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Rated: GC · Book · Romance/Love · #2320918
Book for Erotic Language Class
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#1072145 added June 10, 2024 at 5:26pm
Restrictions: None
Lesson A2
1434 words

"Come on, let me cover a drink for you," the man laid an unwelcome hand on Evie's shoulder.

"I have politely, and repeatedly turned you down now let me introduce you to Ma and Da" Evie said as the large German shepherd approached from behind with Da the maincoon balanced on her back.

Low snarls came from both of their throats. "Does this piece of work need a lesson in polite retreat?" Came from Da's voice modulator. Ma just began nosing the man's genitals forcefully while still growling.

"I can see you're busy with friends," he picked up his drink and hastily backed away.

"You'd think in a society that has mastered time and space they would have done something about them." A vaguely familiar voice said from behind Evie.

Ma and Da showed no sense of threat so Evie turned to face the woman. She had to look up to catch Brenda smiling down at her. Childhood trauma, malnutrition, and radiation exposure had stunted Evie's growth she topped out at five three in heels. Brenda had enough height on her that her eyes only came to Brenda's chin.

"They can reverse radiation poisoning but I guess they can't treat toxic stupidity though."

The bartender passed Brenda her drink. She chuckled, "I think they would have to re-engineer the male human genome completely..."

Evie chuckled, "They're good but they can't work actual miracles."

Brenda stirred her drink and then gulped it down, "You want to dance?" She gestured to the dance floor where a techno beat bounced in time with the flashing dance floor lights.

Evie blinked and blushed before she nodded. Brenda smiled broadly and took Evie's hand dragging her onto the dance floor. There they stood face to face for a moment. Evie glanced at the empty glass in Brenda's hand. Brenda followed the look. She seemed to notice the glass, and it immediately disappeared. Evie assumed Brenda had teleported it back to the bar. She shrugged and threw up her hands and began dancing in time to the beat. Evie awkwardly did the same. They danced for thirty seconds before the music suddenly switched to a slow dance.

Evie searched out the Dj and noticed Da standing on his table talking to the Dj. What was that cat up to? She looked back at Brenda. Brenda had an amused smirk turning up the corner of her mouth. She held up her arms as though to take up a dancing position. The music screeched to a halt and changed again. This time still slow but with a sensual beat encouraging the other dancers to wrap various body parts around their partners and rub up and down with a their bodies rotating and swaying to the music. Evie eyed Da stared at her and Brenda with a self-satisfied look.

Brenda wrapped an arm around Evie's waist and rested her palm on Evie's back. She smiled down at Evie. "Your Da is quite the wing-cat. I guess she and Ma want grandchildren pretty bad."

Evie chuckled back, wrapping tentative arms around Brenda and pulling her close. "They don't seem to get the barrier a relationship between us would be to that goal."

They gyrated together beginning to breathe harder. Brenda smirked again. "What barrier? There are always refugee orphans to adopt. And I am an unidentifiable mix of so many species my doctor says for all she knows a little too much 'excitement' could lead to pregnancy."

"Excitement?" Evie raised an eyebrow, and paused in the dance. Leaving Brenda suggestively rubbing their inner thighs together.

"Excitement, satisfaction, I think you can get the idea. It is pretty common in end of the omniverse lifeboat babies. We were often engineered to repopulate a new omniverse with intelligent life."

"No men required? That really could lead to intelligent life. So if you were self satisfied..."

"Oh I haven't ever managed that." Brenda paused as well.


"I feel it is really a game for two."

"I'm game." Evie blurted before thinking.

Brenda glanced around, "Can Ma and Da find their own way home, and let themselves in?"

Evie almost didn't follow the question then her brow furrowed. "Of course they can, what are you proposing?"

"I am going to kidnap you." Brenda pulled her close and the dim illumination of the club blurred into a fully lit bedroom. "Damn, lights forty percent!" The light in the room dimmed. Brenda then said, "Music." The song that had been playing in the club filled the room.

Evie was impressed. "Smooth. Do this often?"

"Nope, first time, I go to the club to people-watch when I can't sleep."

"I go to get out of my apartment." Evie looked around the bedroom. It was decorated in arts and crafts she recognized from her art history classes. "It is about the size of your bedroom and I live with Ma and Da."

"Really? Someone as clearly talented in weaving space-time as you in an economy allotment?" Brenda almost seemed mad.

"I just took up weaving space-time. I started out studying fiber arts and there was a call for skilled artisans."

"I forgot that it is a new niche. I have just always been good at it." Brenda smirked.

"What loom do you use?" Evie asked.

"No loom, no ocular simulator, I can see and manipulate space-time with my mind."

Evie looked at the floor. Brenda so far outclassed her. How could she have even hoped the woman would show an interest in her. Brenda gently gripped Evie's chin and turned her face up to Brenda's eyes. "I am very interested, and as I recall we didn't come here to discuss the fiber arts." Brenda led Evie to her bed. Brenda reached a hand up and ran her fingers through Evie's hair. It sent a shiver up and down Evie's spine tickling her in a purely sensual way.

Evie reached up and tangled her hand in Brenda's curls. She pulled Brenda's lips down to her level and kissing and nibbling on her bottom lip. Brenda pushed her down to sit on the edge of the bed. Brenda knelt in front of her and began unbuttoning Evie's shirt. She pushed the shirt back revealing Evie's plump bosom bound by the common barrier of a brasser. Brenda smiled and pushed the shirt off and leaned forward pressing into Evie's breasts to reach behind and release them. Evie felt the sudden relief of her breasts being released from their confinement. She sighed.

Brenda chuckled, "Now my turn." Brenda pulled her blouse over her head revealing a sports bra. Then Brenda peeled that off too, revealing athletically perky breasts.

Tentatively Evie reached out to touch them. Brenda's nipples were already erect but as Evie explored her breasts Brenda pressed towards the sensation. She reached out and cupped Evie's breasts. Evie moaned softly.

That's when the lights went back to full. The speaker in the far corner of the room blipped, and the music cut out. "Chief Bench, we have encountered a spaciotemporal anomaly. Scans indicate factor tech was involved in it's creation."

Brenda snarled softly and scrubbed her face. "So is it another Refuge? If so Chief Amante can handle this on her own. It's internal Preserve business anyway."

"Sorry, I wasn't clear it is outside of the Preserve."

"Fine, I'll meet you in the portal room in a minute." The speaker blipped again and the music started up again. "I'm sorry Evie. Duty literally called."

Evie was already pocketing her bra and buttoning her shirt. She knew their was no point in lying to a telepath but she did anyway, "It's okay."

Brenda scrubbed her face with her hands and teleported her clothing back on. "I can take you home..."

Evie smiled, "Just put me back in the club, I'll walk home with Ma and Da."

"I'll teleport you to them..."

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