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A broke college girl takes an unexpected offer that changes her life in more ways than one |
August 23, 2024 $0 130 lbs “And no matter what happens while you’re gone, I’ll always love you just the same.” “Okay mom…” you said as you were taking a giant suitcase from the back of your mom’s minivan. “Even if you end up gay, flunk out, or gain a couple pounds, I’ll always be here for you!” It seemed like you were taking the move better than mom was. But being over 100 miles from home sat in your stomach weird as well. Even if life would be easier, not living in a trailer, not having to skip meals, not having your fucking brother screaming all night while playing games, it still felt alien. You’d lived in the same trailer your entire life and finally have the chance to branch out and make something of yourself, hoping it all went well and you didn’t end up behind a garbage can doing heroine in 5 years. You walked with your mother and brother to your new dorm room, while all you could think about was how someone was missing. Your dad would be so proud to see where you are now, but after he died it only got harder at home. Which only added more pressure since it was such a godsend you even got in. Basketball skills aside, you felt like you had no idea why you were here, and what you wanted to do after. Everyone said “You’ll figure it out,” but what if that doesn’t happen? In the midst of your existential crisis, you arrived at your room. There’s a common area and kitchen after you walk into the front door, including a big couch, a tv, and all the kitchen appliances you could need. There were two doors on either side, both yours and your roommate’s bedrooms. Going into your room, all you see is a bare bed, a computer desk, tv stand, and an average closet. You were shocked at how baron it was, and the fact you didn’t have anything to accompany the room other than clothes. You thought they might at least give you a bed sheet, but yours was so stained and ripped it was pointless to even bring it. “It’s alright honey, I bet someone else on the team has an extra you can borrow for now,” your mom said. You thought that would be a great way to beak the ice, other than licking the window the first time you see them walk by. Getting all your clothes put away, you thank your mom for bringing you there and watch as they drive off. Then nothing. Absolutely nothing. You sat and laid on your bed for hours, thinking of what to do with your first weekend. You were a hot 18 year old girl with nothing to do on your first day of freedom, until you hear a knock at your door. You open it, and an even hotter girl is standing on the other side. “Hi! Your Sadie, right? My name is Alyssa, ” she said. “I know it can be hard making friends, so I was wondering if you wanted to come to the club fair tonight?” Club fair? You were too busy looking at Alyssa’s body. Super thick waist and huge ass, with a slight belly but beautiful face. It was literally the body all those rappers and rich dudes go for, but all natural from what you could tell. Her yoga pants weren’t exactly leaving anything to the imagination either Nevertheless, a club seemed like it was exactly what you needed. After meeting the basketball team over summer, you had no interest in hanging out with those stuck up bitches. After quickly agreeing, your off to the event center. You made sure to walk behind Alyssa while talking to her, watching her ass jiggle and thighs shake. “Am I already gay,” you whispered to yourself. Alyssa looked back but you acted like you said nothing. Maybe they were right about college changing you. Arriving at the event center, Alyssa quickly ditched you after seeing some friends from high school. It made you think of the friends you left behind, but that motivated you to find new ones and just as great memories. About an hour passed, and those friends didn’t come. You looked at all the booths a couple times, but nothing peaked your interest. All you really knew well was basketball, all the other clubs would be way too intimidating to even try and enter. On your way out of the building, you see a woman walk up to you from the hallway next to the front door. She was fat, like probably 400 lbs fat. She was wearing an expensive looking black dress with a designer belt and purse to match. Waddling up to you, the lifts up her sun glasses and says, “Hey honey, do you wanna make some money? “Yes,” was all you could possibly say in that situation. You didn’t even have bed sheets let alone some disposable income. Plus, possibly making some friends out of the situation would solve all your problems. Walking with the large woman, you start to think of what it could be. This was all so mysterious, could I become a drug dealer? A stripper? Sex trafficked?? You thought it would be appropriate to ask some simple questions. “Hey, who are you and where the hell are we going,” you said. “And what’s your name? I’m Sadie by the way.” “Nice to meet you,” she said. “I’m Veronica, but you can call me V. And sorry about the whole serious, mysterious thing. This is kind of a secret club. But I promise I wasn’t lying about the money. You’ll see when we get there.” You get to a dorm on the other side of campus as V seems to knock at the dorm room with a secret code. Quickly the door opens, and you see about 7 or 8 girls sitting around the room. It seemed like a pretty diverse group. The only thing that was apparent was that they were all at least chubby, all the way to morbidly obese. Veronica seemed like the second biggest, but one girl was in a wheel chair and looked to be at least 600lbs. The smallest girl was still overweight, her tank top riding up a bit