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Fictional story |
The morning they were all leaving, Jacob and Harold were able to say their goodbyes. They head out of town. As they got to the edge of town, the man that confronted Jacob at the library appeared as if out of no where and asked him where he was going. Jacob still felt uneasy about him and answered, "I am going to do some hunting with my friends here. I've been away for awhile and figured I would enjoy myself for a while before having to find work again. Have you found your man yet?" The man jeered, "I think I am looking at him, but I still can't prove it. When I can prove it, I'll be coming after you even if I have to enlist a whole army to do it. Did you know you were the only one to check out the book about the locket?" I guess people aren't too interested in history as much these days." Jacob replied. "Oh, people are interested in history. Just not that history. I still think you know more than you let on. Enjoy your hunting trip, but do hurry back." The man said with an wicked laugh. Jacob and his men rode their horses up the road a way and then James spoke up, "You don't think he really knows do you?" Jacob replied, "Unfortunately, even if he knows, I can't let it get to me. Before I go any further, I want to make sure we are all commited to this cause, Even you 3 men that I hired." Jacob went back over all the information, his true identity, what he was truly about to do, and admitted his guilt of stealing the forbidden book. "Does anyone wish to back out? Do it now. We will become wanted men and enemies of the king. If we succeed, we can recover the kingdom and make it a better place. If we fail, not only could we face torcher and death, anyone associated with us could be in danger of the same fate. I want to make sure we are all perfectly clear on our goal and of the risks. I tell you now because we will be risking our lives and reputations. Are you all with me?" Slowly one by one, they answered, "Yes!" Jacob asked, "Do you believe in the cause?" They all agreed, "Yes!" Everyone rode on in quiet thought not knowing what lay ahead. This had put everyone in a somber mood as they all thought about what they just got themselves into. Jacob felt the heaviest heart because he knew he had to put other lives at risk, but he felt a bit better by being completely honest with them. He was hoping not many lives would be lost, but he knew this quest was deadly. After a while, Francis spoke up. "What's an adventure, guys, without some danger involved? If we succeed, we will all be heroes. Speaking for myself, if I don't suceed, Then I die for a cause I believe in and in great company." "Thanks" Jacob said. James added, "Hey, we have been best friends since we first started school together. We'll be best friends to the end." "Yes, we have" Jacob replied. The hired men had started talking amongst themselves and the friends began remnising about old times as they rode on. As the sun began to go down, they began to look for a place to sleep over night. They determined they were close enough to the next town that they would sleep there. The next morning, the mood had lightened some. They had stayed in a couple of tents on the edge of town. The men grabbed some grub as they traveled through the town and traveled another half day before they came to the edge of the mountain. There was suposed to be a cave towards the middle of the mountain on the other side of it. They had planned to just go up to the top where the guardian was to be found and assess the situation. As they started to ascend, it began to rain. The men pressed on. As the began to get closer to the top, they began to hear a quiet rumble. They thought it might just be thunder, but wasn't quite sure. The rumble got louder as the got closer and closer to the top. They wondered what it could be. The rain finally stopped, but not the rumble didn't. The men pressed on. As they began to get to the top, they discovered what the rumbling was. Under a very large lean to was a huge giant sleeping. Was this the guardian? The hid behind some brush while they contemplated what to do. It was determined since the giant was sleeping, 3 men would stay on this side of the mountain and the other 3 would proceed. The 3 friends proceeded and left the hired men behind. They snuck around the giant to reach the other side. They stayed mostly in the brush to stay as hidden as possible. The mountain was not tall enough to have a tree line. There were trees even on the top. They began making thier way back down the other side and hoped the giant would remain asleep until they got past him again. It wasn't too long when they came upon a cave hidden behind some vines. They wondered if it was the cave they were looking for and couldn't believe their good luck so far. The 3 friends entered the cave. A lamp was lit so they could see where they were going and began exploring the cave. It was narrow in some places and they had to travel a few yards before coming to a large opening into a larger room in the cave. If this was the right cave, they had to search behind every nook and cranny in this room. There wasn't really anything to mark a hiding place, they would have to look carefully. On a stalagmite at the