ever known as a human!" Spike longed for his good old trusty rail road spike so he could show Buffy what he'd done to the last people to laugh at his poetry.

Buffy managed to stop laughing and stood back up. "Oh come on you have to see how funny this is! I mean Spike the slayer of Slayers is a poet?" Buffy was barely able to keep from bursting into laughter again.

Spike just glared at her as he stood up and brushed him self of hissing when he brushed one of his many cuts and bruises.

"Oh hey. Are you ok?" Buffy asked when you noticed the blood and cuts and bruises.

"No I'm not ok! I'm a human! How can I be ok?!"

"Ok....Ummm why don't we go back to the Magic Box and we can get you cleaned up and tell everyone whats happened." Buffy said as she grabbed onto his arm and started walking towards the Magic Box.

"Hey! Let go! Who said I wanted you or your little friends help?!" Spike growled, which happened to be a lot less scary now that he was human, at her as he tried to break her grip on his arm.

"Spike you need our help. Just look at you! You one big walking bloody, bruise! And where are you going to live? Your human now and need food and shelter." Buffy told him as she kept pulling him after her.

"Slayer! Stop it! I can take care of my self! I'm over one hundred and thirty years old you know!"

Buffy just looked over her shoulder at him and smiled like you would at a babbling baby. "Sure. Whatever you say Spike. But why don't we go to the Magic Box anyway and just say hello to everyone, ok?"

Spike sighed and stopped fighting her grip. I'll just leave when they're not looking. He thought to him self.

The Magic Box

"Hey guys! You won't believe what I found in the graveyard!" Buffy called out as they walked into the store.

"Spike?! You're back?!" Dawn squealed flinging her self out of her chair at him.

"Ow! Hell have you gained wight Nibblet?" Spike gasped slightly winded from having a teenager jump on him.

"Spike? Spike's back?" Willow stared over the book she was reading from the table.

"Deadboyjr.'s back? Just when you think you've gotten rid of him..." Xander said.

"Hey are you calling me fat?!" Dawn yelled jumping up and quickly looking over her self for fat.

"No Nibblet. Just I'm not as strong as I just to be." Spike told her as he got to his feet.

"Not as strong? What do you mean? What happened? Why are you bleeding? Where have you been for the last few months?" Dawn fired out rapidly not ever taking a breath.

"Spike's human! Isn't that amazing?! Can you believe it Buffy said as she pulled him to a chair and pulled out the First Aid Kit.

"HUMAN?!?!" Everyone yells at once.

"Yes human. Ow! That bloody stings woman! Give a guys a little warning!" Spike glared at Buffy who was spraying disinfectant on his hands.

"Sorry, sorry. You know you'd think you could take a little sting being that you had that chip zapping you all the time for a few years and fighting demons and stuff every night..." Buffy muttered.

"It surprised me!"

"Wait, wait lets get back to Spike being a human. How did this happen? How could this happen?" Willow said as she walked over to stand at the end of the table where Spike was sitting.

"Ok I'll tell you. I went to Africa to see this demon to get my chip out. He made me go though all these tests and junk to see if he'd do it for me. I passed. And he removed my chip. But He screwed me and made me human at the same time." Spike told them as Buffy kept cleaning and bandaging Spike's cuts.

"You got your chip out?! Quick someone staking him!" Xander yelled.

"Hello? Moron I'm human now." Spike yelled when Buffy pulled the bandage a little too tight.

"Oops. Did I do that?" Buffy asked innocently.

"Umm Spike why did you want your chip out?" Dawn asked.

"So I could go on a nice killing spree."

"Spike!" Buffy said sharply.

"What? It's the truth." Spike told her.

Buffy glared at him then went back to bandaging.

"So Dead Boy isn't dead anymore huh?" Xander snickered.

"No. I'm not. I'm now one of you humans."

"Oh wow. This is so cool! Now I can take you to the beach and the park and ooh we can go for ice cream and we'll have to much fun!" Dawn squealed and jumped up and down excitedly.

Spike suddenly had a huge urge to find something sharp and pointy and do some major bodily harm to himself.

