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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #165682
This is my [somewhat] daily journal!
#110638 added May 31, 2001 at 2:17pm
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I may win the glasses [02-28-01]
HI THERE! As the title states, I may win the Trigun sunglasses. With only 40 minutes left, and myself being the highest bidder.. its quite plausable. I hope so. I REALLY want them!! Sure, its gonna cost me my ENTIRE paycheck, but its worth it. So without further adu..let me get onto my journal.

Last night. Well.. last night was cool. I had found someone to work for me (I think I mentioned that earlier) so I had the day off. My father, sister and I went to Wal-mart, just to look around. We ended up buying some DVDs, included in the list was Highlander 4: End Game. I was pretty excited. I love the Highlander series, and movies..although, I will admit, some of those movies are just bad.

When we arrived home, we found out Sheila was going to drop by again. So we tidyed up the house a little bit, and waited. Actually, we watched That 70's Show and Titus. After they were over, we decided to watch Disc 1 of the Highlander movie. (it comes with two discs, each with a different ending to the movie). It wasn't that bad.. about 35 minutes into the movie, Sheila showed up. This time, she actually saw my room (whcih was a lot messier than it was the day I cleaned).. but not for long. We were looking for pictures of Ronald.. and I found out that my planner doesn't have any. We went into the main room, printed out a few, and she left with im. Nothing too big.

With Sheila's departure, we watched some more, and finished, the movie. I will say, that out of the 4 Highlander Movies, this one has to be second. I liked it. I was rather disappointed in...well, I won't say it in case you've never seen it.. but yeah.. For those who have seen it, you probably know what i'm talking about. Poor poor Conner MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod.

After finishing the movie, I got ready to go to bed, and found myself chatting with Matt and Chauncey. This always happens. hehe..right before im' about to go to sleep, something will happen that will prevent me. I'm too easilly distracted from the mission (of going to bed :P). Oh well. After Matt left, Chauncey followed, as did I. Zzzz

-Before School-
YES! I had 2 extra hours to sleep. We had some horrible ICE RAIN mix last night, that went on all night long. School was delayed for two hours. More time for me to sleep! YEEES!! Ok, so not TOO good. The sidewalks were nothing BUT ice. Its hard to even walk... grr.. I wish I could float.. EVEN THE GRASS was just as icy as the sidewalks. Thats just freakin strange.

Because of the delay, we didn't have 1st or 2nd periods. (Math and English for those who don't know). I was so happy. I didn't finish my math last night, and I really didn't want to start my research paper.

I was pretty much the first one in. I decided to just sit around on the heater until someone showed up. (actually, I was on the computer for a small bit, too, looking up my e-bay auction). I thought for awhile that Jenni-dono would be gone..but she arrived--eventually. We just sat on the heater and talked, and watched more of the "Founding Fathers" video that we watch ever-so-often. Its not really that boring, but its not the greatest either.

Even before I could GO to 4th, I had to go to a room and fix a computer. Actually, I just had to hook up a printer. Took 5 or so minutes (mainly because we couldn't find a printer cable). When I got to class, Matt and I talked through email, until Andy showed up in the web chat I made. So we talked on there until 4th hour ended.

Actually.. I can't really remember what I did in 5th. ugh. I do remember talking to Karen, and bugging her about her MSN (Hehe).. Oh..and well, towards the end, we went to go get her something to eat. Of course, they wern't open, so we just stood around and talked. :P

SOF.. with Jenni-dono and Karen. This was strange... I didn't want to just... annihilate them, so I made myself my own personal handi-cap. I would only use the Vash Gun. (which is less powerful than the shotgun, and rocket launcer, and a few others). So that helped, a little.. I think. I know Karen used to play Quake, so the game couldn't have been too hard for her to adapt to, but.. I dunno about Jenni-dono. She seemd to be getting the hang of it towards the end though.

Randel showed up, which made things a lot harder. Now I had a handi-cap against a great player. I quickly dropped to second place. To be honest, I may brag about how good I am..but I think Randel may be better. We'll see whenever we get to play Quake in here. (which will be one-day). Within the last 5 minutes of class I just ignored my own handi-cap and grabbed the biggest gun I could find.. hehe.. ^^

Here is where the day gets sappy and all "lovy-dovy". Matt is gonna ask Nicole out. (at least, Matt if you're reaidng this, YOU BETTER)... and I was trying to give him suggestions on how to do it. I Don't care what ppl say, I AM NOT a CASANOVA!! Andy gave me that title last year, and its just..so untrue. I am one of the saddest loneliest ppl on Earth. I'll probably live and die single. (I havn't had a GF yet.. lol havn't even held hands for that matter) I now give the title to Matt.

Sitting here..writing this. Isn't that what I always do during 7th? Actually i'm watching over my auction like a mad wolf over its dinner. Watching..Waiting... 21 minutes left.. grrr..

As always, I shall write about the rest of the day and most of the next, tomorrow.

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