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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #2321701
Adventures of a young witch, her mother, and her best friend.
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#1076308 added September 5, 2024 at 12:03pm
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Not Quite Done

**A Second Home**

With Hagdar gone life got back to normal for Allie and her friends. Her and Renee spent most of their time in the realms with both of them learning whatever magic that would be taught to them. Elara began studying magic as well.

The three of them had set up small cabins on the outskirts of Bramblestone close to Breken and Brynja’s cabins. Grimalkin and Nyx were there with them.

As part of their magical studies, the Keeper of the Shadow Library granted the three women unlimited access to almost everything the library held. Despite their newfound privileges, they often wondered about the magic contained in the restricted sections, the books and scrolls the Keeper didn't allow them to access. The Keeper, with a knowing smile, assured them that perhaps in time, he would allow them to peruse those as well.

Ignatius Flameborne from Cinderspeak had taken on the responsibility of helping Allie with her fire magic. Although Renee had taught her many things, Ignatius was able to teach her skills far above Renee’s abilities.

By this time Allie had also learned and perfected portal creation and Elara was working with her on travelling within the astral realm. She wasn’t as good at that skill as portal creation, but she wasn’t going to give up trying.

Calina had asked the three of them to become neophytes in the Order of the Silver Dawn, so they were taking part in the Order’s rituals as well.

All of this was keeping Allie, Renee and Elara extremely busy however they always made time for Breken, Brynja, Soti and Birdie. All of them had made a habit of spending as much time together as possible. Usually they had meals together and listened to Breken’s stories about the realms.

It was a wonderful time of Allie’s life, and she was enjoying it to the fullest extent possible.

**The Pledge Fulfilled**

Several months after arriving in Hearthstone Allie and Elara awoke one morning surrounded by trees partially obscured in mist. They had gone to sleep in Hearthstone and woke up in the Whispering Woods. They both could feel a mental tug to move deeper within. Upon standing Allie found the amulet of Arawn was pulsing within her pocket.

“I guess we should go,” Elara said quietly. “Something or someone is calling us.”

As Allie and Elara began their journey back through the Whispering Woods, the forest seemed more alive than ever. The leaves rustled rhythmically, and the whispering voices that had once seemed distant were now clear and comforting.

But as they ventured deeper into the forest, a sense of unease began to creep into their hearts. The path, which had been clear and inviting, slowly became twisted and overgrown. Shadows danced unnaturally among the trees, and the once soothing whispers grew dissonant, turning into eerie murmurs that echoed ominously around them.

“Elara, something’s not right,” Allie said, her voice tinged with worry.

Elara nodded, her eyes scanning their surroundings. “The spirits accepted our pledge, but it feels like something else is here… watching us.”

Suddenly, the ground beneath them shook, and the trees groaned as if in pain. A chilling wind swept through the woods, extinguishing the light that filtered through the canopy. In the darkness, the whispering voices turned into anguished wails.

As they pressed forward, the path became more treacherous. Roots twisted like serpents, trying to trip them, and the trees seemed to close in, their branches clawing at their clothes and hair. Every step felt like a struggle against an unseen force.

Then, without warning, a figure materialized before them. It was a spectral being, translucent and shimmering with an ethereal light. The figure’s eyes glowed with an otherworldly fire, and its voice echoed through the forest as it spoke.

“You have taken the amulet, but you are not the first to make such a pledge,” the spirit intoned, its voice filled with sorrow and anger. “Many have come before you, offering their service to the Whispering Woods. But not all have honored their vows. The forest remembers… and it does not forgive.”

Elara stepped forward, her voice steady despite the fear gripping her heart. “We are not like those who came before. We made our pledge with true intent. We will honor it.”

The spirit’s eyes narrowed, and the forest trembled as if in response to its anger. “Words are easy. Actions speak louder. The amulet you carry is a beacon, drawing those who would seek to exploit the power of this place. If you truly wish to protect the Whispering Woods, you must prove yourselves worthy.”

Elara and Allie’s hearts raced as they realized the gravity of their situation. The amulet was both a gift and a curse, binding them to the forest but also marking them as targets for dark forces. “What must we do?” Elara asked.

