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Fictional story |
King Richard and Queen Ann were blissfully frolicking in the castle's front lawn. Their brand new baby boy who had been born only a couple of days ago was asleep in his crib in his room in the castle and the maid would watch him until they got back inside. They were enjoying a rare moment together since the child had been born. The kingdom was at a moment of rest. They had subdued all their enemies and the economy was thriving. King Richard was chasing Queen ann around some bushes and across the yard to a large Oak tree on the other side. They were close to the gate of the castle when all of a sudden, 2 arrows seemed to have come from no where and hit King Richard in the chest. Realizing what had happened, Queen Ann turned around and another arrow hit her in the back. Harold happened to be walking by just in time to see the arrows hit their marks. He ran towards the King and Queen to see if he could help them without giving it a thought. When he got to them, the king had already died. The queen was barely still breathing and spoke to him. Queen Ann knew she was dying. She grabbed hold of Harold and said, "Quickly, go to the castle, in the baby's room, make sure he is safe. Tell him we love him. His name is Jacob. Take him away from here to a safe place. There is a box under the bed. It is locked. Protect that information too. Make sure he gets it when he is old enough. The key is in the table by the bed in the first drawer. Please hurry and save our son!" She handed him a pouch with a medallion in it and a ring. "Give this to...to him" Then she fell over dead. Harold looked around. He could not see where the arrows had come from. He didn't want to stay there where he could be seen for long, but knew he wasn't likely a target. By this time people began running over. He didn't want to get caught up in the crowd so he began to sprint to the castle. Harold got to the huge doors of the castle and showed them the ring the queen had handed him to show he was on official business. They allowed him to enter. He quickly made his way to the King and Queen's quarters. He entered with the key the queen had given him and made his way to the baby's room. The maid was there tidying the baby's room quietly as the baby was still sleeping. Harold explained to the maid what had happened and what the queen had said to him. She agreed to help him get the child to safety. The maid carefully picked up the baby so as to not wake him and draped a blanket over him. The maid and Harold ran together to the other side of the castle with the baby. By this time, people were beginning to hear the new about the king and queen dying. She knew of a secret passage to the outside and led Harold through it. After a bit of winding, dimly lit tunnels, they came to the King's woods. The exit had been hidden just inside a cave with some thick foliage around it. She knew of a place they could take shelter temporarily at least and let him through the woods to a small but cozy cabin. They entered the cabin and secured the door. The maid said, "I will go back to the castle and grab some supplies and the box you mentioned now that we have baby Jacob safe. I wouldn't light the fireplace if I were you. I will be back as quickly as I can." Harold grabbed the maid's hand and said, "Thank you for your help. Be careful. I will take care of the baby until you return. Try to get back before dark." "I will and thank you too." The maid turned and ran out of the door. After a little time had passed, the baby began to wake up and fuss a little. Harold hoped she would hurry back. He knew he could not feed the little one and the whole thing made him feel uneasy. He walked back and forth and put his finger in the babies mouth to try to passify him for the moment. A little more time passed and the baby began to cry. He wasn't sure how to comfort the baby. He had no supplies so he just kept walking with the boy and talking to him. Finally, the maid returned and she had a bottle. She took the baby and began to feed him and he stopped crying. After the maid gave Jacob some milk in his bottle, she burped him and put a clean diaper on him. "What did you say your name was again?" She asked. I am Harold and I don't have anything to take care of a baby with. I just happened to be walking by the castle gates when everything happened. I am not fit to care for a royal child. I don't even have a place to live. What am I going to do with a baby, especially a King's son? I am sure everyone is wondering where he is right now, but the queen had said he was in danger. I have no idea what I am doing. My name is Hagar. I am just the maid. We should be safe here for tonight, but we probably shouldn't stay here for long. If I don't show up for work tomorrow, I am afraid they will get suspicious. I was able to stall them a little when I went back to the castle. I told them that the queen had hired a baby sitter. All they know is that there is a missing baby and baby sitter and the king and queen are dead. I finished cleaning and was able to sneak this bag out but would have brought suspician on myself if I had