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Not for the faint of art. |
Somewhat predictably, I'll take a break from the usual today in order to blab about this being my 20-year anniversary here. Unfortunately, I said most of what I wanted to say back on September 1, as we began the site's 24th anniversary: "Four and Twenty" ![]() Having my own milestone so soon after that of the website itself, though, is kind of like I'd imagine it would feel like for your birthday to be on December 26: everyone's burned out on celebrating, including me. Especially me. Which is fine. I'm on board with celebrating actual birthdays, but membership anniversaries are just, well, whatever. Still, this being the 20th, one of those nice rounded-end numbers, I felt I should say something about it. Things were a bit different back in 2004. Smartphones weren't ubiquitous yet. The internet hadn't become a mire of scams, ads, and influenzas. And a certain other event that took place on a September 11 was still fresh on everyone's mind. I hadn't intended to join on the 11th, for that reason. I tried to create an account here the previous day (my dad's birthday, and he was still alive back then, so already a significant day for me), but for whatever technical reason, it never took. That's also how my username got the annoying 02 at the end; while the account didn't work, my attempt was enough to block off just "cathartes" as already in use. It's been long enough that I don't remember all the details exactly (hell, 20 days is probably long enough for that, for me), but I vaguely recall creating this account with help from a friend who was already a member, shortly after midnight, forcing my account anniversary to be on a day that was already infamous. I've considered changing my username to something else, but never went through with it. It's kind of part of my identity now, so I'm ambivalent about the idea. So, I'll just finish by posting what I'm pretty sure was my first item on here, created on September 11, 2004—but which I'd written some years earlier: "Ghost Poem #1" ![]() Odd that it was a poem, I suppose, because I'm more of a fiction writer and, now, a blogger, but I suppose it was something quick and simple to put up here to get started. And even back then, when I had an actual job and a spouse, I was all about quick and simple. Some things don't change all that much. |