The spirit raised a ghostly hand, pointing toward a distant part of the forest where the trees seemed even darker, their branches twisted into unnatural shapes. “There lies the Heart of the Woods, a place of ancient power. Protect it, or the forest will fall to those who seek to corrupt it.”

With that, the spirit faded into the shadows, leaving Allie and Elara standing alone on the twisted path. The amulet in Allie’s pocket pulsated quicker and became warm.

“There’s no turning back now,” Allie said, her voice filled with resolve. “We have to protect the Heart of the Woods.”

Elara nodded; her determination renewed. “For the spirits… and for us.”

Before venturing deeper, Allie removed the amulet from her pocket, hanging it around her neck on a golden chain that she had added. Together, they ventured deeper into the Whispering Woods, knowing that the true test of their pledge had only just begun.

As Allie and Elara pushed forward, the air around them grew colder, and the eerie silence of the forest was punctuated by the occasional rustle of leaves with distant, unidentifiable sounds. The path underfoot became uneven causing the effect of walking through a fun house.

The amulet around Allie’s neck began to glow more brightly, casting a soft light that illuminated their way. The pulsating warmth gave her a strange sense of calm, as if the spirits were guiding her. Elara, walking beside her, tightened her grip on the hilt of her dagger, her senses sharp, ready for anything.

As they ventured deeper, the forest's oppressive atmosphere grew thicker. The trees whispered in an ancient tongue, their voices a cacophony of warnings and secrets. Allie strained to listen, but the words were just beyond her understanding, filling her with both curiosity and dread.

Suddenly, the path split into three. Each route seemed equally foreboding, shrouded in mist and shadow. Allie stopped, her heart pounding as she tried to decide which way to go. The amulet’s glow intensified, and she felt a gentle tug towards the path on the right.

“I think the amulet wants us to go this way,” Allie whispered, pointing to the right.

Elara nodded, trusting her friend’s intuition. “Then that’s where we’ll go. But stay on guard. I can feel the something in the forest watching us.”

As they continued down the path a strange fog began to rise from the ground, swirling around their feet. The bark of the trees were now slick with some unknown substance. The whispers grew louder, filling the air with a haunting melody that sent chills down their spines.

After what felt like hours, they reached a clearing. At the center stood an ancient stone altar, covered in moss and ivy. The Heart of the Woods—an intricately carved, glowing crystal—floated just above the altar, pulsing with a deep, emerald light. The power emanating from it was palpable, filling the clearing with an almost overwhelming energy.

But they weren’t alone.

From the shadows emerged several figures cloaked in darkness, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light. The creatures, twisted and corrupted by dark magic, circled the altar, their intentions felt hostile.

“Stay back!” Allie shouted, holding the amulet high. The light from the amulet flared, pushing the creatures back momentarily, but they quickly regrouped, hissing and snarling.

Elara raised her dagger, ready to fight. “We have to protect the Heart, no matter what.”

The first creature lunged at Allie, its claws extended, but Elara was quicker. She slashed at it with her dagger, and it dissipated into shadow with a shriek. But more were coming, drawn by the Heart's power.

Allie concentrated, channeling the energy of the amulet; she sent forth a stream of fire forming a barrier around them and the altar. The creatures howled in frustration, unable to penetrate the barrier, but Allie knew it wouldn’t hold for long.

“Elara, I need you to hold them off while I try to connect with the Heart,” Allie said, her voice strained with the effort of maintaining the barrier.

Elara nodded; her expression determined. “You’ve got it. Just don’t take too long.”

As Elara fought off the advancing creatures, Allie approached the altar, the amulet now glowing brightly in response to the Heart’s power. She reached out, her hand trembling slightly, and touched the crystal.

In an instant, her mind was flooded with visions—of the forest in its prime, vibrant and full of life, and then of the darkness that had begun to seep in, corrupting everything in its path. The spirits of the forest cried out for help, their voices merging into one desperate plea: *Protect the Heart, restore the balance.*

Allie’s resolve hardened. She could feel the Heart’s power, and she knew what she had to do. Using the energy of the amulet, she began to purify the crystal, driving out the darkness that had taken hold. The light from the Heart grew brighter, pushing back the shadows and the creatures that sought to corrupt it.

