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Rated: 18+ · Book · Adult · #2329840
A woman tries to find herself and security in a small town.
#1079465 added November 5, 2024 at 6:11pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3
The next day it dawned bright and sunny. It seemed like the perfect day for anything referred to as a “Family Fun Day”. The anxiety of yesterday was forgotten as Lillian and Linda packed a picnic lunch. Linda explained that there would be concession stands, but she always likes packing her own as well.

“The concessions change every year, so I like making sure I pack something that I definitely like,” she had explained to Lillian.

They had decided on tuna salad, Some pasta salad and a thermos of lemonade. It sounded delicious to Lilian. They laughed and joked as they boiled the pasta and mixed the salad. Grocery shopping has even been a laugh. Linda seemed to be trying extra hare to keep Lilian’s mind busy. As much as Linda appreciated it, she still felt guilty. Today, though, was all about fun. They packed up the minivan and started to what Linda called the Common. It turned out to be a large field with picnic tables and play park equipment. There was plenty of room for the various concession stands that offered every manner, it seemed, of scrumptious smelling food. Lilian smelled hot dogs, french fries, steak. The din of the sizzle filled the sunny day like a swarm of bees. Lillian loved it. A man with salt and pepper hair was handing out what looked like programs for the event.

“Hi Father Green,” Linda greeted him when they approached, “This is my friend Lillian. She just moved here.”

Father Green put out his hand warmly, “It's nice to meet you Lillian,” he said, “This is just the place to meet new people. Here’s a program each. There will be a band later on. Enjoy the games and food in the meantime.”

“Eric and his brother’s,” Linda asked.

“Just so,” Father Green answered.

They thanked him and moved on.

“Eric and his brothers?” Lilian asked.

“Eric Eason and his brothers. The Grand Rock Quartet. No one very told them that it requires four members to be a quartet. He sings and all three paly guitar. They always choose the best songs to do renditions of. It should be a god laugh if nothing else.” Linda put her arm around Lillian.

Lillian had grown up not having the chance for many of these events. The revelled in the gaiety and fun of it all. The Quautet arrived, and, sure enough, there were three of them. They set up an a raised bandstand in the middle of the field.

Lillian started thinking like an event planner. She hadn’t thought about work since leaving Andrew, but, out of the blue, it kicked in again. The event was being attended by a great many people, mostly families. It looked like the parish did try to keep interest in activities up in Grand Rock. She wondered if the Town Council put off events like this and how much. Linda had been right. She might be looking for work from these two bodies a great deal. She could do some business events too, until she established a name for herself here. She wanted to establish herself here. She watched as Linda greeted the people around them with a nod or a word and introduced Lillian to everyone. She was going to have to be that confident if she hoped to build the business here.

Did she want to build it here, or did she just want to feel safe. Lillian had to decide this, and Linda’s home was a good place to do that. She couldn’t impose for long, but she needed to get herself sorted out. She had gone for so long barely running a business or having a life because following orders was an essential. Now she made her own rules. She just had to figure out how to do that.

The activity muffled the sound of feet approaching from behind, and before she knew it, a man was beside her. Lilian jumped and Linda, who had moved away to get some food, rushed over. The look of worry in Linda’s eyes was heartbreaking.

A tall thin man stood next to Lillian. His reddish brown hair shone in the sunlight. Chocolate brown eyes looked directly at Lillian. She looked back concentrating to keep eye contact with him.

In a reassuring tone Linda said, “Lillian this is John Sheppard. He runs and owns Grand Rock’s only motel. The Grand Rock Motel, very appropriately.”

A look passed between Linda and John, and he put his hand out to Lillian. “Nice to meet you Lillian,” he said.

Lillian smiled shyly and took the hand, “Likewise. Have you lived here long?”
“My entire life,” John said, “My father opened the motel, and I took it over when he died. This is the best place to live and work as far as I’m concerned.’

“It’s nice so far,” Lillian answered, “I’m staying with Linda for the time being. I need to start looking for my own place.”

“There’s no rush,” Linda chimed in.

John looked around at the crowd either milling around the concession stands or playing the games. “Father Green surely attracts a crowd, doesn’t he?”

“He does,” Linda said, “It’s a beautiful day for it too.”

“I should go and try my hand at the horse shoes. These Church things are the only time I get to do it,” John said, “It was nice to meet you Lillian. I don’t suppose you’ll need a room, but stop by and see the motel when you can.’

“Sure,” Lillian said, “I would love that.”

When John moved on Lillian said, “He seems nice.”

“He is,” Linda answered,

Lillian noticed Father Green talking to everyone in an animated fashion.

“Does the Church need funds here,” she asked.

“Father Green wants to open a Parish School and is looking for the funds,’ Linda explained, “ The Archdiocese doesn’t help as much as they should.”

Lillian didn’t say it, but, figured that if the parish was in Town and bigger they would bend over backwards to help.

A girl with light reddish blond hair walked by, and Linda caught her by the arm. The girl smiled when she saw Linda.
She smiled even wider when she saw Lillian.

“You must be Lillian. Linda told me she had a friend coming to stay with her,” she said to Lillian, “Tina Eustace,” she put out her hand,

“Wonderful to meet you,” Lillian said and shook Tina’s hand. Tina’s gray eyes looked Lillian over openly.

“ Are you enjoying the Family Fun Day Lillian,” Tina asked.

“We just got here but it's a good time so far,” Lillian smiled.

“I hope Father makes a good amount,” Tina said.

“Well, let’s go and play some games to help out. Horse shoes looks interesting,” Lillian said.

Lillian, Linda and Tina laughed, talked and, generally, enjoyed themselves while they played horse shoe. Lillian had never played before and was surprised at how good she was at her first try. Tina’s gray eyes lit up with fun and joy as she played. Lillian got the feeling she knew how to play but hadn’t had for awhile.

In between games Lillian got curious. “Do you live in Grand Rock,’ she asked Tina.

Tina smiled one of the most lovely smiles. “No. Ontario. Sudbury specifically. My brother, Tim and I are trying to sell our house. Our parents are gone and the place is too big to just be using it every now and again. It’s the Eustace Place just outside of Grand Rock. We kept Dad’s business, but the house was just too much. Tim’ll be here soon to help me put the place on the Market. That’s why I’m here.”

“Oh, okay,” Lillian said, “You were so familiar with Father Green I thought that you lived here.”

“Father Green as been the parish priest here since we were young teenagers. He confirmed us, and he coached both of us at Soccer,’ Tina answered, “He wants to buy our house to use for the parish. I truly hope he gets the money. I would love to see it put to good use.”

“What’s he planning? I thought Linda said it was a parish school that he had in mind. I was in the market for a home, but maybe something smaller. It is just me,” Lillian said.

Tina’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Why don’t you come and take a look at the place tomorrow. Linda knows where the place is. She can give you a ride. I would love to show off the place while it's still ours.”

“I’d love to,” Lillian answered. She had never spent a lot of time in Grand Rock even though it was only twenty minutes away from Town. She would love to see more of it. Tina was delightful. The three of them would have a ball.

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