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This is a book for the activity that Geminigem is hosting on her forum. |
Prompt:World UFO Day (7/2) "Earth is not a planet," Jangmar argued. "The Galaxy is full of worlds several times larger and with civilizations as advanced as our own." Hengkle, head of astro biology, gritted his fangs and dug his claws into the acrylic underside of the meeting table. "That is true," Hengkle acknowledged. "However the fact remains that our ancestors helped the local sentients name their home. There are endemic life forms on this world even if it is not as big as Ninobia or Canpoti VII." Jangmar growled and put his ears back, his tail lashed behind him irritably. "So what?" He said. "Not one ship has ventured out of that system. There's no life on the tiny, rocky cosmic bodies surrounding it. If we harvest all that material, we'll have enough to build the High Alpha's Great Hall. Who cares about some tailess, fur impaired bipeds? They'll wipe themselves out soon anyway." For a while, all anyone in the committee could hear was the growls of Material Acquisition Specialist Jangmar and Astro Biologist Hengkle. The only person to speak was Captain Terlotew. "I will not tolerate this kind of behavior," She said. "Soothe your hackles and have a rational discussion! Otherwise, I will be forced to court marshal you both when we get back to the capital." The two combatants ceased snarling. "I have a proposal," Hengkle said. "If the Acquisition Specialist will agree to do an atmospheric flight and see for himself what this world is like, I will try to make my case for preservation of Earth. If after viewing the sentients on this celestial body Jangmar still wants to harvest this system, I won't oppose him." Captain Terlotew looked between Hengkle and Jangmar. Satisfied that things were civil again she asked "Jangmar, are you amenable to this negotiation?" The subordinate knew better than to fight his commander. If Jangmar wanted to continue working for the glory of the High Alpha, insurrection would not be wise. "I'll go with Hengkle," he said. "See this blob of pond scum before it serves a greater purpose." When their craft finally stopped experiencing bow shock, Jangmar tapped the haptic interface and selected the viewpoint monitors that would let them see what was on the surface. "All right, Astro Biologist Hengkle," he said. "Enlighten me, what is so special here?" The ocean glimmered dark blue below them. Shallower teal water ran in a stripe dotted with green blobs. "You see those green blobs in the liquid down there?" Hengkle asked. "That is a living city underwater. It is composed of thousands of sessile organisms. Not only that but there is a complex community of other creatures that depends on those sessile fauna for shelter and food. This is the largest underwater bio-metropolis located in the southern hemisphere. Sentients on Earth value and protect these places for their natural beauty." Jangmar shrugged; "from this angle it doesn't look very impressive;" he said. "Is anything there intelligent?" Henkle's eyes lit up enthusiastically. "Why yes," he said. "There are a few species of boneless shapeshifters. They have eight to twelve limbs which they use to manipulate objects in their environments. Our visual research data suggests that some are experiencing their own Paleolithic culture." This did not impress the pragmatic Canonim. "Thats barely any progress at all," Jangmar observed. "Since they're under an ocean, it's doubtful they'll become an intergalactic civilization." The astro biologist typed in some navigation data into the ship's system. "I'll show you some of Earth's terrestrial settlements;" Henkle said. Soon the ship was above a great coastal city. Boats sailed on the water and countless spires reached up from the ground below. "What creatures built this?" Jangmar asked. "A bipedal animal with four limbs," Henkle said. "Their civilizations developed in parallel and to have been evolving for an estimated twelve thousand orbits around Earth's parent star. Their different cultures are currently meeting and exchanging ideas. On numerous occasions this bipedal species has built grand colonies like this. From radio broadcasts we've managed to intercept and translate, we think they call this one 'Si-do-ni'." Jangmar looked down at the buildings. One in particular caught his eye. "That one with all the metal and curves," he said. "It's not as tall as some of the spires here but it must serve some grand purpose. Is it a temple or a place where warriors prove themselves?" The limited guesses of the Acquisition Specialist amused Henkle. "It's neither," he said. "The bipeds have minds that work on complex, abstract things. Some of their ideas are neither practical or religious. From several radio, as well as audio-visual transmissions, we know that they call this structure the 'Si-do-ni Oh-per-ah Hau-se' the outside is aesthetic and compliments the auditory art form that happens inside. Hundreds of bipeds gather to listen to the songs sung inside this building." Jangmar was a little disappointed. "How do they hope to survive if these bipeds are so preoccupied with something totally frivolous?" Henkle growled in frustration. "Look," he said. "This city is only a tiny fraction of their civilization. That Oh-per-ah Hau-se symbolizes their ability to be creative. I know that may not seem important to someone like you but it is because of this species ability to be creative and combine that with their ability apply their analysis of data they gather, these bipeds are capable of anything. They already made a few space stations. They've visited their own moon and sent mechanical probes to other objects orbiting their parent star. Yes it took a long time but I believe we are looking at a species that could one day build multi generational ships that rival our own!" Neither Canonim spoke for an uncomfortable amount of time. "Fine," Jangmar conceded. "I won't destroy Earth to exploit its resources. I guess Canonims will have to respect the progress it's biologicals are making and let its species develop on its own." They left Earth's atmosphere and returned to their home ship. An unpleasant greeting party awaited them. Captain Terlotew was standing just outside the launch bay. Her face was calm but her tail lashed back and forth behind her. The commanding officer's voice left no ambiguity. "I hope you're more cautious in the future, Henkle." Terlotew slapped a wall monitor and brought up a news cast from Si-do-ni. The built in AI translated the broadcast into Cosmic Canoese. "A light spotted tonight over the Great Barrier Reef and Si-do-ni. Onlookers who provided this footage believe that it is part of the global UFO phenomenon." |