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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/170862-really-long-entry-combo-of-sat--sun-shopping-and-fighting
by Seaoh
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #431565
L.I.F.E. L-ove I-ndividuality F-or E-ver, hehe :)
#170862 added June 3, 2002 at 2:27am
Restrictions: None
really long entry-combo of sat. & sun.-shopping and fighting
Sunday June 2,2002
I probably should be sleeping right now...its 1:32 in the morning but oh well I didnt right yesterday so its only fair that I write today (hehe any excuse just to be on stories). Yesterday I couldnt write because I was out the whole day I didnt get back home until midnight. Like I said I went to go do my hair which sadlyt because of all the humidity and gotten puffy and nasty (and my mom still tries to fix it with the blow dry but its like 'mom u tried and we already know that u CANNOT and I repeat CANNOT blow dry my hair'. But its sweet that she tried. :) AFter than we went to the mall in search for shoes for the prom and a dress for the remembrance or is it graduation ceremony on thrusday. Happy to say we found both and more, hehe. WE must have spent atleast 500 dollars in one day, do we have that type of money? OF COURSE NOT. My mom is kind like that, once I get a job remind me to give her money out of my pay check. I put 3 pairs a shoes, 1 was Enzo Angioloni (is that how u spell it) he has become my favorite, 1 from Candies they are sandles and must be like 7 inches high but its like platform with this hole in the middle and it laces up ur leg like roman-ish, its sooooooooooooo coooool! I love them. THe 3rd pair are some 10 dolla flip flops with that thing between ur toes and I hate but I have to get use too because i need some slip on shoes. They are black with little fake diamonds on the little v thingy. At macy's I bought a bag full of clothes for 140 dollars and let me tell u this isnt oh 3 shirts and thats it. NO NO NO NO this is like a millian tops and a skirt and shorts for 140 dollars. DO U KNOW HOW AWESOME that is? JG said she got 3 shirts for 130 dollars and I got wait let me go count them.......... a total of 11 things including the 10 dollar flip flops my dress for the ceremonony and some other realllly cool tops. CAN U BELIEVE THAT? There were some AMAZING sales like 50%off 65% off 40% off plus an additional 15% off. ANd there were like 4 or 5 racks of stuffed clothes for 65& off. LEt me tell thank god we went to the mall yesterday, I dont think I am ever going to get a good a deal as that. My enzo shoes were how much were they 50 dollars and thats pretty good figuring that they are not only going to be used for the prom but also for the graduation ceremony, I'm gonna use my nine west black heels for the trophy ceremony. (I must sound like a complete shop-a-holic plastic ditz who only cares about clothes and her looks-I'm sorry if I do, but u know what sometimes my mom cares more about how I look then I do) Anywho, I think the only really extravagant thing my mom bought for me yesterday was the lace up white platflorm but they are not ugly platform (u know what I gotta put a pic of them in here I just have to because my description is not doing them justice in the least bit)(Can i put pics even though im not upgraded...i wonder)they were um 65 dollars cuz they just came out. I told my mom to wait until they go on sale but shes like no thats ur graduation present and i told her again mom we'll get it when it goes on sale but she still got it for me. I tell u I have no idea why that women loves me so much....well I am the 6th baby after 5 miscarriages. Well anywho after that lovely shopping and being loaded down with 6 bags (My mom did get stuff to, she got a top from Rampage and like 3 pairs of shoes too I think the total on shoes 200 or 300 dollars god I'm sounding like a millionaire and that cannot be farther than the truth) on the way to drop off the bags in the car we passed TRAFFIC (another shoe store) but its was 9:30 and they were closed :( and I saw the cutest sandles that I reallllllly want. can U believe that i might even be willing to take back the top i bought on thrusday the one with my favorite draping sleeves to get those shoes they are on sale for 30 dollars? I think im going shoe crazy. ANywho, Oh yea before prom at about 5 im going to this department store and this lady is going to give me a make over (oh goodness help me dont make me look like a freak). the lady said it would only take 30 mins and from there my mom is going to take me to MEC's house where i change and die of complete nervousness and from these we go in a limo to the banquet hall