But the darkness was strong, and it fought back with all its might. Allie gritted her teeth, pouring every ounce of her strength into the Heart. She could feel the darkness trying to worm its way into her mind, whispering doubts and fears, but she pushed it aside, focusing only on the light.

Just when it seemed like she might falter, she felt a surge of power—Elara’s determination, the spirits’ blessings, and the amulet’s ancient magic all combining within her. With a final, desperate effort, she expelled the darkness completely, filling the Heart with pure, radiant light.

The creatures shrieked as they were consumed by the light, dissolving into nothingness. The forest around them seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as the oppressive atmosphere lifted. The twisted trees began to straighten, their bark returning to a healthy, natural color, and the fog dissipated, revealing a vibrant, green landscape once more.

Allie collapsed to her knees, exhausted but triumphant. The Heart of the Woods was safe, its power restored.

Elara rushed to her side, helping her to her feet. “You did it, Allie. The forest is saved.”

Allie smiled weakly, clutching the amulet, which was now cool to the touch. “We did it. The spirits, the amulet, and us… we were all in this together.”

As they stood in the restored clearing, the spirits of the forest appeared before them, their forms now more defined, glowing with a gentle, comforting light. One of them, the same spirit who had guided them earlier, stepped forward and bowed in gratitude.

“You have done well, protectors of the Heart. The forest will thrive once more, thanks to your courage and resolve. You must now return the amulet to the altar to maintain what you have created. You no longer need to possess it to use it’s magic. The magic has become part of you both.”

Allie and Elara bowed in return. Allie stepped up and laid the amulet gently down. The energies of the Heart and the amulet seemed to connect, and Allie and Elara’s hearts filled with pride and peace. The path ahead was now clear, the forest’s future secure. As they turned to leave, the Heart of the Woods pulsed one last time, its light a beacon of hope and renewal.

The Whispering Woods would forever remember the day its protectors saved it from darkness, and the spirits would ensure that their bravery was never forgotten.

**Time Slip**

Travelling through the portal back to Hearthstone, Allie and Elara found that almost no time had passed. Birdie and Soti were still sleeping soundly at the gate to the town. The village was completely silent with no movement to be observed.

Allie and Elara returned to their separate cabins, laid down in their beds and almost instantly were asleep.

Three hours later Renee knocked on Allie’s door. “Good morning sleepyhead. Brynja has breakfast cooking for everyone.”

Allie found that she felt as if she had slept the night through. She woke Elara up and found that she felt the same.

“Was it a dream?” Elara wondered out loud.

“I don’t think so. I no longer have the amulet,” Allie answered. “Plus I feel different. Like my abilities are stronger.”

Elara took a mental inventory. “Me too.”

Renee, Breken and Brynja were already seated at the picnic table located in the center of the five cabins.

Brynja studied Elara and Allie closely. “You both have somehow changed overnight.”

“We’ll tell you everything while we eat,” Elara told her. “I don’t know about Allie, but I’m famished.”

When they were finished relaying the story Breken chuckled. “If I didn’t know both of you better I would think that what you’ve told us is a story or a shared hallucination.”

Elara and Allie admitted that they had wondered the same thing upon waking.

**Happy Birthday Allie and Elara**

A month later it would be Allie’s birthday. Since Elara’s hatch day was five days later the group celebrated them together.

The party was held in the Hall of Kings and most people from Hearthstone came and went throughout the day. Even Birdie Girl and Soti made an appearance. They gave each celebrant a single feather that they had taken from one of their wings.

“They bring good luck,” Birdie explained. “Place them in the bag of herbs and items that Calina gave you since both of you always have them in your possession.”

A week after the celebration Elara and Allie were alone in Elara’s cabin when Allie brought up a serious topic.

“I have been feeling the pull of my heritage to Cerridwen lately. It’s almost time for me to carry her lineage forth.”

Elara smiled a knowing smile. “I too have been feeling that it’s time for me to mate. I don’t think we should ignore our callings.”

“I agree,” Allie said. “And Beltane is only four months away. So I think I’m going to go to Aurion and celebrate with Calina and the Order.”

