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Rated: 18+ · Book · Adult · #2329840
A woman tries to find herself and security in a small town.
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#1081470 added December 24, 2024 at 7:21pm
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Chapter 10
Chapter 10

There were more people at the Town’s General Meeting than Lilian had thought there would be. They waited outside until the Council had their own meeting.

“I hope that Father Green is as successful with getting funds for the Parish School as he was fundraising for the Motel,” one woman said, “I don’t know where I’m going to go to get Tim and Sharon Confirmed this year.”

The woman next to her kind of smiled, “I take me two every week but, it’s not like it used to be. We prayed at home for Christmas and Easter, but they were the only two days we went to Church. Still, it would be nice to have a place where my two can learn about their religion.”

Lilian walked around the crowd just listening. “I never found much time for religion, but if that’s what someone wants, I won’t object.”

The consensus seemed to for the Parish School as Lillian listened. As the doors opened and they were let in Lillian hoped that the Council could be persuaded to that line of thinking.

Mayor Flemming called the meeting to order.

“Good evening everyone,” she said, “We have quite a crowd. I’m sure that most of you are thinking about John Sheppard. I have been talking to him. There were no injuries in the fire, and, from what I know, little damage. Father GReen as been good enough to hold some Bingos to raise money for the repairs. We are all so thankful for him. The Town Council, of course, supports Mr. Sheppard fully.”

The meeting droned on with various issues being brought up. A few rezoning issues were discussed. There were a few applications for permits and repairs to town business establishments.

Lillian's stomach clenched. Should she stand up? Should she stay quiet? That annoying voice from her past reared his ugly head.

You're so stupid. Of course they don’t want to hear what you have to say.

Stop it Andrew! Stop it!

“Is there any new business?” Mayor Flemming asked.

Lillian pulled herself to her feet using the chair in front of her.

“Lillian,” Dawn said in a worried tone, “Are you alright?”

“Yes Your Worship,” Lillian said, “I am here on behalf of all those that want to see a Parish School in this town, and all those that want to see this town prosper.” She looked and every eye was on her. The faces were encouraging, not accusing. She started to relax.

“And what would you like to tell us?” Dawn asked.

“That the tragic fire at Grand Rock Motel has shown me what this town can do when we pull together. This issue does not have to divide us.”

She paused. “Go on Honey,” a voice behind her said.

“Yes, “ Dawn said, “Please go on.”

“We can pull together and have both the Parish School and the event venus. Your Worship this town is deserving of promotion and all the benefits it can bring. The children are deserving of the knowledge of their religion and the support of Father Green in moving ahead in their religious endeavors.”

Dawn’s voice held a bit of ice, “This town’s survival is paramount, Ms. Dwyer.”

“It is,” Lillian nodded, “And the welfare of the families of this town is just as paramount. This town is for them, after all. We, all of us, need to care for each other’s emotional, physical, and spiritual welfare. To do that we need to pull together.”

“What do you suggest?” Dawn asked.

“I know Tina Eustace. I can arrange for her to let us use the Estate for a..,Christmas Extravaganza. Everyone would be welcome and the proceeds go to the purchase of the Estate by both the Town and the Parish,” Lillian answered.

Dawn thought for a minute. “We can do that. We can do both.’

The rest of November was spent organizing the Extravaganza. The Town featured it in their newsletter. Father Green mentioned it very Sunday at Mass. Lillian was on the phone everyday planning and getting supplies that the Town couldn’t provide from vendors in St. John’s.

The Saturday of the Extravaganza dawned cold but clear. Lilian and Linda drove to the Eustace Estate. John followe a few minutes later. He was all smiles. Between the town and insurance the Grand Rock Motel was up and running again. He even had a few rooms booked for bands, from the Town of Conception Bay South, that were playing in the Extravaganza.

The mansion looked beautiful. Tina had hired people to decorate the outside with lights and garland. The inside was even more striking with garland everywhere and the biggest Christmas Tree Lillian had every seen in the ballroom.

After everyone had walked through and delighted at the amazing decorations, Tina rang a little bell. Everyone quieted down.

“Everyone has done such a great job. I am so proud of all of you. No Christmas Extravaganze would be complete without a proper Christmas Dinner. Follow me.”

The long dining table was laid out with a number of Poinsettias and candles. Everyone seated and volunteers from Grand Rock started bringing out platter after platter of sumptuous dishes. Christmas Goos was stuffed and accompanied by farm grown vegetables both from the Estate farm and farmers in the area. Everyone’s stomach was full afterwards, but their mouths watered when they smelled the various Steam Puddings that finished off the meal.

Every crowded into the ballroom. The fist act was already setting up. The crowd enjoyed music from so many local bands plus poetry readings, skits and a traditional Irish dance. Mahy local acts had taken advantage of the Extravaganza to showcase their talents.

Lillian saw Dawn Flemming standing by the door of the ballroom.
“It is a wonderful party,” she said as she approached Dawn.

“It’s amazing, Lillian. I thought that the way to keep this town going was just money. That is important, but we wouldn’t have any town without these people.’

“Dawn,” Lillian said, “This Estate is big enough for both the Town and the Parish.”

“I know,” Dawn answered, “Father Green and I had a long chat. He only wats it once a week and, maybe for anything special he wants to hold for the kids. We will work it out. Lillian I want to invite you to function as the Parish/Town liaison. We will need to work out some issues as this goes on.

Lilian did create a new position on the Town Council. With negotiations the Eustace Estate was mortgaged by both the Grand Rock Town Council and The Council of St. Michael’s Parish in Grand Rock.

Personalized ehh
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