taken anything out of the castle. There is enough goats milk to feed Jacob tonight, but tomorrow will bring its own new set of challenges. We will need to figure out how to get you and Jacob to another town on the other side of the kingdom safely. I think I can sneak you out a little more goats milk and supplies, but after this, you will have to be on your own. I will go to work at the castle like normal tomorrow, see what the latest news is on the situation and bring the supplies to you after I leave to go home. The next day, Hagar went to work at the castle while Harold stayed at the cabin caring for Jacob. There was a lot of activity at the castle. People were wondering where the baby was and who was going to be king now. Authorities were scrambling to find the next of kin. In the meantime, The soldiers were doing what they could to keep order. Hagar hurried through her daily duties and answered more questions about what she knew of the king and queen's death. Once she was done, she gathered a small bag of supplies. She had to be careful not to take too much. However, she got a couple of changes of clothes and cloth diapers for the baby. She got some bread and water for Harold. She gathered some official documents Harold might need. She even managed to get a couple of changes of clothes for harold from the servants headquarters. One last thing, a map, She was able to get one from the castle's library. She grabbed something to cook for dinner from the kitchen. Then she was on her way back to the cabin. When she got back to the cabin, She found Harold asleep with the baby sleeping beside him. Hagar decided to make a warm dinner for harold tonight as he may not have another for awhile. She quickly prepared a vegetable stew and was setting the table when Harold woke up. Oh Hi. I didn't hear you come in. We were just taking a little nap." "I see" Hagar said. "I was going to wake you in just a few minutes. I made you some dinner. You will need your strength over the next few days to travel across the country." "Thank you. I won't argue with a good meal. Did you find out any news?" "I found out plenty. While the baby is still sleeping, why don't you come eat at the table and I will tell you about it. Harold made his way to the table and asked, "What did you cook? It smells good," "Vegetable stew. I was able to bring a few things from the castle. I would suggest you leave first thing in the morning out the back way. It will make travel an extra 5 miles, but it will be safer." By this time, Harold had a steaming bowl of stew in front of him. He blew across the spoon and took a small bite. After he chewed and swallowed the bite, he replied, "Its good. I don't have any money to travel with." "I thought of that. I have a small amount here that I was saving up for myself, but I want you to take it for your journey. I can earn more." Hagar replied. "I hate to take your money, but I guess I don't have much choice. I need to think of Jacob now. I really didn't want to be in this position." Hagar smiled at him and said, "Yes, I know, but you are and maybe it's for the best. Who would look for him with a homeless man. I know it's a hard life, but if it keeps young Jacob safe until he is old enough to pursue the thrown, then that is what we shall do. Send word to me will ya?" "Yes, I will send word but it may need to be in code. I will talk about the bundle you gave to me when we met previously. I don't want to be obvious even through messengers or written communication." "I think that will work just fine. I think whoever killed the king and queen would not hesitate to kill this helpless babe." "I think you are right. Who's cabin is this anyway?" "it is my uncle's cabin. He is away on a hunting trip. It won't be suspicious that I am here or have come here while he is away as I keep an eye on his place while he is gone." "Well, that's convenient. Thank you for all your help. I will get out of here before the sun is even up. I can leave through the woods. When I come to the river, I will go to Mason's curve to cross where it is more narrow. Then I will travel across country until I get to Havensville. I will stay outside of town there as long as it is safe." "That sounds like a good plan. Let me know after you've gotten there." As Harold finished his meal, he replied "Oh I will. I won't even tell him who he really is until he is old enough to do something about it." Hagar cleared the table and the babe began to fuss. She said, "I'll take care of him tonight. Go ahead and get some sleep. You are going to need it." Later in Havensville, Jacob ran down the street as it was raining. He had heard news about a new tax the king had place on the people. They were already so heavily taxed that they found it hard to make a living. He ran to the edge of town where the poor people's camp was located. He shared a small tent with his dad. He made his way to his tent. "Dad! Dad!" He yelled. Harold looked up from the coat he was repairing. "What son? I am right here. You don't have to yell." "Oh sorry Dad. Did you hear about the new tax the king has ordered everyone to pay?" Jacob asked. "Yes, I am afraid I have heard. I don't know