"Umm Nibblet, Luv. I'm not really a beach, park, fun type person." Spike told Dawn trying to be somewhat nice.

"Oh...well I'm sure we can find something to do! Human things!"

"Oh...thats just...great Dawn." Spike said not sounding at all happy.

"So Spike how did you get so hurt?" Willow asked trying to draw attention away from Dawn's talking about human, sun filled fun.

"Oh well I got pretty beat up during the tests and then well now that I'm human my reflexes are a lot slower then I'm used to and my vision is not as good as it was. So I've been in quite a few accidents."

"Oh Spike thats horrible! Are you ok? Oh hey maybe Anya could make you a vampire again!" Willow said.

"Willow! Why in the world would Spike want to be an Evil Dead Thing again?!" Buffy cried looking up from the First Aid Kit she was closing.

"Buffy I do want to be a vampire again. As I told you in the graveyard I _hate_ being human!" Spike said sounding annoyed.

Buffy just gave him the 'Isn't he a cute little thing? To bad he has no brains.' look. "Spike you're just saying that because you're not used to being human. Once you get back into things again you'll be fine!"

"Slayer! I don't want to be human! I hated being one 100 years ago and I hate it now!"

"Spike you don't mean that!"

"Yes I do! You're the one who has a problem with vampire! I'm not! I like being a vampire!" Spike stood up and started pacing and glaring at everyone.

"Spike. Spike! Calm down! We understand that you liked being a vampire. But you have to look at it this way. Buffy the Slayer it her job to kill vampires. And if you did become a vampire again you'd be a fledging again and Buffy would have to stake you." Willow said stepping in front of Spike making him stop pacing.

"Oh like she could stake me! I have over one hundred years of memory of being a vampire. I've killed two Slayers! I would have no problems making it three." Spike said glaring at Buffy.

Buffy snickered at Spike.

"Oh I don't have to put up with this! I'm getting out of here and I'm going to go find someone to kill me!" Spike headed for the door.

"Spike Get back here! I'm not going to let you do something so stupid!" Buffy yelled grabbing at his arm.

"Well it's not up to you Slayer! I'm a grown man and I don't need you to tell me what to do! So leave me the hell alone!" Spike ripped his arm away from Buffy and stormed out the door.

"Nice going Buffy. Now Spike is going to get him self killed! You know all the demons and vampire in Sunnydale know him and hate him for helping you for all this time! And He can't even fight them! He's used to being a vampire and now he's going to wind up dead!" Dawn yelled and ran to the back sobbing.

Down Town

Spike was walking down the street hoping to see a vampire he could talk or pay to turn him.

"Hello William. Look at whats happened to you. I almost didn't believe it when the pixies told me. But it's true. You're a human again. And that nasty chip it all gone. No more lighting bolts sending lies." Spike turned and saw Drusilla standing behind him.

"Dru! What are you doing here in Sunnyhell?" Spike asked shocked to see her.

"I had a vision. I saw all sorts of things. The demon taking away the chip. And making you human. I had to come, Spike. I had to see if it was true." Drusilla said moving closer to him.

"Well it is. I'm a human. I'm just like I was when you first found me. Only this time I know about vampire and I'm _trying_ to get my self killed."

"You want to be a vampire again? You want to be dark, evil, to play in rivers of blood? Do you want to slash and bash? To feel you fangs slip in deep into warm pulsing human flesh?" Drusilla stepped right up to Spike brushing against him.

Spike looked deep into her eyes remembering the feel of killing. Of being a vampire. Of making love to Drusilla in pools of still warm blood. "Oh yes. Oh God yes!"

"Good." Drusilla let her vampire face slip out and tipped Spike's head back and gently bit into his neck drinking.

Spike closed his eyes letting himself drown in the feeling of Drusilla fangs deep in his neck draining the life from him.

"Spike? My Sweet. Open up wide time to drink. Time to be William the Bloody again." Drusilla whispered softly to him as she bit into her own wrist and held it to his mouth.

Spike tasted Drusilla's blood and latched on with all the power he had left drinking as fast as he could.

