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A broke college girl takes an unexpected offer that changes her life in more ways than one |
August 24, 2024 $0 132.8 lbs Sadie woke up feeling more sluggish than usual. She didn’t seem to look much different, other than having a good baby from last nights binge if she tries. As you’re getting out of bed, there’s a knock at your door. You open it to see your roommate with 2 big boxes. “Hey, I saw these in front of our door this morning. Your names on them so they must be yours,” said Alyssa. You open it up in private to see a bunch of supplement shakes with a note inside. “This should help you starting out! Love, Sasha” A smile grew across your face, realizing you found an actual friend who just wants to help out. You screwed the top off of one and drank the whole thing fairly quickly. Thinking this was almost like a cheat code, you drank another before going to Orientation. You walk in and notice someone from your high school. Jake was on the football team and seemed to get a scholarship just like you. You didn’t talk much in high school, but talked for most of the day due to only really knowing each-other. He ended up being nicer than you remember by the time you leave for lunch, or was he just trying to get in your pants? Arriving at the cafeteria, you see two familiar faces. One was V, and the other was one of the girls from Cams room. While Veronica was about 5’6” and very wide, the other girl was a bit over 6 foot. Her gut was big but in more of a thick frame, with fatty thighs and puffy arms. The tight athletic gear she was wearing wasn’t exactly hiding anything either. You guessed she was about 260. Trying to fit in, you think of what to get before sitting at their table. You grabbed a double burger and large fries. Along with some iced cream and a brownie on top. That will show them you’re serious about gaining. You sit down as V greets you, introducing you to Emily. V had 2 big burgers in front of her with a few slices of pizza, and Emily a huge bowl of cereal she had to of brought from home. You were about to take a bite of your burger before a hand grabs it off of you. “Before you eat anything, you should always think of how it can be better for you.” She picks up the bun and slaps a slice of pizza on the top, putting the bun back on. You couldn’t help but notice her flabby arms as she grabbed for it, her sunk in elbows squishing as her arm moved to her greasy brown fingers touching your food. You took a few bites and realized you really enjoyed it. It’s like you’ve never let yourself go like this before. Although you ate what you wanted, you always kept realistic and never went too crazy. Halfway through your burger, you notice Emily is already almost done with that huge bowl. You thought you could fit a half gallon of milk in that with cereal already in it. Just seeing her double chin form as she looked down to take a bite, and that her belly covered her entire crotch area. “So, do you have any hobbies up here yet?” Emily asked. “I used to be on the basketball team.” “Same actually!” you exclaimed. “ I don’t have practice for like another month, but I’m really excited to start!” Emily started to smirk a bit. “Honestly, I’ve had a few people say I could make it to the league. But with the money I’m making, they probably wish they had my job.” Before you could muster up another thought, Emily got up to refill her bowl at the cereal station. Her ass giggled as she walked over, kind of like your roommates, but flabbier and less solid. You would have thought she was pregnant if you didn’t know the circumstances, compared to Alyssa’s flat stomach. After a few minutes, you finished your burger and leaned back to let yourself breath. Looking up, you see the other two girls snickering and giggling a bit. Victoria already demolished two burgers and Emily’s bowl half empty again. “Here, this might help. I call it Mamas Milkshake. This is what really helped Emily get going last year,” said V. You took a sip and instantly went to heaven. You didn’t even feel full anymore because of how good it tasted. “Wow, this is so good. Whats in it?” “Just one stick of butter, a half pint of iced cream, a cup of peanut butter and half a cup of butter cream. I can make you one whenever you need. Don’t be afraid to ask.” You got lost in the flavor and smoothness of the drink that you drowned out everything around you. It was pure bliss. “Another thing that could help is incorporating your favorite foods you didn’t eat much before, but just go wild with them,” said Emily. “I almost never ate cupcakes at home because we weren’t allowed junk food, but now I have boxes in my room I snack on whenever I want.” Sadie thought for a minute. One of her favorite memories was when her mom brought home doughnuts after working the night shift. They could only afford one each, so she never really got to overindulge. V lit up when hearing Sadie’s answer, and waddled up to the dessert and entire station. Coming back, you saw her carrying a concoction you could never think to make. It was a double burger with 2 doughnuts as buns, with iced cream and chocolate chips on top. You take a bite, iced cream and grease rolling down your face. You almost wanted it to be gross, but it wasn’t. It was amazing. You take another bite before trying to swallow, and barely getting it down. “We might have gone a little far with you today, but if you keep eating like this you’ll be rich in no time!” said V. You knew she was right, but didn’t want to look like a coward on your first real day of binge eating. You power through, shewing and swallowing with force like your life depended on it. After a few minutes, the burger is gone. You lay in your chair, trying to hide the pain of your stomach bursting at the seams. “That was impressive, but it’ll get easier every day if you keep trying at it. If you keep it up though, you might even pass us up at one point!” said V. They both got up and walked out of the cafeteria as you sat there in disgust. You never wanted to look like V, a wide slob who couldn’t even walk right anymore. Or have a fat, flabby gut like Emily. The plan was to gain like 5 or 10 pounds then focus on basketball with a lot of pocket change on the side. You got up and walked back to the dorm. While walking back, you think of a great idea. Why not go to Cams and see if you can get paid for the weight you’ve already gained. It’s only been a day and you hadn’t really gained fat, but the food inside you alone should get you a few grand. Sadie does the secret knock and walks into his room. You start explaining how you don’t know if the moneys real, and if it is to let her collect on what she can already. Cam sat back and stared for a second, before