how the king expects us poor people to live, but I will find a way to pay it. I am afraid we don't have much to eat tonight. I will make us some stone soup." "Dad, I am so hungry. I wish we had more." Jacob said. I sometimes, I want more too, but let's concentrate on being thankful for what we do have." Harold replied. "Now go get washed up and I will put on our soup." Jacob relunctantly replied, "Yes, sir!" He went to clean himself up. Harold put a stone in the pot, added some water, and put it over the fire to boil. He pulled out the 2 very worn out tin bowls for himself and Jacob. By this time, Jacob was back. "Son, you know your 16th birthday will be here soon. That's a special age in a boy's life. I think we can get together with a couple of your friends and do something different or kind of special. What do you think about that?" "I'd like that dad, but there isn't a lot we can do. What did you have in mind?" Jacob inquired. Harold smiled at him, "Well, I was thinking about getting with your friends and going to the library and checking out the history display they are putting up that day. It is free to attend." "Sounds kind of boring but I guess its better than nothing. Can we go fishing in the creek afterwards?" "I suppose that would be ok." Jacob anticipated his birthday. In the kingdom of Novem, a young man was considered an adult. He had already been helping his dad make some money after school. Now he could quit school and work full time and help his dad even more. He secretly fantisized about a better life, but his dad wouldn't let him dwell on big dreams. He always told him not to keep his head in the clouds, but be thankful for what he did have instead of focusing on what he didn't have. Jacob couldn't help himself, he always had a feeling he was destined for more than this. Jacob had his friends meet him at the library for the history exhibit, His friends were poor too and also had big dreams. They would spend time talking about their dreams when the adults weren't around. One friend had turned 16 2-weeks ago. The other one would be 16 next month. They stood talking about their future plans until Harold showed up with a package in his hands. He handed the package to Jacob, "Here, open this" Jacob was a bit surprised. "How could you afford to get me a gift?" "Don't worry about it. Just open it!" Harold was getting impatient. Jacob sheepishly opened the package. Inside was an old medallion. "What's this?" Harold replied, "It's an heirloom. It's been in the family for many years." "Wow! that's nice! Why have you not sold it to get money when we have needed it? I know its valuable even if it isn't polished." It is valuable, but it is not something one just sells for profit. It is very important to the family. I will tell you more about it after we are home and your friends go home." Harold declared. The group headed into the library without discussing the medallion anymore. The history exhibit was interesting. It told all about the kingdom over the last 1,000 years. When they got to the display concerning King Richard and Queen Ann, one of Jacob's friends mentioned that Jacob kind of looked like King Richard. Harold spoke up and quickly brushed the comment to the side, "I am sure its just a coincidence and there is no relation" The boys all looked at each other kind of strangely, but shrugged and moved on. Then there was the display about the current king and all he had been credited with while he had ruled the kingdom. The display told of how the castle had underwent a remodel. The taxes had raised but the king's buildings had all been improved on. The public and Townsend city buildings had all had improvements made. More jobs had been created because of this and therefore the economy had improved. The reality was that this new king was all about himself and not for the people. The "improvements" made all benefitted him. He oppressed the people. The truth was the taxes took half the commoner's pay. Times were tough and there wasn't a lot of help from the government. There were more and more poor people. Some of the people were giving themselves as slaves to the king just so they had food to eat every day. They sold all they had to the king and lived and worked for him. At least half the people had gone into slavery to the king. After the library, Harold surprised Jacob yet again. He braught the boys to Mr. McMillan's pond, He had done some work for the McMillan's in exchange for letting Jacob and his friend's go fishing where they could catch actual fish. Then he went to a set of bushes and pulled out some borrowed fishing gear and camping equipment. "Jacob, we are going to catch some fish and camp here over night. I've arranged it with Mr McMillan." "That's great!" Jacob exclaimed.