“I shall return to my home and start getting to know my potential mate, Ryujin Skydrake better.”

This surprise Allie. “Why didn’t you ever tell me that you had a boyfriend?”

Elara laughed. “It’s different with dragons. We’re paired when we are wyrmlings. I’ve met him a couple times but now we’ll learn if we’re compatible.”

Allie nodded. “Good luck.”

“It’s going to be strange being mothers,” Elara commented. “Our next great adventure.”

**Rowan Ashcroft**

Allie arrived in Aurion two days later. Renee had returned to Feywood to make sure that the house and property were still fine. Elara, as she had told Renee and Allie had gone to her realm to work on getting to know Ryujin better.

When Allie arrived in Aurion she found the realm in a kind of organized chaos. Every member had their assignments, and all were carrying them out. The energy of the realm was electrical and buzzed with magical intent.

The realm guardian, Kael Emberheart was at his post when Allie stepped out of the portal. He welcomed her with a smile and a hug. “Calina has been expecting you. She should be at her cottage but with everything going on you might have to search for her.”

Calina actually was in her cottage when Allie arrived. Also present was a handsome young man. Allie estimated his height at around six feet. His black curly hair fell to his shoulders and his eyes were a dark brown. His physique was fit and slightly muscular.

“Welcome sister.” Calina embraced Allie as the young man focused on something that he was brewing in a small cauldron hanging above a low fire.

“This is going to be an important celebration for you,” Calina softly said. “I hope that you’re not too stressed over your role. After all it is merely nature working it’s magic.”

At this point, the young man turned to Allie and offered his hand which Allie took into hers. “So glad to meet you Alyson Whitecraft. I have been looking forward to this introduction for a while.

”Thank you,” Allie responded.

The young man seemed to have forgotten to officially introduce himself which Calina pointed out.

“This is my son, Rowan Ashcroft.” she continued for him. “It is my hope that you two will become steadfast friends.”

Rowan apologized for his lack of manners. “I have to admit that I am slightly intimidated by your accomplishments at such a young age.”

Allie blushed. “I had others with me. If I’d had to do it on my own I probably wouldn’t be here now.”

“Mom’s told me all about your group. I was hoping to meet everyone at Beltane.”

“My mom will be here. Elara has a celebration of her own to take part in.”

Calina interrupted their conversation. “You and Rowan have some things in common. His family lineage starts with Dagda. He’s also the only son of an only son as far back as he and I can find.”

“Wow,” Allie didn’t know what else to say.

“All of those before me were also conceived on Beltane as well,” Rowan added.

“That makes both of you blessed by the Source.” Calina told them.

Rowan seemed as uncomfortable as Allie. Both of them wondered if Calina was trying to suggest that the two of them spend the night of Beltane together.

“Well there’s things to be done,” Rowan finally said. “I guess we should get to work. I’ll let mom give you your assignments and I’ll start working on mine.” Rowan exited the cottage leaving Allie and Calina alone with each other.

“When should we expect Renee to arrive?” Calina asked.

“Probably the day after tomorrow. She’s looking forward to doing her part in the preparations.”

**A Relationship Blooms**

As Beltane approached, Allie and Rowan grew increasingly close, their bond strengthening with each passing day. They found solace and joy in each other's company, and it became a common sight to see them together. Whether it was during the early morning rituals, the preparation of herbs and flowers for the festival, or the quiet moments of reflection by the ancient oak tree, Allie and Rowan had become inseparable. Their laughter intertwined with the rustling leaves, and their shared glances spoke volumes of the deep connection they were nurturing. The villagers began to realize that something special was unfolding as Beltane drew near.

Frequently, they discussed participating in a greenwood marriage, a tradition where, during the course of the Beltane ritual, they would become as spouses. This union often involved sexual relations, celebrating the natural cycle of life and the human connection to nature. However, for Allie and Rowan, conception was the last thing on their minds. Their focus was on the profound spiritual and emotional connection that this ancient rite symbolized, the chance to honor their bond and the renewal of life with the turning of the seasons. As they planned and prepared for the ritual, their excitement and anticipation grew, knowing this experience would deepen their relationship and align them even more closely with the rhythms of nature.