Drusilla hummed happily stroking his hair letting him keep drinking till she started to feel light headed. "Ok my love time to let go. And when you wake up we'll play and feed and be happy forever and ever." Drusilla said in a sing song voice as she pulled her arm from Spikes now dead grasp. She licked the wound to make it heal faster then picked Spike up and carried his to somewhere safe for his new re-birth into being a vampire.

Drusilla's Hide Out

Drusilla wiped her mouth after finishing eating one of the young men she had grabbed.

"Mmm now I feel much better. My Spike took a awful lot of blood when I fed him. But it was worth it. Oooh! Soon Miss Edith! Soon Spike will wake up and be right again! Isn't it just wonderful? Soon we'll have a happy family! And then Spike and I can make out selves some children...We can't have Daddy or GrandMummy or even our human brother Daddy and Grand-Mummy's baby Connor. But We'll make a new family!" Drusilla smiled as she hugged Miss Edith to her chest dancing around the room.

Drusilla put Miss Edith on a chair and knelt by the bed where she had laid Spike after she bought his home.

"Oh I'm so excited! I haven't had a new baby since GrandMummy became my daughter! I know this time that nasty Slayer won't ruin our happiness. Everything will be perfect!" Drusilla jumped up and spun around humming.

"You boys are very lucky. You get to be my Spike's first meal." Drusilla cooed to the two scared teenagers she had tied and gaged in the corner.

Drusilla lightly fell onto a table in the center of the room and started naming the stars till Spike arose.

The Magic Box

Buffy was pacing and muttering to her self.

Dawn was sitting in a corner ignoring Buffy.

Willow was drinking a lot of water and ignoring the urge to use magic to find Spike.

Xander was feeling annoyed that everyone was so worried about Spike the former Evil Undead.

"Ugh! We can't just sit here! We have to find him! Spike's a human and has to stay that way! We can't let him end up being turned again!" Buffy yelled.

"Buffy chill! Why are you so worried? It's just Spike! It's not like it's someone important." Xander said picking at the edge of a book.

"You know why." Buffy glanced at Dawn. "We...worked...together for months. We got...close."

"Yeah but you never freaked over concern for him before now." Dawn huffed.

"Well he was a vampire before. Now he's a human so it's different. He's better now then he was before. I mean like the only reason I didn't stake him was because he was helpless with the chip. But now he's human so I can care about him." Buffy said flopping into a chair.

"Please tell me your joking. You didn't just really say you can only like his cuz he's a human now did you?" Willow asked in shock. "Buffy he might have been a vampire but he helped us for months while you were dead! If it weren't for him all of us would probably be dead!"

"Buffy you are really a cold heartless bitch." Dawn told her.

"Excuse me?! Hello Vampire Slayer here! Spike was a Evil Dead Thing. He was able to love or to care about anything. He was just helping you for some evil plot I'm sure." Buffy said amazingly sounding like she believed what she was saying.

Willow and Dawn stared at her like she had grown a second head.

"Hey! Buffy's right! Spike's just an Evil Undead Monster!" Xander agreed.

"Oh please! Does anyone remember Drusilla? Huh? They were in love for like over one hundred years! Anyone could see how much in love they were in! I mean Spike even kidnapped me to try to get her back." Willow told them feeling really upset that her friends seemed to have such bad memory's.

"That couldn't have been love Willow. Demons can't love." Buffy said now using the 'I'm talking to a vary slow six year old' voice.

"Argh! I'm really starting to think Spike was right! Being a vampire has to be better then spending time with you!" Willow yelled then stormed out of the store.

"For once I'm with Willow." Dawn stood up and walked out leaving a very stunned Buffy and Xander.

Drusilla's Hide Out

Spike's eyes flew open and he bolted up gasping and looking around in confusion.

"Spike! You're awake! How do you feel? Are you hungry? Do you need anything?" Drusilla sat on the edge on the bed next to him smiling.

"Dru? Wha-What happened? Oh! Oh Bloody Hell! Yes! I'm back! I'm a vampire again!" Spike jumped off the bed picking Drusilla up and spinning around with her kissing her.

"Oooh! I knew everything would be right again!" Drusilla crowed happily.

"Mmmm... Did I hear you say something about food? Hmm? Did My Dark Goddess get me some breakfast?" Spike asked in between kissing her.

