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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
We've upgraded Stories.Com's server hardware and implemented two
new features in the Stories.Com Store! --------------- Please Support Our Sponsor: --------------- *** Fax Machines ** Copy Machines ** Color LED Printers *** All at discount prices! Let one of our supply experts beat the price you are currently paying for your office machine supplies! Mention Stories.Com for the best discount! Call us today @ 1-800-553-0101... --- Visit our ALL NEW site! --- http://www.faxexpress.com/ --------------- Please Support Our Sponsor: --------------- I'm pleased to say that the migration from Stories.Com's old server to our new one went very well. All reported bugs have been corrected and we're completely finished! The upgrade to Stories.Com's infrastructure was extremely important. It added the computing horse power needed to keep pace with our amazing growth. It brings with it another level of data security, allowing us to mirror, up to the minute, the Stories.Com portfolio and member database. The server also allowed us to put in place a well developed plan for future scalibity. Of course this raises the costs of running the site, so I'll take a moment to also announce two great new features to the Stories.Com Store! - International Shipping is HERE! Stories.Com can now ship branded products to you anywhere in the world! Of course the shipping cost is a little bit higher... but well worth it to be one of the first on your continent with the latest Stories.Com gear! - Pay With Gift Points! The ability to pay for your store purchase with gift points has been added to the payment options within the store. While you are able to do this from the "Gift Points" page, shopping at our store is simpler and the shipping is correctly calculated. Please remember: Support Stories.Com by visiting our sponsors so that we may continue to bring you more innovative features! Fax Express, Inc. @ http://www.FaxExpress.Com/ Thanks for your continued support of Stories.Com; please enjoy these additions! ~~ The StoryMaster ![]() ![]() Stop by the Stories.Com Store! It helps to support
us so we can add more great features, like signatures! http://www.stories.com/main/store.php |