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Cancer. Medical greed. A Space trip, seeking for the void, and for what's left of life |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Introduction _ 2.5 Welcome, Whatever might have it been, mear chance, a magic spell, an excentric friend, your intent, a starved mind searching for expansion. Maybe boredom or perhaps by a whim of the cosmos while she cradles us all. A flutter of her pale white digits, lazily nudging this happenstance into being. Destiny deciding for you to happen by, to share a humble human experience. I thank you for your time, patients and interest. I humbly hope something here becomes of service, damage control wise. May become proof it is possible to stand back up, at any age you may be or may my experience serve as motivation to take advantage of a wonderful plant. I do realize cannabis is not for everyone, though at least here is another option besides chemo that healed my brain cancer. We have made contact, most undoubtedly for a very good reason. Perhaps a close relative has cancer or you, yourself. Possibly you happen to be the type of person who is proactively on the quest to find a cure for your own illness. Another blunt reality is that this rude awakening begins and ends with you. General culture blinds us often, what we take as fact become barriers in our heads. This, in certain cases, is absolutely not a condemnation. We all as people, will ever find a way, it's just how we are made. If we grant ourselves a grain of confidence, well find our solution. That there are still options available out there. No one should feel obligated to become another mouse in the Cancer industry. I feel the dreadful pursuit of time and my dwindling interests. Means a lot of me, so far away from everyone. I want to take a stroll through how I beat brain cancer just with Full Spectrum Cannabis oil and change of diet. No chemotherapy whatsoever. All in the frame of my family’s unhealthy way of dealing with our shared mental issues. In spite of the ripples that spread wide touching so many parts of our lives in dreadful ways. The ever-present family mental health menú: depression, anxiety, megalomania, borderline personality disorder, all of this, all of it placed in a blender where it goes on and on. Festering within all of us. Profiled and boxed off, by the fact that I’m forty-nine and have achieved nothing education wise, nor career wise, my second marriage instantly imploded. Life in general, was always a storm of chaos, change and apparently, aimlessly wandering through oceans of time. That usually funnel away and nothing significant is ever achieved. This is my understanding of how mental health seared through my family by never addressing it and made everything worse. Mental Health issues that go unchecked tend to become strange bed creatures that knit peculiar realities. ...and yes, I hold myself as a Psychonaut, an explorer of inner space. Of love and my connections to all of them. I've done DMT, magic mushrooms and LSD. LSD actually help me kick a bad alcohol habit I had. I was done, then the whole having cancer thing, it’s painfully eye opening, a place where you're surrounded in oddity, feelings of dream like aloofness towards existing. “Wow! I am going to die...”, to be honest, it hardly ever sinks in. Family eventually attacks you, wives grow more and more uneasy beneath their skin, to in the long run, turn away and vanish to a different life without a word. To top it all off, the Doctors revealed this gargantuan, slimy, money monger, wanting control over my life, I was gazing into the eyes of who I expected to help me and realized all they wanted was to profit off my death. This sort of laid down the foundation for me to wanting to me launch myself, metaphorically, far away, mentally, socially, in some way. A metaphor that fits. It fits with where I feel, I have been left. The wake of the cancer just shot me out of my own life, like an astronaut into nowhere, deep into the dark hungry void of space, with just a vague hope for finding something. Far from everyone, disconnected from the world, and lost. I felt completely hunted by the people who were supposed save my life. I wasn’t going to drag my recently married wife, my daughter, my parents and family through, expensive treatments, the burns from the “chemo”. Put my wife through my body falling apart as I am pushed to the brink of death. How friends, relatives, acquaintances, you know people, just decide to make some sort of sorry excuse and disappear. Yep, for sure nobody needs that kind of drama, right? My whole dynamic with people was changed, the three tumors that had popped up in my brain gave me a stroke with a side of aphasia. I was once a quick lad with words, my life dream has always been to write a book someday, and then I became just a muzzled dog. Add losing my last attempt to get a college degree, on my second year, and I simply couldn´t write my own name, much less study Business Administration. The loss of a mother, who I loved with all my heart, and my very first person to open the doors of chaos to me. One day early in the morning, in my groggy fog I was rushed out to an airport. She had become just the lady who abandoned me, who shielded me from Gene, a violent drunk and the growing violence. Her life imploded while I lived at her aunt’s house. The woman who said she was my Mom, was a saddened stranger, desperate, the woman I would try effortlessly to bring back to life, make her smile, have a mom. It just turned out to be a very bitter and long failure. All I wanted was to make my mother happy. She fell to pieces, an over controlling psychopath father’s egomaniacal deeds and cackling. It all became a matter of, containing my mother, neutralize her so she can’t drink herself to death, smoke crack cocaine, or morphine. Somewhere to die off where she wouldn’t bother anyone. But boy, did she get those laughs at family meals, everyone