other side of the room, Jacob noticed a reflection of light. Upon closer inspection, he found a chain with a small pouch attached. Inside the pouch was a riddle. Looking for the Queen's locket? Check the stream in the town of Hocket. At the hour of noon, you will want a spoon. Dig at the base of the old Oak Tree. Another piece you will see. How did they get so lucky? Now they had to make their way back past the giant. They quickly found where the gaint as lain, but he wasn't there. Where could he be? There was no more rumbling. Their hearts began to race as they sensed danger. All of a sudden, the ground shook. Then they saw a tree fall near by. There was the giant. He had one of the hired men dead in his large hand, and he threw him down to the ground by his fire. Was he going to eat him? They didn't want to find out. Suddenly, they didn't feel so good. How were they going to get out now? If they left their cover, the giant could see them. Yet, he was bound to discover them if they stayed there. They needed a plan and they didn't know if the other 2 hired men were alive or dead. As they were debating about what to do next, the other 2 men staggered up to try to save the other man that was already dead. When the giant saw them, he lunged towards them. The 3 men decided to make thier move now. The ran to safety at the other side of the giant's lean to. They didn't know how they could save the other 2 men. They watched in dismay as the giant killed the other 2 men also. They decided to just run for it before the giant killed them next. The sun was beginning to set as the tired men made their way to the bottom of the mountain. They were still a bit in shock at watching the death of the other 3 men unfold. They never found the other horses either. Fortunately, theirs were right where they had left them. They decided to make camp there for the night. Each man was in deep thought as the reality and danger of the situation began to sink in. Jacob felt horrible that they experienced his first casualties. Jacob finally spoke up. "Wow! What just happened back there? How do I tell their families that they are gone? I can't tell them I was looking for this locket. i had said we were going hunting and in a way we were. But what do I tell them?" Francis replied, "I don't know. I don't even want to think about it. They agreed to face the danger though. You gave them a chance to turn back." James added, "Yeah, they did have that oportunity and agreed to continue with us. Why don't you just tell the families that they were killed by a wild beast while we were out hunting?" Jacob replied, "Yeah, I could tell them that." They all 3 sat in the tent chatting and eating some jerkey that they had brought with them. The 3 friends decided that they would each write letters to each of the 3 dead men's families before they continued on their journey. They knew they would need to hire more help eventually. The reality of the fact that none of them may not make it out alive weighed heavily on them as they each wrote their letters the next morning. These men left around noon to head for the town they had passed through on the way to the mountain. They decided to come back home and make an appearence after the death of the 3 men so as to not bring anymore attention to themselved than necesssary. When they made it to the next town, they sent their letters off and then continued on home. They rode straight through the night as they just wanted to put this trip behind them. They agreed to meet in the woods the next day to decide what they should do next. As soon as they got home, they all checked in with their loved ones and their personal business. The next day, they met in the woods as planned. Jacob asked, "When do you think we should take the next steps?" James was the first to speak up. "I think we should attend the memorial services and you should pay the families what you were going to pay the men." Next week after all this dies down. then we can continure our quest. Jacob said, "Let's meet here again a week from today and go from there. In the meantime, maybe we should make some arrangements for our loved ones just in case we don't make it. I don't want to hire any more people from this town." They all agreed that would be the best course of action. The next week was difficult, but also a good chance to rest up for the next trip they would make. After one of the memorial services, the man from the library, approached Jacob again. "It's suspicious that you go on a hunting trip with 3 living men and return claiming they are dead. Where are their remains?" Jacob replied, "I don't know that there are any. They were attacked by a wild beast." "So, I heard." The man sneared. That beast wouldn't happened to have been a giant would it?" Jacob couldn't hold his gaze. "I didn't see what kind of beast it was. It was large. I guess it could have been a giant, a bear, or anything. It was dark. I didn't get a good look at it." "Rumors are going around about you again. Some people say that you went to look for the Queen's lost locket. Then there is word from the mountain people in the west that someone survived the giant. The giant is angry and going on a rampage. These things conveniently happen at convient times with you." ![]() ![]() |