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A successful businesswoman is held for ransom |
Wednesday May 22nd 2019 8am The 2012 Red Ford F250 pick up tailed the white Lexus LT from a safe distance. "Nice kit she has" Richie comments with envy as he looks across to Gretchen her barefeet resting on the dashboard while he drove "It will soon be our kit, am going to stripe that fat bitch for everything that she has!!" her tone venomous. Richie takes a sip of coffee from his take out starbucks and places it back into its holder Gretchen places her left hand and rubs Richie's right arm that's loosely gripped to the steering wheel "Let's snatch Roly-poly now, forget all this fucking planning and prancing and snatch her now" Richie shakes his head in disagreement as he increases speed on the highway just as the white Lexus was about to go out of sight "You've got to be kidding right? look at all the traffic, all the witnesses, no way would we pull it off, got to stick to the plan baby!!" Gretchen removes her hand off his arm. She grows impatient, nothing she wants more than to extract Prudence of everything she has "This fucking plan is taking forever; if we're not careful some other greedy fuckers are going to snatch her before us, fucking tired waiting" Rickie glances at his rear view mirror, three cars behind he spots a State Trooper Ford Crown Victoria "Well definitely won't be today, cops three cars down". Gretchen turns her head around and glances out the rear windscreen of the pickup and spots them "Fucking cops ruin everything!" Gretchen turns her head around annoyed "We can't wait any longer!!" "Babe-" "Don't babe me, I'm not in the mood, we could have pulled lard ass over miles ago, in fact weeks ago, now the fucking cops are around" Richie shakes his head in dismay as he carefully monitors his speed, last thing he wants is to be stopped asked where he is going and get a ticket. 8.15am Prudence pulled up to the Family Business Head Office Carpark on Exchange Place in New Jersey city. She tagged in and the barrier raised. She drove down one level. Her reserved parking space right beside the lobby door. She reversed in beside her sisters black three year old Porsche 911. Prudence shuffles out of her Lexus, tags the security door and enters the lobby. Directly in front of her is the elevator. She exists the elevator on floor three and passes the security doors into the office floor area. She greets staff with good morning as she slowly walks through the floor area. At the top of the office area is the management office area. On front of her office is the desk of her Executive Assistant Tanya Slater. Tanya was four years younger than Prudence. Prudence began to feel the strain of the walk up to her office, she could feel sweat begin to form on her brow. "Good morning Tanya, how was your evening". Tanya looks up and smiles "It was good thanks, Yoga and binge watched the Crown, how was yours? Prudence smiles and adjusts her glasses on her nose "Work was my evening". "Not good Prudence, you need to look after yourself; I will have you joining me at Yoga yet. Your coffee and breakfast is in there for you and of cost the Financial Times". "Thank you" Prudence entered into her office, her chest bounced as shallow breaths fed in and out of her lungs. On her desk the Financial Times beside a tray with a Regular Americano, a crepe with mixed berries and a side bowl of fruit. Tanya organised her breakfast for her every morning in the office, which she loved, Tanya always kept it healthy. She refused to give her anything bigger than a regular coffee and no soda, "If you want to large or soda; you'll have to get it yourself, what I don't consume myself I don't give to you". Prudence sank into her soft black leather swivel chair. As she opens the paper a knock on her door. "Come in" she calls In steps her forty three year old sister Rosamund. Rosamund Was taller at five foot six and much fitter. She is dressed in a formal grey pinafore with short sleeves which reveals her toned arms. As a teenager Rosamund would tease that she got the looks but Prudence the brains. "Well how's the tv star this morning" jokes Rosamund as she exams Prudence's breakfast "those crepes look good!!" Prudence adjusts her glasses on her nose and extends out her left hand inviting her sister to take a seat the opposite side of her desk "Busy!, Resourcing and Operations are finalising for the three weddings at the Royal Belvedere Hotel, for a five star, the notice they gave us is wholly inacceptable but that's business". "I know Pru but we have to handle them like an egg, don't forget lunch with parents". "Yes, would you mind driving but in my car" pleads Prudence. She finds Rosamunds Porsche difficult to get in and out of and uncomfortable" "That gas guzzling tank of yours no way, if I'm driving I'm taking my Porsche". Prudence whines "Rosamund, you know I find it uncomfortable and I'm exhausted Please!!" "Well" Rosamund points a finger at Prudence's stomach "Lose the belly and you'll have no problems". Prudence sighs "I'm all to aware of what I have to do. Please be reasonable". Tanya smirks "Okay but your paying". Prudence nods her head in agreement. She watches her sister as she strides out of her office at speed. In some ways they were complete opposites. Prudence has a dodgy thyroid which didn't help her weight, her sister is sporty, Prudence never was. Rosamund exercises daily whereas it was never something that bothered Prudence but she knew now it is something she can no longer ignore. |