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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #2327724
A Place for My Creations
#1078238 added October 14, 2024 at 12:57am
Restrictions: None
Assign. 15: Plot: Outline + Revision # 2
Silent Echoes


My story will be told in linear narrative.

Silent Echoes:

Opening Snapshot and Theme Stated are to be included in the multi-scene Setup

Act One:

1. Opening Image: (0% - 1%) Single scene beatDo in one scene
Introduce Kelly’s life in Lockwood, Montana highlighting the facade of a perfect marriage with subtle hints of underlying abuse. Show her isolation and fear.
*BulletG*Kelly and Jaden are attending a church social, she is talking to a group of people her age and Jaden notices a certain young man in the crowd. He goes over and grabs her by the waist and she flinches, keeping a smile on her face. The pain from the fresh cut that curved upward from her left hip toward her right breast brought a tear to her eyes.
*BulletG* getting home, Jaden accuses her of flirting with the young man.
*BulletG* Kelly laughs, and denies it, picks the Snow Globe from the fireplace mantel and tries to change the subject to Christmas decorations, infuriates Jaden, snatching the globe from her hands, shattering it against the wall, screaming Christmas is too damn expensive and he attacks her. She suffers a black eye and a broken arm.
*BulletG*Taken to the ER, she claims she caught her heel on the rug and fell down the staircase.

2. Theme stated: (5%) Single scene beatDo in one scene}
The theme of self-empowerment and resilience from one’s past is hinted at through Kelly's conversation with a friend.
Kelly goes to Pica-Paus Gay Bar to see her friend Martin. Martin states she can’t run from herself forever. "Listen, I know things seem tough right now, but you have more strength inside you than you realize. Every challenge you've faced has only made you stronger, even if it doesn't feel that way yet. Remember, resilience isn't about never falling; it is about getting back up every time you do. You've got the power to change your path and shape your future. Trust in yourself, and don't be afraid to take that leap. I'm here for you, but you have to believe in yourself too.
Stated in opening image

3. Set-up: (1% -!0%) Multi-scene beat
Establish Kelly’s daily life, her interactions with her husband, and the increasing tension at home. Highlighting her desire for freedom and the constraints of her abusive marriage.

4. Catalyst: (Inciting incident) (10%) Single scene beat
A particularly violent incident occurs, pushing Kelly to the breaking point and making her realize she must take drastic action to protect herself.

5. Debate: (10% - 20%) Multi-scene beat
Emma struggles with the decision to leave, fearing the repercussions and doubting her ability to survive on her own. She weighs her options, considering the risks involved.

6. Breaking into Two: (20%) Single scene beat
During a violent altercation, Kelly stabs her husband in self defense. Believing she has killed him flees to the Pica-Paus Gay Club for help from Sheryl-Ray, Dannie, and Martin. They help her flee to California to start anew.

Act 2 / The Middle (Part 1)

7. B- Story: (22%) Single scene beat (subplot notes in red)
In California, Kelly meets a mysterious man, Michael, at a coffee shop (Cute Meet) who becomes her ally. This man, who had been accused of murdering his father and his wife but was acquitted, introduces a subplot of trust and redemption. Introduce subplot here - Emma trust, having survived an abusive relationship, finds it difficult to trust others. Subplot explores her journey to open up and rely on others, especially Michael.
Michael- Redemption - Michael accused of murder, but acquitted, seeks redemption and a chance to prove his innocence and worth. His journey parallels Kelly’s as both characters strive to overcome their pasts.

8. Fun and Games: (20% - 50%) Multi-scene beat
1a. Subplot -Use this section to develop their relationship - Through shared experiences and challenges, they begin to understand and support each other, laying the groundwork for equal trust.
Kelly experiences the thrill and anxiety of her new life, exploring San Francisco while constantly looking over her shoulder. Her interactions with Michael add intrigue (arousal of curiosity, interest, and/or fascination) and complexity (state of being intricate/detailed or complicated) to her journey.

9. Midpoint: (50%) Multi-scene beat
Kelly discovers through news or other means that Jaden survived the stabbing, adding a twist that changes the stakes and heightens her fear of being found.

Act 2B / The Middle (Part B)

10. Bad Guys close in: (50% -75%) Multi-scene beat
1a. Subplot - as Kelly’s past catches up with her, she must decide whether or not to trust Michael. This decision tests their relationship and highlights their personal growth.

11. All is lost: (75%) Single-single beat
Kelly feels cornered as her resources dwindle and her fear of being discovered intensifies. She questions her decisions and fears losing her newfound independence.

12. Dark Night of the Soul: (75% - 80%) Multi-scene beat
In a moment of despair, Kelly reflects on her journey, realizing her strength and the importance of confronting her past to secure her future.

13. Breaking Into Three:Single scene beat
Kelly decides to stop running and confront her situation head-on, using her wits and the support of Michael, and friends to devise a plan.

Act 3/ The End

The Finale: (divided into 5 parts) Multi-scene Beat
In an intense climax, Kelly confronts her husband and/or those pursuing her, using evidence or legal means to expose his abuse and secure her future. Michael also finds closure, clearing his name and helping Kelly.
1a. Subplot - reaches its resolution here. Kelly’s trust in Michael is rewarded, and he finds a form of redemption by helping her confront her past and secure her future.

Gathering the team:
2. Executing the Plan
3. The high Tower Surprise:
4. Dig Deep Down:
5. Execution of new plan:

15. Final Image:(99% - !00%) Single scene beat
Kelly stands empowered and free, symbolizing her transformation from a victim to a survivor. She has found peace and strength, ready to embrace her new life.

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