"Mm-hmm I got you some nice young fresh boys to eat." Drusilla pulled him by the hand to the tied up teenagers.

"Oh Dru you treat me so good." Spike purred as he roughly graped one of the boys and ripped into his neck and started gulping.

Spike dropped he body licking the blood from his lips. "Oh man. I never thought anything could taste so good after living off of cold blood packs for all this time." Spike leaned over and kissed Drusilla wrapping his arms around her and running his hands up and down her body.

Spike pulled back and reached down with one hand and grabbed the other boy and pulled him up between them then they both bit into him at the same time sharing a nice meal together.

After they finished and dropped him next to the other boy Drusilla licked at a drop of blood on Spike's lip. "Spike? How do you feel about having kids?"

The Bronze

Willow sat at a table sipping at her drink and brooding over her fight with Buffy and Xander.

She didn't notice the two vampires coming up behind her until Spike leaned over her from one side and Drusilla the other.

"Spike! Drusilla! Oh my God! You're together! That mean...."

"Yep thats right, Red. I'm my evil old self again. And Dru and my self have decided to make our family bigger. And of course I thought of you. Remember when I told you I'd turn you in a heartbeat? Well now that i have my bite back and Drusilla wants kids well I'm going to keep the promise." As Spike spoke he ran his hand down Willows hair and back.

"Mmm. Oooh I see powers all around her. She'll make a wonderful daughter for us. The moon is saying such sweet things about her..." Drusilla cooed at Willow.

"Alright time to go Willow. We're going to take you home and make you our little girl." Spike told her cheerfully as he pulled her to her feet.

Willow tilted her head and thought for a second before saying, "Cool. Lets go."

Spike raised an eyebrow but shrugged and walked to the Exit with Willow and Drusilla.

Buffy's house

Dawn was sitting in the living room watching tv when she heard a knock at the door.

She went to answer it. "Spike?! Oh My God I've been so worried! Get in here! Where have you been? It's been two days! You just ran out like that and you could have been killed!" Dawn ranted.

"Well nibblet I'm afraid I have some bad news for you." Spike said as he stepped inside and put an arm around Dawn. "I was killed."

"Wha-What? You mean you-" Dawn shrieked in fear as Spike grabbed her and knock her over the head knocking her out.

"Should have known not to invite anyone that doesn't just step inside with out an invite, Nibblet. The Slayer would be so disappointed in you." He said smiling as he picked her up and headed back to his and Drusilla's place.

Spike and Drusilla's Hide Out

Drusilla was fussing and cooing over the dead Willow and Dawn excitedly waiting for her new daughters to wake up.

Willow's eyes suddenly snapped open and she bolted up right. "What?! Where am I? Whats going on?!"

"Red! Hey you're finely awake!" Spike walked over to the bed where she and Dawn were laying. "You're home Willow. Remember? Drusilla and I turned you. You're a vampire, Luv."

"I'm a vampire? Whoa. I mean this is just...wow." Willow ran her fingers through her hair and down her now cool skin. "I don't have a pulse! Oh goddess! You really made me a vampire!" Willow grinned.

"Ohh she's beautiful! I knew you'd be a wonderful vampire. I see darkness and magic all around you my sweet." Drusilla cooed.

"Oh mmm wow. I feel great! I've been completely miserable for months! Nothing but guilt for my magic addiction. For killing Warren. For almost ending the world. Now it's all gone!"

"You almost ended the world?! Wow. You already fit in with the family." Spike muttered.

Willow jumped off the bed and her eyes turned black as she started to do magic. Different colored lights started to fly around the room.

"Oooh! Pretty! It's like fire flies dancing!"

"So I'm taking it that the ban of witchcraft is over, eh, Luv?" Spike smirked watching Willow fling magic all over the room.

"Oh I feel more powerful then I've ever felt in my life! It's pure bliss! Oh Evil is so much better then being good!"

"Hmm Willow? You like Harris right?" Spike said thoughtfully.

"Yes. He's been my best friend for as long as I can remember... we haven't been as close for the last few years but I know we could be again. If Buffy were gone. It'd be like before she came here. Or in that Wishverse that Anya told us about."