where we (or atleast most of us)are doing to dance the night away! YAY! Oh I forgot in the morning of prom I'm going to go do my hair again this time in a pretty style. All I know is that its going to be up. :) Ok anywho after we dropped off the bags we bought a ridiculous amount of Ms.Fields cookies 8 to be exact, I mean what in the hell are 2 people one who thinks shes fat that is a little overweight and a 14 year old girl that also thinks shes fat...well not all the time going to do with 8 not normally sized cookies. I guess the buy 6 get 2 free got to us lol. We saw About a Boy with Hugh Grant that is his name right? The movie was sooooo funny and cute, i love all the british accents and there was some irish ones tooo, I was like YAY! It was really good but the one part where the mom commits suey (my nick name for suicide) and then her son is at the park and shes at home and when she commits suicide he sees her waving at him from across the like and then she disappeats scared the living marbles out of me (wait I dont have marbles like my friend CA but I still like the saying). I was so freaked out that it even scares the shit out of me now, especially since I dont have my tv, on the beautiful distracting noise of fakeness and lies, oh click its going on. When she waved my moms goes 'she died' I was like shit. But overall the movie was really funny and I give it 5 thumbs up or is it only 2 oh welll. WEll we got home at midnight and after walking my doggy brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed although I had thought about going on stories I was too tired. COME ON we were out all day. Oh shit its 2 and I'm still not asleep. f***erty and I wanted to tell u about my day today....Jessy screamed at me on the phone well not really screamed but I kinda didnt bother her for the rest of the night. I said something about how she doesnt have aol instant messenger and she got really pissed, even started cursing in spanish-thats never a good thing, hold on I just remembered that I had to put my stuff for the decade project in my bookbag hold on-ok done I still dont have the honeymooners but since my father refuses to talk to me...it actually kinda hurt just a tiny bit today because I wanted to invite him to both of my awards ceremony but when i asked my little sister shes 4 to put my dad on shes like no im like out him on and shes like no no no he doesnt want too. so then she put my step mom on and I go to her esta papi and shes like esta acostado and im like oh and shes like tu sabes. Its like yea i know, i know he doesnt want to talk to me because he's still mad and guess what? I dont even remember what the f*** hes angry at. Oh well, not my problem hes missing out on this part of my life. Its not like I need him. Anywho back to JG-like i said she was cursing in spanish and then she said that she doesnt like that kinda stuff and would I stop getting into her personal life. (ANd JG if ur reading this u decide whether u want to tell me u read this or not). That really hurt. I'm her friend arent I suppose to be in her personal life....arent I part of her personal life? I guess since I'm so happy with the internet, well not everything, but with Stories and Instant Messenger, more so stories than anyhting, that I just want to share that happiness with her. But she doesnt like that sorta thing and has told me that i would finsih my h.w. a lot earlier if I wasnt on the internet so much. Oh well I think whatever brings joy to my heart I should do, so I do it. There was a silent time after that and then she started talking about the lakers aganist i dunno and dont care and how the lakers one and how shaq is a bulldozer and then of all this other stuff as if nothing happped and I just felt really weird after all that. But for some reason sometimes I cant not be on the phone or on the internet talking to someone....its like I need some one with me. Well whatever. I'm happy that I'm done with my rrl-no more for the rest of the year YAY!!! and my math h.w. is as done as its going to get. U should be really proud of me cuz I did it straight without going on stories or watching t.v. :) YAy...im watching the cosby show...i like it its a sweet show. I think I should go to beddy bye now. Its so releiving having a journal where I can say anything I want to say whenvever I want to say it however I want to say it and no one can do anything about (HAHAHHHAHAHAHAH) lol sorry about that. WEll talk to u tommo.....and plz hope that the science thing isnt due tommorrow . :)
The EVer Busy Poetessa :)

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/170862-really-long-entry-combo-of-sat--sun-shopping-and-fighting