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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/184355-Ripping-off-the-heads-of-Barbie-Dolls
Rated: GC · Book · Experience · #457442
rolling down a hill in a barrel with the inside covered in razor-wire
#184355 added August 8, 2002 at 10:26am
Restrictions: None
Ripping off the heads of Barbie Dolls
im am muther fukkin pissed. beyond riveted. i fucking hate my gf and i dont even fucking feel like calling her such anymore.

you know what happens to nice guys like me, when you actually treat someone decently when they've been treated like shit their entire lives. we get fucked over. thats it, simple. fucked fucking over in an ass fuck, fucker. IM PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so, to let you fucking know what could piss me off so bad, ill give you a tad bit of insight. as i stated, it was our anniversary. You know what i had planned, movie, dinner, sleep over for the night. kiss her goodbye in the morning and go to work. that was my plan. you know what her fucking plan was..."i wanna smoke pot".


fuck you. she's like, "why dont you hang out with us and wait for me and April to smoke pot." She fucking knows why. I dont like it when she's not herself. Cause ive been around her one time, thats all i needed was one, and she acted fucked up and i didnt like it. I bitch at her and say, "Well, if you are gonna smoke, then im going home, cause you already know i dont care to be around it." So shes like fine whatever, she acts pissed and dissapointed. Later on we get in an argument about how in her words, "she treats me like everyone else, cause boyfriend is nothing to her." Which to me, boyfriend is nothing as well, but im also a few more things such as, lover, confidant, partner, best friend...the list continues. Instead, im "just like everyone else." i say it again..fuck you.

She sees im angry, does the boohoo shit and then she convinces me to take April and Her swimming. I said, "why dont we go to my house and swim (i have a pool), i have food, towels, drinks and clean water." But Crystal was like, "no, i dont feel like leaving.." So i brought them to some apartments where some 10 year olds kept feeling up on them and what not.

She then proceeds to tell me that she has a crush on a guy merely for the fact that he has a huge dick, and she has a feeling he got locked up in prison because of her (never mind the fact that they were all fucked up, inside a car, with fucking weed and liqour), and then her smoke buddy shows up out of no where and she fucking ditches me to go smoke pot.

mind you...all of this on our anniversary.

for the last 2 weeks ive had planned a weekend just between us two. i would take her to dinner on friday, we would watch a movie and then go to bed (we havent fucked in a month so i doubt shit would happen, which yes IM FUCKING SUSPICIOUS OF), the next day i would cook her breakfast in bed, we would get dressed up, go take pictures at the mall together, go shopping for her,probably go to a park later on, and finally end the night with a candle lit dinner at some italian restaraunt i had in mind. but instead, friday im going over to her house to break up with her retarded ass, cause im completely fucking tired of her shit and the amount of unforgivable things ive managed to put a cold shoulder to.

id rather die alone than deal with this.

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