"Wishverse? Whats a wishverse?"

"Oh well you see a few years ago when you kidnapped me and Xander. Well Xander was dating Cordy at the time. But When she saw me and Xander kiss she ran and got impaled on a rod. So after she broke up with Xander she was still really pissed and stuff. Like she had lost all her friends and stuff so she wished that Buffy had never come to Sunnydale. Cuz she blamed Buffy for everything. And Anya granted her wish and everything was different Xander and me were vampires and The Master had taken over the world and humans were pretty much just walking snacks. Vampire's ruled everything." Willow explained.

"Wow. Sounds great!" Spike said excitedly.

"Thats not even it! Angel was my Puppy! I kept him in a cage and played with him! I was The Masters favorite! It was a perfect world." Willow said dreamily.

"Oooh! Daddy was your Puppy in that world?" Drusilla asked sounding shocked.

"Mm-hmm. He was."

Before Drusilla could reply to this Dawn squeaked and fell out of the bed.

"Dawny? Are you ok" Willow asked looking over at her.

"What's going on here?!" Dawn shrieked crawling backwards looking scared.

"Dawn, Luv. I came to your house last night remember? I whacked you over the head and took to back here. Drusilla and I turned you. You're a vampire, Nibblet."

"I'm-I'm a what?! You did what to me?!" Dawn frantically felt at her neck feeling for her pulse. "I'm dead! Oh God! I'm a vampire!"

"It's ok Dawny. It's going to be fine. Spike and Drusilla are our new family. They're going to take care of us from now on. Just think about it. You'll never have Buffy yell or boss you around ever again."

Dawn blinked then slowly smiled realising for the first time that she wasn't feeling any pain of neglect from Buffy or guilt from shop lifting. Or even feeling unloved by everyone. "You know I think I'm starting to like this vampire thing...." Dawn said slowly.

The Magic Box

"Damn it I won't calm down! Dawn's missing so is Spike and Willow! We have to do something damn it!" Buffy screamed pacing.

"Buffy! We are doing everything we can! You have to relax! I'm sure Spike, Willow and Dawn are fine! Everything is going to be fine!" Xander tried to calm Buffy down.

How can I relax?! Spike is human and helpless, Dawn is probably getting killed as we speak knowing her track record, and Willow is probably being tempted to use magic again!" Buffy threw her arm up in the air looking pissed off and like she really wanted to kill something.

"Buffy Dawn is not dead, as much as I hate to say it Spike is not dead, and Willow is not using magic! We will find them you'll yell at them then everything will go back to normal." Xander said griping her arms looking her in the eyes.

Buffy slumped but nodded her head. "Ok Xander..I'll try to stay calm."

"Good. Ok now we need to figure out where Spike, Willow and Dawn would go..." Xander muttered to him self.

Spike, Drusilla, Willow, and Dawn's home (the name keeps getting longer and longer!)

Drusilla, Spike, Willow, And Dawn were sitting around a table while Spike tried to explain vampire things to them. "Ok so you two are fledges so that mean that you have to listen to me and Drusilla because we're older and know what were doing."

"You're saying I don't know what I'm doing?" Willow growled.

"Yes I am. You've only been a vampire for a few hours! And don't even think of bringing up the 'I spent years reading Watcher books about vampire' thing. Those bloody watchers don't know a damn thing."

Willow pouted but didn't say anything.

Willow quickly got bored with pouting and listening to Spike. She stood up and looked down at her pink fussy shirt and long blue skirt. "Ugh! I so need new cloths! I look so...innocent!" Shudders and flicks her wrist and is wearing a long black leather skirt and a blood red peasant top. "Hmm better. But not quite." Another flick and she's wearing a black, leather ultra mini skirt and a blood red halter top. "Oooh perfect!"

Spike raised an eyebrow at the changing cloths and said. "Are you done yet? We still need to get some stuff though yours and Dawns thick skulls."

"Oh fine! At least I look good now." Willow flopped back into her chair and looked over at Spike.