got a good hoot at the things she shared, or was it at her... I had just turned Ten, and in a dazedly stupor I was in a barrage of blinding airport light, planes, and just a few years before, what was home somehow became corrupted. A dark stain, festering from the gloom beneath the skin. Violence, unemployment, alcohol, drugs, and me standing between a grown man and my mother demanding him to stop. What’s next? Cigarettes and leather-that's how mom smelled. Also, anxiety, shrouded in sadness, but, even for a ten-year-old, I saw how she bled regret. Acting strange, pulling me inside an airport music store. “Get whatever you like.” Her face all distorted, in my tunnel sight. My hand tight inside a hand I haven’t known for eternity, I was cast to the four winds, bound by my big toe to an endless silver thread, though it always led me home, the problem it wasn’t ever clear the place. Off it was then, into the great unknown. I was just used to getting as much as you could while things are going well, for so long it just took a drop of a hat for everything to go back to wearing socks made from some well-fare kids unwanted, Transformers PJs. It goes from chawing down on a happy meal, to a swift slap upside the head for failing to act like the pauper you are, what’s rare, hardly ever happens, should be left alone. And obviously my experience with psychedelic drugs, from the failed trips, where me and my wife at the time, decided it would be a great idea to drop a whole square of LSD for our anniversary at a faraway hotel in the hills of the Imbabura province? All fancy and with natural hot water springs that even go into our room, even had a private jacuzzi with a nice Inca face that spat out the water. Well, she never took that much acid, and now she is yelling at the top of her lungs, in a knee high filled jacuzzi, and kicking my ass outside. And receiving a nice earful of how she doesn’t want to be here any longer, and basically how much it sucks to be with me. And now with my head full of acid, I have to get her down the mountain, through six different towns, to get home. What a freaky strange trip home! With my wife losing her shit and me trying to keep the car on the road. A really colorful creep homewards. I sincerely hope that this comes full circle, besides the strange metaphors and oddities which are tentacles of despair, you know those things that come out from left field and slaps your very existence off keel. 2.1 Breathe. Breathe, again, eyes closed. Again, and again, and again... "Hi! ... good mornin'!", some kids wet voice just shot straight into my frontal lobe. "Hi!". Then he came back with a much louder holler into my mind. "Hello!!". The entire ship was on its second hour or so of blasting me with T.V. static. While some desperate, over-enthusiastic sports announcer, surely a caffeine fiend. He makes it through all the constant belching from my speakers. Tuning, quite rudely I might say, some way into the fragile cortex of my brain. All the while I stare at the cream-colored wall panel beside my pillow. Fixating on all the imperfections, caused by me as well as the ones committed by the factory. I swing my legs over the edge of my bed and hold my cranium in both my hands. The facts have finally become too real. I just don't belong here, and all accounts taken into ledger, I'm leading to a dreadful death. I was hoping all that nonsense would just go away, all those absurd noises in my head. So much time has passed me by out in the solace of space, I suspect it really could be home calling me back! Calling me to rejoin the living. The white noise gave in. "...antastic L.A. morning to all our listeners!" A radio station, and some Disk jockey, back behind me somewhere, in California. It's the only thing I was able to hear both outside as well as inside of my head. "From here on out, good buddy, it's going to be one "Heck" of a scorcher today!". He cackles out a blatant false radio laugh. "I´m just telling it as it is!". I'm sure the clown peered over at his co-ancor and demanded him in glaring eyes. "Are I not on the money, my dear buddy?!" I heard the reluctant pause from the poor being beside him. "Tell them all! Am I fibbing', Bob?" A level toned, second much older man, by his low raspy voice plus the obvious annoyance with the over-the-top positivity of his partner. Obligated at the moment to make his presence acknowledged; he took to the mic. "That's for sure Carl! The sky is cloudless as it can be. I agree, sure Charlie there's no doubt about it!" Robert apparently has a thing of changing names of jerks. Passive aggressive style. Looks like it's a packed house today! Both teams are coming out onto the field! We have a big announcement! A big hollar to the boys of "New Hound Solutions". If you have a big need. We have the Rig for the job..." 3, 2, 1... I even made a pleasant face as I spoke into that cold, object; a "mic", industrialized, a design with an end in mind, a purpose conceived in the brains of those who made it, but still a soulless machine. I'm acting, you see, a performance hinged upon... (I lose my train of thought, my mind is full of, "Absence".) ... oh, yeah, about me just sort of animating a public worthy mask. Making it work. I was giving a perfect rendition, of "The!", most upbeat and useful version of me I had ever been able to muster up in front of somebody. It takes just few seconds of "nothing" coming back from the other end, not much at all, to have me spill myself all over the floor. My chipper well-mannered persona dissolved into self-contempt and a quiet resignation to bad luck, used to all the constant presence of calamity. Cold sweat and a knee buckling urge, I can barely fight off, while a deep dark pit of fresh anguish was beginning to sink into my gut, again. After the silence, again, the raging nausea spurring me to vomit, but as always, never without copious amounts of brain clawing anxiety. I froze, I thought, "What the hell was that?". Radio's been dead for almost five years, in about three more earth weeks it will officially be six! The damn machine began to pop, squeal, reverb, to slowly let way to the blizzard-like static of an absent frequency, endless wide mouthed growl kind of an endless song, of late-nights... insomnia. "Is there anyone? This is "White-13/Lucky420!", anyone copy... (my intentions go soggy, just a cold sad mush, useless, and disappointment creeps into my voice.), in the (I pause) immediate vicinity? Anyone out there? Why? Hello!", my left brow and raised lip pointing up, up to the high left. "Any one copy? Here "White!", I made my voice as low and manly as possible, "Old White 420!!! Copy!"