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My life... Have to deal with love, friendship, school and last, but not least, pressure... |
it's been a while since I've written last, and I dunno how, but I asked joe if he liked hanne... He said no, and I said it was roumours at the school that said it, so I got away with it :)
At a thing my class and me was on, I saw hanne's messenges on the mobile, and there were 7 from joe... It has the same styles as mine, so maybe he's just good friends with both of us... Anyway... On friday, we have gym with the class joe's in...he sisn't have gym, cause he was a bit sick... Anyway... I sat down with him, and we talked for an hour or so, and the teacher said that I should do something, but I ran away and hidden myself in a thing, where joe sat, and I didnt had gym at all, I just sat there with joe... I got really happy after that day... I mean, talking IRL beats the Internet chat BIGTIME!!! :) I hope the next gym class will be as fun as the last! WEEEHOOO!!! Yesterday I found the wedsite http://www.bmezine.com and I saw people that made scars on themselves, and that was BIG scars, so i made a little heart at my hand, and it became actually a bit goodlookin :) I'll make it nice! :) After christmas, I and Amy has decided to buy Emla cream and some sharp stuff, and pierce ourselves :) In the nose, eyebrow or navel... Iæm actually looking forward to doing this :) Anyway, I've been writing too much already... BYE! -TINA |