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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/110636-Remember-Me-02-26-01-cont
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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #165682
This is my [somewhat] daily journal!
#110636 added May 31, 2001 at 2:14pm
Restrictions: None
Remember Me [02-26-01 cont.]
(note. These journals were copied from my "scribble" counterpart, which is why I refer to a lot of scribble stuff in it)

Hi there all you happy scribble people! Even if you're not a scribble person and are just passing through, I still welcome you! This is my little space to write my own personal feelings, and (more often) the transcription of a day. IF I ever talk about you in here, please don't take offense. If you do take offense, and want me to remove it, just give me a fake name to replace ya with and you'll never see your real name in here again. OK! With that in order, its time to get on with it.

I arrived at school today, with barely enough time to get to class.

WEEEE! Math! This math set has tons of new problems. We spent the ENTIRE hour working on NEW problems. I hope this isn't how its gonna be in college. (My sophmore year, i'll be taking Calculus 2 and all sorts of nasty math courses!) If it is, I may be calling my math teacher and pray she will tutor me... -_-

At this point in time, i'd like to remind my readers that I was still barely able to move and talk. With that in mind... I came out of math class and found Chauncey walking alone. I asked him where Matt was, and he responded about how Matt was so slow that he couldn't wait up with him. I looked behind him, and found Matt, Sean, and Jenni-dono walking slowly out the doors. Turning back to Chauncey I just nodded.

Matt stopped to talk, and after a few minutes (and me being almost completely silent) they decided to walk on.

English. Not the place I wanted to be. Thankfully, though, I had my "mini" research paper finished. I was kinda laughing when the teacher told us that we had 15 minutes to "trade papers" and "peer edit." So thats what I did ^.^ I let Jessica read it once, and then let Amy read it. Both said it looked good (except for some percentages I needed to SPELL OUT). That was a relief. The rest of the hour was spent looking over "real" research paper topics that we will need to do. (Its a HUGE list...but not very many INTERESTING topics..and the way she plans to see who gets what is gonna be god-awful. I hope I just live through it without being stabbed in the back!)

I needed to get a paper signed, for some scholarship, so I quickly did that. When I got back, I found out that the teacher wanted us to "act out" congress. She broke us all into little groups (Sean, Jenni-dono, Johnny, and a few others were in mine) and gave us "bills" that we "wanted" passed. We had to amend them, and then we discussed each one..and aruged until a vote was casted. (strangely, my group was the only one who didn't get their bill passed.. but then again, the other bill that was passed had America at war with three other countries..)

WEeeeeEeee... Ok, by this time.. I was starting to wake up. I thought I wasn't gonna make it for awihle..but I managed to. This hour, like always, is kinda boring. Today I was too tired to even get out of the office once I was in it. I just emailed whoever I needed to talk to, and waited for a responce. Sure, its kinda slow.. and since my computer wasn't checking for mail until I almost closed it, it made things even more unbearable.

This is where my work actually begins (and ends :P). I had to update my little rotating banner script with all the new information. After I was done with the banner, I noticed that Anne was in the room, working on her research paper(her outline to be exact). She was having quite a horrible time with it..so I helped her. I think she was impressed. ^.^ She said she "loved me" and needed to "take me home" hehe.. Oh bah, only for my smarts. That's all im good for anyway.

As always, Jenni-dono was the first to arrive. And here is where the title of this scribble comes into play. She told me she wanted stuff from me, for a book she will make. The book will have stuff from all her friends so that she can remember them. I am stuck on what to give her. I have a poem laying around.. some lousy drawings..but this isn't the kind of stuff that will make me stand out from the rest. (Yes, i'm one of those ppl who just HAVE to leave the biggest impression). I want some help in deciding. If you (yes YOU!) see this before MARCH 15th, send me a quick email at oddeye@hotmail.com and give me advice on what I should give her! She even mentioned that I could burn her a CD with stuff... so this leaves it to even more options (CDs can hold a lot of stuff ya know!) So.. anyway..

We all (excluding Jenni-dono who will refuse to play 0.o) played SOF! I won't lie and say i'm THE best, cause Randel is pretty DANG GOOD! He was first place for quite some time.. (and may have been for the entire thing, if the server didn't mess up on me). Thats about all Lunch consisted of..

-6th & 7th-
Yes, these two hours were so boring and uneventful that I just decided to throw them together. Mr. Rackler left during 6th, leaving me by myself in this huge dark..scary computer lab.. on a LAN... *drools* I mean *wipes drool* Yeah. Pretty boring.

I am now off on my way home.. in which, I will have to quickly change and get ready for work.. (until 11 tonight!) I pray I get time to eat.. if I don't.. i'm not gonna make it. I always skip eating food at lunch..and by the end of 7th, I feel like I havn't eaten in weeks. (I eat like Son Gokou..and anyone who has seen me eat, agrees..heheheh...)

Actually, I think i'm gonna see if Cali wants to work for me. She was asking for more hours, so maybe she can work half my shift.. or something. I have some math problems I REALLY need to get done, and as it currently stands.. I won't have a chance. We'll see. I shall write again. Until then.. Ja Na.

© Copyright 2001 James (Himura) (UN: rurouni at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
James (Himura) has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/110636-Remember-Me-02-26-01-cont