One evening, as they sat by the ancient oak tree, the setting sun casting a warm glow over the village, Rowan turned to Allie with a thoughtful expression.

"Allie," he began, his voice gentle, "I've been thinking a lot about the greenwood marriage. I know it's a tradition, but it feels like so much more to me. I want this to be a meaningful experience for us both, something that truly honors our connection."

Allie smiled, her eyes reflecting the fading light. "I feel the same way, Rowan. This isn't just a ritual for us; it's a celebration of what we've found in each other. It's about embracing the life and love we share."

Rowan nodded, taking her hand in his. "Exactly. I want us to be fully present in the moment, to let the energy of Beltane guide us."

Allie squeezed his hand, her heart swelling with affection. "We'll make it special, Rowan. We'll honor the traditions and make it our own. I can't wait to share this experience with you."

As the days passed, their preparations took on a sacred quality. They gathered flowers and herbs, weaving them into intricate garlands. They practiced the rituals, ensuring every detail was perfect. Their conversations were filled with excitement and wonder, each day bringing them closer to the moment they would declare their union under the ancient oak tree.

On the eve of Beltane, as they stood together in the twilight, Allie looked into Rowan's eyes, her voice barely a whisper. "Are you ready, Rowan?"

He smiled, his hand resting gently on her cheek. "I've never been more ready for anything in my life, Allie.”

With a shared breath, they embraced, their hearts beating in unison. As Beltane dawned, they knew that their union would be a testament to their love, a sacred bond that would resonate with the turning of the seasons and the eternal dance of life.

**The Union**

As Beltane dawned, the village buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Allie and Rowan walked hand in hand towards the clearing where the ancient oak stood, its branches arching overhead like a natural cathedral. The villagers gathered around, their faces glowing with warmth and joy.

Allie turned to Rowan, her eyes shimmering with emotion. "This is it, Rowan. Our moment."

He nodded, his grip on her hand tightening. "Yes, Allie. Together, we honor our bond and the spirit of Beltane."

Calina stepped forward, her presence commanding yet gentle. "Today, we witness the union of Allie and Rowan in the ancient tradition of the greenwood marriage," she began, her voice carrying through the clearing. "This union celebrates the cycle of life and the deep connection between two souls and nature."

Calina beckoned Allie and Rowan to step closer to the oak. They stood before it, feeling the ancient tree's energy envelop them. Calina continued, "Allie, Rowan, do you both willingly enter into this union, honoring each other and the natural world?"

Allie spoke first, her voice steady. "I do. With all my heart, I honor this bond and the spirit of Beltane."

Rowan followed; his tone filled with conviction. "I do. I cherish this connection and the life we share."

Calina and Renee smiled, their eyes twinkling.

"Then let the ceremony begin," Calina said.

Allie and Rowan knelt before the oak, placing their hands on its gnarled roots. The villagers began to chant softly, their voices rising and falling like the wind through the leaves. Calina sprinkled a circle of flower petals around them, symbolizing the cycle of life and renewal.

Rowan leaned in closer to Allie, whispering, "I feel the energy of the oak… of the earth. It's like we're truly one with nature."

Allie nodded, her eyes closing briefly as she felt the same connection. "It's beautiful, Rowan. I can feel our bond strengthening."

Calina approached with a braided garland of flowers and herbs, placing it around their joined hands. "With this garland, I bind your spirits in the sacred tradition of the greenwood marriage. May your bond be as strong and enduring as this ancient oak."

As the ceremony drew to a close, Calina gestured for them to rise. "Stand, Allie and Rowan, as partners in this sacred union. Let your love and connection guide you always."

The villagers cheered, their voices blending with the birdsong and the rustling leaves. Allie and Rowan turned to face their friends and family, their hearts full of joy and gratitude.

Rowan leaned in to kiss Allie softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "We did it, Allie. This is our beginning."

Allie smiled, her eyes shining with tears of happiness. "Yes, Rowan. Our journey together has just begun."