"Alright. Now you know some things. Well at lest Willow does from fighting vampire for six years. But fighting as vampire is completely different. Plus theres the small fact of you needing to learn to control your new powers. Willow you're a witch now that your a vampire you have super strangh, speed, reflexes, and since your going to be spending time With Dru you'll probably end up learning mind control. I've never heard of a witch being turned before who knows how you're powers will react to the demon. And Dawn you're going from a Key to a vampire same as Willow who knows what might happen. So we need to stay low for at lest a little while so you two can train and be ready to take on anyone."

Willow blinked and thought about it. "You know Spike I've never heard you sound so calm and talk about planing instead of just running in and killing what ever you can get you hands on."

"I've learned from the past. Plus before i didn't have two new Fledges to take care of."

Dawn sighed and looked over at Drusilla "Does that mean we can't go kill anyone yet?"

"Pixie you've lived in Sunnydale long enough to know what your sister does to newly risen vampires my sweet. Spike and I don't want anything to happen to you and Willow. We love you and want to protect you till your strong." Drusilla said stroking Dawns hair.

Dawn smiled and nodded. "Ok I see your point. We'll listen to you." She hid her crossed fingers behind her back.

Spike rolled his eyes and pulled her arm out from her back. "Dawn I watched you for months. I know you. I'm not joking here. You and Willow will not go anywhere with out me or Dru do you understand? We've lost more then enough family members I will not lose either of you!"

Dawn nodded meekly shrinking back from Spike slightly. "Yes Spike. I'll be good. Willow and I will stay with you till we're strong and won't be killed in two secedes flat."

"Thats my Nibblet! Now why don't we all go out and have some fun? Hmm?" Spike grinned and rubbed his hands together.

"What?! You just got through telling us not to go out and now you're saying we're going out?!" Willow asked.

"Well you and Dawn haven't eaten yet and you'll need to feed to grow up all big and strong and there's no problem since Drusilla and I are going with you."

"Oh thank gods! I'm starving!" Dawn bounced up then looked down at her self. "Eeek! I can't go out like this! I'm wearing pink! Pink! Willow help! Do what you did to you're self!"

Willow flicked her wrist at Dawn and changed her pink t-shirt and jeans to a long, black leather skirt and blood red shirt like she had tried before she chose the sluttier outfit. "There. Thats better. Now lets go before I pass out from hunger!"

They all walked out the door into the night.

The Bronze

Willow sat at a table with Dawn and Spike while Drusilla hunted up something for them to eat. Spike was really being paranoid and didn't want to let them out of his sight.

Drusilla waved from the back door and Spike quickly bought Willow and Dawn out back.

"Look at the nummy treats I found for my family." Drusilla said as she pointed out the three knocked out guys on the ground.

"Thanks pet." Spike kissed Drusilla then grabbed one of the guys sinking his teeth into the mans neck. Dawn and Willow watched for a moments before they each grabbed one of there own.

After all three of them finished they tossed the bodies into a garbage bin. "What about you Drusilla? Aren't you hungry?" Dawn asked as she licked blood off one of her fingers.

"No. I've already eaten. Now how about we go back in and have some fun? I feel like dancing!" Drusilla twriled around and grinned over at Spike.

"Sure sounds great, Luv. Willow, Dawn just be careful and if you Xander or Buffy run and get home. Don't talk to either of them or try to pick a fight."

Both of them nodded and they all walked back into The Bronze and headed for the dance floor.

Buffy and Xander walked into The Bronze and looked around. "Xander do you really think they might be here?"

"Well maybe Willow is trying to drink away her problems like when Oz left? Or maybe Dawn wanted to have fun with out the big sister looking over her shoulder. Or maybe Fangless came here to get wasted cuz he hates being a human." Xander babbled as he scanned the room for any sign of Spike, Dawn, or Willow.

"Oh My God! Is that Spike with Drusilla?! Oh! And Willow and Dawn are with them!" Buffy whispered in horror.

"What?! Oh God no! Don't tell me... Drusilla, Spike Willow and Dawn all together? God this can't mean what I think it means can it?"

"Drusilla turned them. That bitch killed my best friend, my sister, and my boyfriend! I'll kill her!" Buffy snarled.

© Copyright 2002 Dru (UN: drusilla18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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