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Diabetes. It's when you have to give yourself shots. If only it was that simple. |
Aloha, Welcome to the asylum also know as my life. I'll be continually adding things to this entry, so check back often- if you dare!Xp Anyway, my name's Jacklynne Michaela Cal Gibson-Elliot. (There's a really funny story behind my name that I'll tell you later.) A brief bio on me. I'll expound on it when I've got more time. Here goes: Nicknames: Jack, Jackee, Keakui (my Hawaiian name), Punky Monkey, and a host of others. Date of Birth: 06/11/87 Birthplace: Hope Town in Elbow on Abaco, the Bahamas (even though I only lived there until I three, I still consider myself to be Bahamian. I have duel citizenship in both the Bahamas and America. I got to go through customs and be sworn and all that because neith of my parents are American by birth.) Hometown: Wahaimea, HI (We moved here when I was three. This is home.) Current residence: Los Angeles, CA (We had to move to this stupid place because Dad work's here and my uncle sided with. They uprooted two perfectly content household in order to further their show biz careers. Dumb Hollywood. We been here for two looooong, dull years.) Hght: 5'4" ( I'm praying for a growth spurt!) Weight: None of your business. (Though I have been losing quite a bit with hardly any effort:)) Hair: Fiery red (not carrot-top, more the color of a sunset. Totally natural, though the sun tends to bleach certain sections strawberry blonde. No dye'll touch this hair.) People I live with: Dad- David Michael Elliott (stage name is the same oddly, enough); 39; ocupation: actor/ musican (sort of. He's a good actor. Needs to let go of the rock star dreams, though.) Totally cool. Handsome. Dark brown hair, blue eyes Mum- JoBeth Gibson-Elliott (goes by Jo. Uncle Cal calls her Jo-Jo; Dad calls her Joey; her kids call her Mum, and Uncle Cal's kids call her Aunt Jo.); 31; Occupation: Mum and wife. Former dancer with the Sydney Ballet Company and an accomplished Irish dancer in her youth. Redhead like me, blue-green eyes. Siblings (Or should just say brothers; I don't have any sisters): Nathaneal James Elliott- my twin and the bane of my existence! Girls think he's cute; I think he's weird. Isaiah Erik- 10; blonde (Natey and I are the only redheads); diabetic type 1; pain-in-the-butt. Joshua Neil- 5; blonde; Is turning into a mini-Nathanael (God help us all!!!); another bane to my existence. Copies everything Nate does even yells at me for walking into a room. Totally idolizes Nathanael (Why? I'll never know). Sameul David- 2; another blonde. Absolute doll. Daddy's boy to the max. Cole Jerome (named after Cole Porter and Jerome Kearns)- 4 months; my mini-me. (Nathanael's not going to get a hold of this one!) Calvin Gerard Oliver Gibson (no relation to Mel Gibson- Uncle Cal is even cooler!)-42: wavy brown hair, stormy ocean blue eyes, big warm smile; Occupation: actor- movies; occassionaly guests spots on Dad's show, otherwise doesn't do TV; totally awesome, a big prankster- gotta watch your back when he's around, you never know what he'll do. Ug! I've got to go again. I'm the school library right now. Not supposed to be on the Internet. Catch later! ~Aloha nui loa~ Jackee |