telling her to get on the scale. Sadie got on and it read 135.2, meaning she gained over 5 pounds since last night. Given, it would mostly be gone after the nightmare shit that was coming the next morning, but it should still count. Cam takes out his phone and says nothing. For all you know he’s texting the other girls and telling them to ignore you from now on and the deals off. Thinking about that broke your heart. Even if they were all slobs, they were the only ones to really get to know you as of yet. “There, the money is sent. 10 grand, but that means you have to wait an extra week for the next payment,” said Cam. You almost passed out, and when you saw the notification on your phone, you actually did pass out. Sadie woke up on a couch, with Sasha looking from over top. “That first payment really hits you don’t it,” said Sasha. You got up and checked your phone again to make sure it was real. It was. Your life was changed just like that. 10k wasn’t exactly the craziest payout ever, but it probably would pay for everything you’ve ever wanted and more. You didn’t even have to think about eating anymore, it was already over. “So… now that you got some money, we might as well go shopping,” said Sasha. “I know you wanna use some of that now and live a little bit.” You agree, and let Sasha take you to the mall. Getting in her car, you notice it’s a pretty nice one. She said it was a 2024 model and cost 60k, but that it’ll probably get paid off by the end of the year. Never even riding in a car this nice, a bit of jealousy starts to build up. Sure you had a shit ton of money, but it wasn’t new car or new house kind of money. Getting to the mall, Sasha leads you through all of her favorite designer stores. You try on clothes for hours, buying things without even checking the price tag. Sasha thought it would be funny to see how her old size would fit her now. She came out of the dressing room in some booty short jeans and a tight long sleeve. Her thighs and ass were exploding out of the size small pants, all while she couldn’t even zip them up. The button was barely holding on, cutting off her belly to leave about an inch of fat bulging above the pant line. Sasha looks at you with a sad face. “I might need a little help.” You both laugh as your pulling as hard as possible to rip these things off. After, you go to the tech store and get a new 50” tv and fancy laptop. Sasha got a thousand dollar tablet, but was more concerned about the soda and 2 candy bars on the way out. She seemed to get something to eat or drink at every store you went to. The food court was the next destination, seeing as Sasha said she was getting hungry. Sadie sat at the table and waited, still being full from earlier and looking at all the new stuff she got. Sasha came back with a sizable order from Big Busters Burgers. On her tray was a buster burger with 3 patties and all toppings, a foot long loaded chilli cheese dog, a large basket of loaded buster fries, and a large brownie batter milk shake. “Are you actually gunna eat all that?” Sadie asked. “Probably not, but I’m gunna damn well try. If I get to 180 by the end of next month I get a 50k bonus,” explained Sasha. “If you stay consistent, Cam will give you milestone bonuses on top of the normal pay.” You just sat there and stared, watching Sasha take a massive bite out of the burger, then the hot dog before she was even done chewing. It was true dedication, seeing the grease and sauce run down her mouth; dripping on her shirt. You imagined it was like a bear coming out of hibernation. She kept eating, squirting juices all over herself while slurping down her milkshake. She took the lid off half way through and just started chugging the rest. Her shirt looked like a kid puked on it before she lifted it up and started licking the sauce and milkshake from it, exposing her chubby belly resting on her thighs. “Hey, I just saw that shirt in one of the designer stores, wasn’t it like $300?” asked Sadie. Sasha let out a slight chuckle while her mouth was full, and after swallowing said “Watch this.” She texted Cam a picture of her stained shirt lifted up, making sure her gut was in the picture. You looked at what she texted attached to the picture. “Heyyy Cammy, I got my shirt a little messy. Do you think you could get me a new one?” In less than a minute, you saw he sent her 1k to get a new one. You were still blown away at how rich this fucker was, and how he can send that much on a whim. Your jealousy kept building, wanting more and knowing the only way to get it right now was through Cam. And you had to play his game to get it. Sadie was curious of how much she already spent. After calculating everything, the total came out to just over 9k. Sadie was devastated, all that easy money essentially gone in one evening. Although you only had yourself to blame, knowing not to shop at all those expensive stores. You were more used to the strip malls with a grocery store and maybe 2 thrift shops. You thought to yourself, wondering what to do. On one hand, you still had over 1k and could probably make it last the rest of the year. But on the other, what’s another 5 or 10; maybe 15 pounds really gunna do? With how tough basketball training is gunna be, you’ll burn that in no time. “I’ve made my decision,” you proclaimed. Sasha staring at you, waiting for your answer. “Go get me a monster burger.” Sasha smiled and laughed before getting up to get you one. You thought about how full you were, but you had to overcome it. It would be worth it in the end. She came back a couple minutes later with a burger that looked a little bigger than hers. “Sorry, I thought you said super monster burger!” Exclaimed Sasha, still covered in grease and condiments. “It’s like mine was, but with an extra patty, double condiments, double cheese, and 2 layers of lard in between!” You were repulsed by how it looked, but Sasha looked like she was holding herself back. You took a bite of the burger and feel grease and ketchup streaming down your face. The best way to do this was fast. You take another bite, and another, and another. Your face was completely covered in sauce and your clothes ruined, but you kept going. After eating about half, you realized you can’t swallow; and the feeling of puking was fast approaching. You decided to save face and put the other half down, which Sasha grabbed about a second later and finished the job. “Damn, we got some work to do,” said Sasha. “But we’ll come back here every month to see if we can finish it. I couldn’t have eaten that whole thing either, so what you did was pretty impressive.” You felt kinda proud, in a weird way. Other than getting this scholarship, that was the first thing someone has congratulated you for in a long time. |