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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1071894-Lucky-Me
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#1071894 added May 30, 2024 at 11:05am
Restrictions: None
Lucky Me!
Prompt: What was the best part of your week? What was the worst part of your week? Write about this in your Blog entry today.


As a general (personal) rule, I try to avoid thinking about about the worst part of anything, unless that thing needs extra and instant attention. Having said that, however, the worst part could have been this morning when I had a scheduled blood test.

The problem is, the nowadays-doctors want us to fast before a blood-test, whereas the best doctor I ever had never asked for fasting. In fact, he took the blood samples himself and came to his conclusions on the results of the tests that the lab produced. Yet, he decided not to stay in the area anymore and thus, I ended with all the MDs who want me fasting when blood tests are done.

Why am I so against fasting, you might ask. Easy! It is because I am afraid of getting into a car accident because I have to drive to the lab with nothing in my stomach early in the morning and without my caffeine fix. Granted, the lab is not far away, but I want my head screwed on tight and in its right place when I drive.

Then, I got lucky! This morning, my son offered to drive me. Now, if this isn't a worst and the best part thrown together, I don't know what is.

We're back home, now, and all went very well. I'm so glad what felt like a worst turned into a best. Plus, I did enjoy the passenger seat much more than I ever did the driver's seat. Lucky me!

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