As they walked hand in hand back to the village, the sun rose higher in the sky, bathing the world in golden light. Allie and Rowan knew that their union was more than a tradition; it was a sacred bond that would guide them through the seasons of life, forever intertwined with the rhythms of nature.
**The Fire Link**

Deep within the mountains, Elara and Ryujin prepared for their own sacred union. Their scales, Ryujin’s a darker blue than Elara’s, shimmered in the twilight, reflecting the fiery hues of the setting sun. The time had come for their souls to be joined as mates, an event that would echo through the ages.
Ryujin, his voice a rumbling bass, spoke first. "Elara, our bond has been forged through trials and triumphs. Today, we stand together to unite our spirits as one."
Elara, her tone melodic and filled with warmth, replied, "Ryujin, my heart has always been yours. Our union will not only bind us but also strengthen the very essence of our being."
High above, the Dragon Elders circled, their majestic forms casting long shadows across the rocky terrain. One of them, an ancient dragon named Thalor, descended to officiate the ceremony.
"Today, we witness the joining of Ryujin and Elara, two souls destined to be intertwined," Thalor began, his voice resonating through the mountain. "This union is a testament to the strength and unity of our kind."
Ryujin and Elara spread their wings wide, their eyes locked in a gaze of unbreakable connection. Thalor continued, "By the ancient fire that courses through our veins, we bind your spirits together. Let the flame of your love burn brightly, guiding you through the eternal skies."
With a mighty roar, Ryujin and Elara unleashed twin streams of fire, their flames intertwining in a dazzling display of power and beauty. The fire danced and swirled, forming intricate patterns that symbolized their bond. As the flames subsided, a shimmering aura surrounded them, signifying their union.
Ryujin nuzzled Elara affectionately. "Together, we are stronger, my love. Our hearts beat as one, and our flames burn with the same intensity."
Elara smiled, her eyes glowing with happiness. "Yes, Ryujin. Our journey is now shared, our destinies forever linked."
The Dragon Elders roared in approval, their voices echoing through the mountains. The sky above seemed to respond, the stars twinkling brighter as if acknowledging the union of these two magnificent beings.
As Ryujin and Elara took to the skies, their wings beating in perfect harmony, they knew that their bond was a force of nature, an unbreakable connection that would guide them through the endless adventures and challenges that lay ahead. Together, they soared into the night, their flames lighting the way, a testament to the power of love and unity among dragons.

**New Beginnings**

The day after Allie and Elara’s unions everyone returned to Hearthstone.

Breken and Brynja welcomed Rowan and Ryujin into the fold with open arms.

“This is going to take some getting used to,” Breken chuckled. “However, the four of you seem like a good fit. I wish you all happiness and prosperity.”

Even Soti and Birdie left their posts to congratulate the two couples.

“We have become quite fond of Allie and Elara,” Birdie told the guys.

“Just keep in mind that we will protect them with every skill that we possess,” Soti added.

Rowan and Ryujin didn’t know whether to laugh or be petrified. They decided on showing respect to the glorious phoenixes.

“I understand,” they answered in unison.

“Breken and I have been working on a small celebration,” Brynja said. “It’s not much but it’s our way of welcoming Allie and Elara’s new mates into our growing family.”

“I already have Bramblethorn set up for us,” Breken told them.

Breken wasn’t joking about the preparations. There were garlands of flowers hanging from the branches of trees. A long table had been placed in front of the cabin and there was a small bonfire burning under a cauldron containing something that smelled delicious.

On her trip back to Feywood before Beltane Renee had returned with ground coffee and sugar. “There’s a kettle steeping on the hearth inside,” Breken told her.

The group drank coffee, ate heartily and discussed many things. At the end of the feast, the couples said goodnight and went to their cabins. Renee stayed behind with Breken and Brynja.

“So my lady what do you truly think of your two daughter’s mates?” Breken inquired.
“I’m quite happy with them. The men show respect to the young ones as well as attentiveness and love.”

“I feel the same,” Breken agreed. “What are your plans now that the celebrations are complete?”

“The girls and I have talked and we’re going to return to Feywood for a bit of a vacation.”

“Are they taking a break on their studies?”

Renee laughed. “I seriously doubt it. You know how dedicated they are. Also I’ll be there to help them of course and they can always go to the Shadow Library if they need something that I am unable to teach.”

“That’s true. They can also return to the other realms whenever they have the need.”

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