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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/170475-A-zero
by Seaoh
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #431565
L.I.F.E. L-ove I-ndividuality F-or E-ver, hehe :)
#170475 added May 31, 2002 at 11:41pm
Restrictions: None
A zero
Friday May 31,2002
THANK GOODNESS ITS FRIDAY!!!! CAn u believe it? Guess what I thought today was the 30th and every where on the internet I would see 31st and I thought it was midnight or something but it was only like 10:30 and I was like it must be a different time zone until I checked my caledar then I was like whooopsie!!! What a good one! I'll live up to my name, little miss ditz after all. :) Anyways I cant talk long because I want to add some folders and stuff to my port :). I got invited to MW's pool party/end of the year party and SM invited my to her cousins 2nd bday. I really want to go to the pool party to show off my bathing suit and acutally go in the water...well actually I really dont want to go because I dont want to shave.......it itches!!!!!!!But at the same time I still dont have shoes for my prom or a dress for the graduation shoes at CP and thats not good. Also I was going to do my hair tommo (blow dry it, the lady i go to is always busy so we have to go early and it takes like 4 hours cuz they put u in rollers and then under that round blow dryer thingy that almost made me faint the first time i used it for like an hour maybe more, probably just a bit more for me cuz my hair is kinda long but not like long...its in layers but i cut it in layers in x-mas time so my hair is longer. after ur hair is finally done and u've been in the Sahara desert for long enough then the lady blow drys ur hair.....this doesnt take long...me and my mom agree that the lady could do a better job in the blow drying department....we think shes lazy. Anywho other than sitting under that crap for a long time I hate when they have to wash ur hair cuz the place the lady uses is an apartment so they use this weird sink that u have to hold this plastic thingy around ur neck so the water doesnt go all over the place.....and guess what all the times I have been there i have gotten wet....like one time the water went straight into my pants.....UGHHHH....and it happens to me all the time!!!!!!)ANywho my mom wants to take me to get my hair done tommo b/c 1 we have those little ceremonies next week (prom's saturday and I HAVE NOOOOO SHOES) and 2. the lady is not open on sudays......arG....lets see if we can go on monday or something cuz i hate not being able to wash my hair for a long period of time...ewww just the thought!!!! Anywho...today i came up with something or atleast I think I came up with something its just that my mind works very strangely....if i;m reading something for like a test or something...lets say history I cant remember anything but when i'm rading something else that im not forced to memorize I memorize it. For instance if I read a passage and they tell me to put it in my own words only some of it will be mine the rest of it will be what the passage had and its like i want to use a big word so i think of one and it turns out to be the one they used in the passage..and I dont do it on purpose and so sometimes I'll realize that a quote I wrote comes from something I read ages ago and I stored because it was of some significance and for some reason it just decided to resurface. SO today I came up with this:
natural born tears
natural born fears

polluted tears
polluted fears

The polluted tears part came when I was walking my doggy and it was raining and I was thinking how it wasn't even safe to drink rain water that use to be the purest water of all. THe natural born part came from soemthing I was watching on MTV or VH1 I think it was VH1. they were showing the best lips, legs, butt, and all that stuff of the celecbrities and if Im not mistaken they were talking about whether or not the abs are natural born.....or no I think they were talking about something else...OH I DONT REMEMBER. A poem will most probably come out of these lines but seeing as i dont have any time :( cant believe I just said there was no time to write. WEll I gotta go fix my port.
P.S. oh yea I got a zero (which equals 2 F's) in french because I forgot to bring my workbook last friday so i had to give it to her on wednesday (no school monday remember) and I'm worried that my grade will drop because of that f***ing zero. I've gotten straight a's except for this zero and I had a chance to do an extra credit and I was attemping to atleast get the info last night (u had to find info on french cuisine)that way I could write about it in the morning or something but I literally fell asleep while i was on the net..i didnt even say bye to the people i was talking too because i fell asleep while they were talking to me. I wanna cry for being such a dumbass and not doing the x-tra credit. I'm so stupid-i hate myslef. I'm going to get a B because of my absentmindedness....I'm going to glue all the books I need to bring for next week to my butt so i wont forget them.

© Copyright 2002 Seaoh (UN: poetessa at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/170475-A-zero