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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/192565-triskaidekaphobia
by Seaoh
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #431565
L.I.F.E. L-ove I-ndividuality F-or E-ver, hehe :)
#192565 added September 15, 2002 at 4:47am
Restrictions: None
its a little tune i've made



it means fear of the number 13 or friday the thirteenth.

i'm not scared of the # 13...its actually my fav. number. i was born on the thirteenth. but anyways today i saw swimfan with sammie (girl), jessica, me, felix, michael, and harold. swimfan was really good by the way :). i was wearing my tiger pants and a short white shirt that shows my tummy with a white vest in top and my new platform sandals. jessica looked so adorable in her fav. shirt and these really cute pants. well anyways we met felix, michael and harold (harold is last for reason that u'll find out later) at the mall. the 1st thing we did was buy our tickets then i had to get a cinnamon sugar pretzel from Mr.Pretzel. after sitting down in front of starbucks cuz ms.samantha wanted a frappachino...i finisged my pretzel and being the cheap person i can sometimes be i didnt buy a drink so i wanted to drink water at a water fountain...so i told jessy to come with me. by the way the whole time now harold had been so nice (he was throughout the whole day) he opened the doors for us, got us chairs, the whole gentlemen thing that we thought didnt exist anymore. the weird thing is that, the first time i had seen harold at aldos party i did not find him attractive but then when i saw him at jocys and again today it was like he was cuter somehow,like he grew on me or something. while finding the water fountain and using the bathroom i asked jess if she would go out with him if he asked shes like he's not going to do that but i guess i would. she kept on saying that he was like Hunter (the very cute british guy from the awesome Sweep Series by Cate Tiernan) not physically.....no no no lol no not physically but i guess in the way that we liked him or something. well whatever. when we got back we had just sat down when i said 'we'll be right back again'. their like okay...? its just that i wanted to go to borders to see if they had the 10th book in the sweep series (of course they did not) but i saw this cute guy that works at border of course he was cute for my blind eyes...and i also found this salvador dali art book that must have been at 40 or 50 dollars but it was on sale for 20 maybe i should have gotten it cuz it was really big but i dont know if my mom would have gotten mad. oh well maybe i'll go see the book again tommo or monday (no school! YAYAY!). Anyways, me and jessy would always stay behind everyone else and then harold would come back to where we were and be like why are you guys always back here. he was reallly nice like that. in the movies i sat nest to him cuz he bought the popcorn and the soda so of course i got my own straw and drank from his cup and ate his popcorn. and the thing is swimfan is a really good movie everyone jumped a couple of times cuz its really suspensful. anyways in one scence i screamed and hid my face into harold's side (i'm not gonna say which scene cuz i dont want to mess up the movie for anyone that reads this (if anyone does get this far, lol) but i will say trophy). I cried a couple of times too not because it was sad directly but indirectly there were just some things.....and plus sometimes i just get sensitive like that i'll cry for a movie and a book but i wont cry for something in real life. anyways when we got out of the movies we went to food court to get free samples (lol! we had a plan and everything there was 6 of us so 3 of us went on one side and another 3 on the other me and jessy and harold were on one team and sammie, felix, and michael on the other).MY GOD i hate aol! i just press the backspace button to erase something and it took me to the next page usually the forward button just takes be back but this time the forward button wasnt working FRIGG! anyways after the free samples were done jess wanted a mango fruit drink thing and while we were standing in line i told sammie i'm sorry about how the groups were divided up (she wasnt with harold... u see earlier she had admitted to me that she liked harold...a lot lot earlier i had told her that i thought he liked her...anyways she said oh dont worry i'm not jealous or nothing cuz ur my bu and may the best girl win. i was like no no no i dont want to compete i have my shorty at my school to think about (will tell u about him later). well betwwen then and when yesenia, leslie and jocy showed up and we walked around and harold would always be next to me and want to link arms and tickling me or something. when we went to johnny R's he wanted me to sit next to him but then we didnt all fit so i wanted to sit with my girls, yesy 's boyfriend just broke up with her about a week ago so shes been feeling really down. andd then finally we all sat at the same table with harold across from me. he kept on saying why i was all the way over there (meaning on that side and not next to him). jessy kept asking me why i wouldnt want anything to happen with him i dont exactly remember what happened that she noticed all of a sudden i didnt want all the attention he was giving me i think i told her. and i was like i cant explain.....(the little crap was sleeping when i called her tonight and i realllly wanted to talk to her but i'm gonna call her as soon as possible tommo). anyways since i had to stretch out my feet i kept bumping into jocy cuz i wanted to stretch my foot that way and then he sorta put his had under the table and by accident he touched my knee no really it was by accident and i'm like that was my knee by the way. and he was like that wasnt me i'm like yes u were and then the rest of the time he was there tapping my foot ans asking me if that was me. then i was playing with the salt shaker and i spilled my milkshake all over the table (typical). and i was like omg i'm so sorry. it didnt spill too bad but i was still sorta emabarrased. jessy said he kept on trying to make eye contact with me. i love my little jessy. no matter how much we fight i know we'll probably be friends to the end.shes always looking out for me i just hope i'm a good friend back to her. i'll finish this entry tomorrow. just remind me to tell u when he asked for my number and when i hugged him and when sammie called me, ok? bye

© Copyright 2002 Seaoh (UN: poetessa at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/192565-triskaidekaphobia