... My mind saw how helplessly, I began to spin, part of an infinite loop, falling, never moving, just, falling. noise kept crashing along, as did the high-pitched frequency wave looking for a fellow channel. "Radio silence,". I turn away from the mic, I sound distorted from there on, "four earth years! ...ten months, take or give!" ************************************************************************************* "Welcome, if anyone, anything can receive..." my voice breaks at the end and I pause a second. "I'm still glad you are here, or not, it has been so long...", so much time speeding on and on, navigating into a place that mostly consists of emptiness: space. MISSION OBJECTIVE: SHUTTLE # 94.420. To voluntarily venture, into the apparent nothing, far into the void, away from humanity, in search for an asteroid. One big enough to become our last answer to Earth's conundrum. A last faint prayer set out to the heavens to stop an incoming planet killer. Humankind's last hope to knock the asteroid named "W.R.A.T.H., World Ravaging Asteroid Targeting Humanity. ", off of its' course. If some poor dope actually finds success, the hope was, for at least one ship out of all of us to succeed. A one-way trip gliding through a pitch-black uncertainty. So shamefully lost, but at the same time, I supposedly where I'm supposed to be. "Far from the chaos, the nonsense, my overall experience, with people, friends, relatives, family, women, a daughter has been lousy, much so the concept of leaving it all behind, my cancer, the offer was ideal!" ************************************************************************************* Day after day wondering at the speed of light almost, into a terribly infinite nothingness, it's been days, months, years, perhaps I never even left. They chose to hurl my scrawny 137-pound, boney left-over ghost of the person, I thought I was, into deep space. At speeds I just stopped trying to comprehend my humanity was sent to a place that literally is constituted of empty space. I've came to accept the fact that I'm simply continuing a lifelong journey directly to nowhere. Everyday bleeding into the next until it all becomes one big blur of chores, measurements, masturbation, sleep, lame half-hearted masturbation, feed myself besides I´m physically falling apart. It feels, static after a while, time loses relevance, though the body shows wear and tear of unforgiving ageing. "Too far.", a hollowed out abused adult voice wrang out, a female's voice, from far away. From far away? "Too far. I went too far out." whispered my own voice so close to my ears. Radio barely emitting these, ghoulish non-human, synthetic howls. Attempts in my perception, closer each time to become a call, a name, then, pools of radio silence and the loop begins once more with the faint, random bleeping. "Too far Mike." For a quick instance, I disassociate from reality. Tumbling backwards in a gut hiking vertigo. In a gleaming bright snap of time, I’m abruptly standing on pristine white sand, "Pang-Ghiara!", a salt scent delicately brushed into my first pull of air, I opened my red, crusty, sore and irritated face holes where my eyes should be and I was back! Pang-Ghiara sprawled endless, wild before me! I bore down deep by tightening my toes into the milky-white sand, anchoring them. A swift breeze blew across the dunes and into the tall savanna grass that rustled while it grew into waves. My ears hear the wildlife, I can smell a savage white-water river miles away, the law of survival was this lands truth, in a shot, making the solitude irrelevant. Pang-Ghiara exists in a hidden pocket dimension, fit snugly in a forgotten space between time, worlds, dimensions themselves, life, death, the light and the darkness. A savage land oblivious to the tread of man. Almost endless savannas tumble on and on until they appear to touch the sky. Virgin white beaches and blood red reefs adorn the entrance to an ocean of plenty. ************************************************************************************ My particular darkness, essentially my ID, the evil side of me, lust, wrath, greed, all these and countless more, was found. My "ID" has a face, way out here, deep within the void. Raggedy black robes, old, worn-down, a good number of loose strands, flailing bandages, twisting and reaching at the empty. Probably from wounds only he might remember. Seaweed, levitating all about his sickly figure, directly connected with his shitty attitude for some reason. He told me to call him "Rooster" apparently blind, Rooster had sacrificed them both, he never tells me why, he received two dark, black bottomless worm-hole looking fluorescent voids. They irradiated a green light, "ghoulish" is the only word that fits in my mind and a deep, deep feeling none of it´s his power, it's a kind of cosmic rot, he's dying perhaps. Oh, yeah, he expels the same green aura as a fog, or breath, at times I´ve seen Rooster ignite on fire, a green ghostly stack of him trailing, high, long and away on the night breeze. Where I have to admit he becomes more than just a dying shadow he becomes some sort of legend whispered in the winds of the void. ************************************************************************************** |