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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/186426-thoughts-about-books-religion-love-stuff
by Seaoh
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #431565
L.I.F.E. L-ove I-ndividuality F-or E-ver, hehe :)
#186426 added August 16, 2002 at 9:50pm
Restrictions: None
thoughts about books, religion, love, stuff
not sure what day it is I know its friday

Anywho I havent written in my dearest journal in such a long long time. Nothing much has b een happening in my life. Summer camp ended and I was crying that last day, Kyle (the cutest kid in the world) waved by to me and so did the other kids that saw me waving from my car. It was such a big thing to have Kyle wave at me because he's doesnt trust people as easily as the other kids. Anyways I've been reading the Sweep Series by Cate Tiernan non stop reading one a day. Today I finished number 8 Changeling. Let me tell u those are some GOOOOOD books. I am also reading this other series that deals with Wicca. Circle of Three is the name. Also VERY GOOD! What can I say I've been reading non-stop. I read Legacy of Lies (has nothing to do with Wicca and its an AWESOME book, its part of the Dark Secrets Series (all 3 book are AMAZING!)) anyways as I was saying i read Legacy of Lies in 2 hours....I started at 1 and finished at 3 in the morning. Man am I going to miss this freedom of sleeping and waking at my leisure when school starts. I am so dreading the days to come. I dont want to depress my self further so i wont talk about school for now.

I have found some similarities between Wicca and Catholicism while reading the Sweep Series. I know that this series is not a completely valuable source of information of Wicca but wait let me rephrase everything i've just said.
I found something in the Sweep Series that is similar to something i remember from the bible (now dont get me wrong I am NOT a religious person but being raised as a Catholic ang having to go to the dreaded CCD classes and seeing one of those holy movies u kinda remember some of the stuff.) U know that story about Jesus i think it was or maybe it was Moses who knows anyways It was this sort of spirit of something was gonna go through a town and whoever didnt have goats blood on their door would be killed. Well in the Sweep Series there is a dark wave that kills everyone in the town and leaves complete destruction. except it doesnt matter if u have goats blood on ur door it'll get u anyway. now that i think more deeply they are really not similar because that bible story only took the supposed bad people and the people who were not informed of the goats blood thing while this dark wave took everyone and anyone except of course the people who summoned the dark wave. But of course playing with darkness, it'll eventually get u too.

ONe of the characters in the Sweep series is Bree (whats her last name? dont remember which is not good I HAVE to remember I know Robbie's is Gurevitch and Morgan is Rowlands and and oh well atleast I remember her first name). Her father is a lawyer and is pretty well off. Bree has a generous allowance as Cate Tiernan says and she is popular, beautiful, and could get any guy she wants. Now please tell me why I would find any hint of likeliness between us?
1. I am certainly not rich
2. i cannot get any guy i want
3. i do not find myself pretty (dont give that BS of oh Poetessa ur pretty)

well i actually do see something i her that i see in myself. Bree has a thing with relationships she like the chase and the final capture but then she gets tired of them. I think the best part of a relationship is the whole chase thing once u get the guy its like what do u do now? Robbie, the childhood friend of Bree and Morgan (main person in book, will talk about her in future perhaps) used to be not so attractive but a spell that Morgan did maid all his acne go away and his eye sight to improve so that he wouldnt need glasses anymore (i'd sure like being pimple and glasses free). Now you could see the cutie that was hiding behind the acne and glasses. Actually cutie is an understatement heads turn when he walks. anyways he has been in love with Bree forever and not that he's gorgeous she kinda finally notcied and now they are sorta going out. But Bree wont let good things happen because she doesnt belive in the whole love thing (who does that remind you of). her parents are divorced and she saw how the thing with Cal and Morgan went (will explain later) so she doesnt think love could be existent. so she gets all weird when robbie says he loves her but morgan told her to let go and let good things happen. THis reminds me of me because I certainly dont belive in love, when i hear love songs on the radio i'm like is that true sounds like BS to me. But guess what I am a hopeless romantic and love reading books where they fall in love but as for my real life....HA! i guess i'm a hypocrite like that. As I've told myself countless number of times before I like falling in love with the guys in my books than guys in real life. I've already told my friends that I'm not getting married and I am NOT having kids (no no no, no thank you. i dont want my life to be gone so quickly. and plus the world is overpopulated as it is. i would be making a contribution to man kind, dont u think?). i'm gonna be that old lady with a bunch of cats that lives next door to you and makes cookies for ur kids. Except i'll probably have dogs (I'm not sure how my realtionship with a cat would be)