over her belly. You felt so out of place, always being the skinny girl and for the most part having skinny friends. What was going on here and what did it have to do with fat girls? Before you could think, the bedroom door opened. A man came out with no shirt on and sweat pants. He was over 6 foot and handsome as hell, and he looked straight at you. “You must be Sadie,” he said. “I know this seems weird at first glance, but come in my room and I’ll explain everything.” Your first thought was this was a cult, but walking into the bedroom killed that notion. There was designer brand clothes everywhere, a flat screen tv, a huge computer, and expensive looking toys on the shelves. “My names Camron, and I have a proposal for you. The girls you see in the living room all work for me and get paid a lot of money. If that’s something you’re intrusive in, I need to know before I tell you what the job is.” All you could think to do was be honest, and blurted out the first thing you could think. “Yes, I’ll do pretty much anything. I came from nothing and still have nothing if college doesn’t work out. If I can make good money now, I’ll take it.” Alex leaned back in his chair, almost contemplating about what to say, or if he even wanted to say it. “I want you to get fat, and I’ll pay you for every pound you gain,” he said. You were speechless, as this came out of complete left field. Thinking about leaving, the fact that it wasn’t anything as bad as you thought kept you there. Even though the request sounded insane, there was no problem with entering him for a bit. “How much,” you said while also leaning back in your chair. “2k for each pound gained,” he said. You shot up in your chair, eyes bulging. You’d never had that much money in your life, and you could get it gaining one pound? This was too god to be true, but all the expensive stuff and well dressed girls in the living room kind of made sense now. You tried to think of the negatives, but all you could picture was a huge wad of cash in your hand. “I’ll give you a bit to think it over if you want to call me lat..” “I’ll do it.” There was no doubt in your mind. This was way too easy. You could just gain 5 pounds and have enough to last the rest of college. It was the easiest yes you’ve ever belted out. Alex grew a slight smirk on his face, “good, now come back next week at this time for weigh in and I’ll give you the cash accordingly.” Before leaving, you meet some of the girls to try and gauge your situation. They all seemed pretty nice, and honestly in the same boat as you. Broke college student who needs a few bucks. Tasha, the girl with the tank top, offered to take you back to your room. On your way back, you talk with Tasha for a bit about the whole ordeal. “So how much weight have you gained?” Tasha grabbed her belly and started squeezing a bit. “ About 30 pounds at this point, I started at like 160 and now I’m bout 190.” You felt intimidated again, being so skinny and never being fat before. You were 5’5” and 130 pounds, with B cup breasts and a flat ass. Were you even able to do this? You pretty much ate what you wanted and stayed the same weight. “You look scared. Here, come to my room. I’ll help you out,” Sasha said. You got to Sasha’s room and sat down. She grabs into a suit case and takes out a bowl. You never smoked weed before, but if it meant getting paid faster, you had no qualms. She packed and lit the bowl for you, and after a few minutes it started kicking in. You and Sasha chatted for a bit while watching a funny show on late night cable. You realized no matter what came out of this, at least you’ve already made a friend. After a couple hours, you started to get hungry. Sasha ordered 2 pizzas even though it was just you two there. When they arrived, she opened your pizza in front of you. You barely noticed your mouth watering for a large 5 meat pizza, and quickly grabbed a slice. After eating 4 big pieces, Sasha laid back and couldn’t help but let out a huge burp. She looked up to Sasha, finishing her last piece in the time you ate half. “How did you eat that so fast?” “From practice,” she said. “If you wanna make real money, you gotta eat like this every night.” Sasha got up to get something out of the fridge when you notice her belly bounce a bit as she walked, along with her boobs. It was hard not to think you might end up like that, but the money involved was blinding. “If you really wanna gain weight fast and easy, you gotta start drinking these,” Sasha said. “They’re weight gain supplements. Basically, each is a bit over 500 calories. So if you drink 4 a day, you only have to eat 2,500 calories in food. That’s at least the plan I’m on.” “So how long did it take you to gain 30 pounds,” Sadie said. “About as long as the summer lasted. Cam came up to me at the end of last semester and sent me money all summer for progress pics. It’s crazy, I had to go through 3 bikini sizes and the last ones barely keep my boobs in at this point,” said Sasha. “Can you show me?” Said Sadie. Sadie gave her a half smile, and started changing into her newest bikini. When she was done, you saw what she meant. Her boobs looked tight and the bottom sunk into her body a bit. But after, she put on the first bikini, and the difference was very clear. Her boobs were strangled to the point her nipples were poking out of the top, and her bottom squeezed her love handles and belly out over it. You could barely see the string above her legs, just cellulite. This was alarming, to see what she could become if she started on this path. But the money was too good to not think about it. When would you get another chance at this kind of money? This easily?? It was a no brainer, and the journey began right now. |