(158) I'll actually get to eat" He said excitedly. They all caught at least one fish and set up camp and cooked the fish over a fire they had built. As it got a little late, Jacob's friends had to go home. He and harold sat on a log talking. Harold spoke up, "I need to have a serious talk with you now that we are alone again. Now that you have turned 16, you are a man. It is time I told you the truth about where you have truely come from. I hope you are ready and able to bare the truth." "What do you mean? You are my dad." Jacob was puzzled. "Well. I am your dad, but I am not your father." Harold replied. "I thought dad and father were the same thing." "It depends on how you look at it. I am your dad because I have raised you. I am not your father because I am not the one who made you. What I am about to tell you may seem to make me a criminal, but all I have ever tried to do is the right thing. Sometimes, choices in life are not always black and white. Know that everything I have done with you has always been with the best intentions in mind. I can only hope I have done the right thing." Dad! What did you do? Jacob inquired. He was almost afraid to hear the answer.(245) Harold began, "There is a reason I wanted you to see the exhibit at the library. There's a reason you look like king Richard. You are his son that they say was lost. Let me explain." Harold told Jacob about the fateful day, how and why he had taken him from the castle and the events that followed. He told him about the maid that had helped him escape and how King Jon had taken over the throne. He told him about the evil curse that had been placed over his family and the choice he had to make about trying to recover the kingdom and reversing the curse. "My advice to you would be to talk to the prophet just outside of town. He will be able to offer you advice that I can't. And if you choose to be angry and have me cast into prison, I will understand that too. The choice is yours. Here are the papers and all the information that I can give you and here is the King's signant ring that your mother gave me befor she died. Wow! This is a lot to take in. I don't know how to feel right now. Let me have some time to think about it. Ok that is fair enough. I understand, son. I do love you after caring for you all this time. I hope you can understand why I didn't tell you all of this sooner." "I think I understand. Ok, son, let's get some sleep. Another work-filled day will be here tomorrw. The next day, Jacob went to see the prophit. He had mixed feelings and wasn't sure how to feel about it. It would help to have someone else to talk to, but will the prophet turn them in? It was a chance he would have to take and apearently his dad, Harold trusted the prophet. He would soon find out.(320) Jacob made his way to the prophet's cottage and knocked on the door. The prophet answered the door and invited him inside. They went in to sit at the dining table. The prophet offered Jacob a drink which he accepted. Jacob explained he had very little to offer the prophet for payment, but he had a very important and sensitive matter to discuss with him. The prophet agreed to let him chop some wood for his consultation and Jacob began pouring his heart out. He talked for at least 45 minutes telling the prophet everything that Harold had told him and what he thought and felt about it. (120) "What are you thinking you will do about it? the prophet asked. "I believe my dad, Harold. He has never lied to me before. He just kept this information from me until I was old enough to do something with it. I have always felt like was destined for something greater, but being a King;s lost son is more than I could ever have imagined. If I do nothing, King Jon will continue to oppress the people. I will remain poor and who knows what my life will be. If I try to take back the throne, I am risking my life and Dad's too. I would be wealthy if I succeed and maybe I can help the common people of Nevum and set some slaves free. I can do good if I survive for everyone, but if I try and fail it may cost more than just my life. What do you think I should do?" "I had a dream last night. I think it may have been about you. I saw a young man going on a journey and facing many dangers. Then I saw a man dressed in kingly garments, but I could not see his face. I think that you will go on a long and dangerous journey but in the end it will be worth it. I think you will do well to at least try to recover your own destiny. I can not tell you if you will fail or succeed, but I think you would regret it if you don't go on this journey." But I don't know what I need to do or where to begin." "What does your heart tell you to do?" "I would guess I need some money to go on this journey and I need more information to fully understand what I am up against. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afraid." "What you are facing is frightening. I would not want to be in your shoes. Had I learned of this before you were a man, I would have turned you and your so-called dad in myself. However, you are now a man and I think it is good for you to make that decision yourself. However, if King Jon finds out who you are, your life will be in danger anyway." "This is true. I think I may go meet this maid who helped my dad get away. Maybe she can give me some more information, but should I go in disguise? "I would if I were you. If anyone recognizes you, you would be in danger, and you do resemble King Richard a lot. It will take you 7 days to travel to the city of Townsend from here." ![]() ![]() |