about this whole marriage thing.....i dont see how u can have that same tingly feeling when u see them or that cant get enough of their prescence or that thinking of them constantly feeling for 50 years I mean come on. be serious. wouldnt u get bored of the person? then again if u get bored of the person that obviously means he isnt ur one and true love, ur muirn beatha dan, i'm missing an accent on the i...it means soul mate i'm not sure in what language...Celtic? Irish? It's from the Sweep Series. Which reminds me I love Celtic stuff! I have to get used to saying Keltic and not Celtic-like the team. I wonder since u pronounce Celtic like Keltic that if a word that begins with K would have the pronounciation as a C. I want to go to Ireland and learn more about the Celts and the Druids....at this site i saw that Ireland was spelled Eireland, cool, huh? Ok this entry is so um.....everywhere. Its not orderly...sorry if i have given u a headache.. i think i'll stop here. i'm going to jessica's house tonight whenever my mom decides to wake her lovely self up. I'm kinda pissed at her because right not my schedule for highschool has me in french 2 and programming 1....ok i just had beginners french in middle school my teacher said that beginners french doesnt go on to french 2 that it goes to french 1. so i had french one on my paper and when i went to my orientation that my lovely mother got me late too the lady said that since i had taken french in middle i should go to french 2 i'm like well my teacher said i should be in french 1 but shes like ur gonna receive credits for the midlechool french which i'm not cuz it was only one year so she said to just try it out and if i wasnt comfortable to just go and tell her and she'll change me. but i know that i am definitely not ready to go to french 2 and i've been telling my mom to please talk to the lady and change it and shes been holding off for like ever! school is gonna f***ing start and i'm gonna make friends and then i'm gonna have to change my f***ing schedule and then i'm gonna have to make new friends and its gonna be hard cuz they are already gonna have met the first day. my mom is pissing me off so much shes like why dont u call i'm like OMG why do i have to call they are gonna need a parents permission and shes making it so ficking hard for me its like she doesnt give a shit. we finally went to the school but the lady couldnt see us cuz she was teaching a class and then my mom called but she couldnt get her so she left a message and the lady hasnt called back and my mom is like all care free like everything is fine. and its NOT. about the programming thing i really want to do programming but i also want to take dance. i was gonna take dance at studio place but then i thought taking dance in school would be easier because my mom wouldnt have to pay for classes i would be taking them partly for free the only payment is my working hard so that i could get a good grade. but noooo! Am I going to beable to change my fricking schedule? no because my mom doesnt give a rats ass. Shes like 'oh we'll fix it at orientation' orientation is 2 days before school starts. do u think the lady is gonna beable to do anything then. my god i am so pissed i could cry right now. and its all my fault because i could have fixed this shit when i was in summer school and had the lady right there but no i'm such a dumbass that i said my mom would fix this. And since a couple weeks ago i have stop cursing as much as i used to due to the fact that i heard my mom cursing and she sounded so vulgar and disgusting saying bad words. now i limit to my self to exteme cases and as u see my words above this is an extreme case. my god this makes me want to SCREAM! also i'm suppose to get a call from an upperclassmen in my magnet so that i wont be so scared the first day of school and they could get me ready for the shitload of work i'm getting myself into. have i gotten a call or an email? NO!!! I should go I know this entry is long enough and that'll probably discourage people to not reading the whole entry.

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