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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/172024-FINALS-award-ceremony
by Seaoh
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #431565
L.I.F.E. L-ove I-ndividuality F-or E-ver, hehe :)
#172024 added June 8, 2002 at 12:03am
Restrictions: None
FINALS, award ceremony,
Friday June 7,2002
French and Language. we were suppose to have them on monday but the stupid people from downtown decided to let the schools know yesterday that teachers dont have to go to work wednesday or thrusday and since they need the grades in by wednesday they decided to move the finals up to today!!!!!!!!! Ughhh....just thank whoever u believe in that i didnt have math today!!!! French was pretty easy...but Language Arts is a completely different story. It was hard :(........had this poem by Herman Melville...it was called Shiloh.....and it was a requiem and I think it was either written or maybe it was about April 1864 or maybe it was 1862 WHATEVER! I didnt even know the f***ing thing was about a battle until one of the questions asked Was the battle of Shiloh....I was like OH!!!! So yea I have very bad qualms about that test. Anywho since I havent been on since like what Tuesday I have to telll u everything that happened.....I have been a very busy person this week.

I wrote on tuesday but I'll talk a little about it anyways....went JG's house I helped her on her history...just found like 2 defi's for her. i was kinda depressed (the story of my life LOL) when I got to her house we had just come back from her last bookclub meeting...we had a little party..... and LT's daughter came and i've baby sat for her before but I didnt talk much to her or her cousin much :( then when she saw TP she ran to her my heart pretty much cried cuz I thought I was good with kids but I was wrong I guess but its not likes shes a baby or anything shes like 7 or something. then her cousin came and I'm not sure she saw me but guess what we share the same birthday....isnt that strange?....well she went with LP's daughter where TP was. Anywho LP's daughter didnt stay with her the whole time she went to go watch the movie. But I guess i just wanted to be liked by LP's family and i since i guess they dont it kinda hurts....oh well atleast my little cousins like me...I think.
I was so tired when I got to Jp's I fell asleep at 9!!!! but of course i woke up, it was only like a little nap. When we finally went to asleep at 12 I didnt even have to think about sleeping i just did!

the day of the Awards Ceremony. dont really remember what happened at school......oh yea we finally presented and I had to wear this pink and white striped top with a poodle skirt but it was like all one piece and it was kinda small, remember i am taller than Lu, and it was her costume. I thought the people in my class were going to laugh...they didnt! *very surprised. I was so embarrased I was going to cry but when I got to the class i was actually ok, they are my friends why should i be embarrased...i just hope im like this in highschool (not that shy). The presentation was OK..i just said what they needed on the quiz (we had to make little quizzez for them. Ok after my mom picked me up from the park then took me home...i ate...and then took a shower...changed into my black jean dress that I have been dying to wear its stapless and at the bottom the back is longer than the front so its loooooks so pretty. I got 4 trophies, in algebra 1, earth and space science, language arts, and u.s. history. You have to get straight A's in order to get a trophy and I would have gotten one in french cuz i did get straight a's but since me and this girl that got straight a's got other trophies they gave the french trophies to people that didnt get that many. Im proud of myself. MEC got 7 trophies...aganist my pitiful 4.....but I'm ok with that she got prefect attendance....and since her 2 electives get trophies (my other elective doesnt) there goes the extra 3 she got. But i'm proud none the less. I got compliments on my dress!


Ok sorry but I think i've written long enough....i finish this probably when I'm in N.Y. i just found out that we were going a couple hours ago. And I wanted to type up my history review today...cuz tommo i'm going to be busy the whole day getting ready for prom tommo night so now h.w. is going to get done. Oh sigh and I gotta study for the f***ing math too. I'm gonna cry and be happy the last day of school, no more work but no more friends. how am i ever going to find people that can accept my weirdness and that I will feel comfortable with? Oh goodness the days as an 8th grader are running away from me. :(

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