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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1071690-Twenty-Five-Total
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#1071690 added May 25, 2024 at 11:19pm
Restrictions: None
Twenty-Five Total
Twenty-Five Total

It’s not as great as the blog title indicates. After all, the last ten single paragraphs were for Tag Act One and Teaser Act Two. Eight for Tag Act One and two for Teaser Act Two. Out of those ten single paragraphs, three were four lines long and the other seven were three lines long.

All I needed to get written were fifteen single paragraphs today. That would have equaled what I barely got written yesterday. I got those accomplished with Act Three and Act Four. Seven in Act Three and Eight in Act Four. Add fifteen to ten and I get twenty-five. That’s how many single paragraphs I got written today.

That’s not all, though. Not only did I finish writing the single paragraphs for the first half of my The Final Ritual movie, but I got the first two single paragraphs for the second half written today too. That is a lot of writing. At least I think that it is.

I’m surprised I got that many single paragraphs written today despite the last ten being mostly three-line paragraphs. Why am I writing this? It’s because I only had about five hours to write them, and it took me almost all of those five hours to finish writing the first fifteen single paragraphs. That’s why I’m surprised.

Hopefully, I can accomplish the same number of single paragraphs as I did today. but I doubt that I will be able to do that. After all, tomorrow most of my single paragraphs will be from Act Five and Act Six. I have six more single paragraphs from Teaser Act Two.

After I get those six single paragraphs written, I will start on the eight for Act Five and Act Six. I should be able to get the single paragraphs for Teaser Act Two and Act Five written tomorrow. But I don’t know how much of Act Six I will get written. It’s possible I will get all of Act Six written too. but there’s a very good chance I won’t.

If I’m lucky, I could get all three of these Acts written tomorrow because of Teaser Act One being so small in numbers. After all, there are six single paragraphs in Teaser Act Two and sixteen in Act Five and Act Six. Add them all together and I get twenty-two paragraphs total.

It's not just the number of paragraphs I could get written tomorrow. It is how long I have to write them. I know my brother and I have a few things we may need to do tomorrow. but I don’t think it will take us that long to do them. If that’s true, I should have plenty of time to work on my The Final Ritual Story Outline for this project.

It all depends on how much time I can devote to this project. If I can get five to six more hours tomorrow, I can probably get another fifteen to twenty single paragraphs written tomorrow. I may even get to twenty-five. But I’m not counting on that until it happens, though.

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