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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1065087-A-2-The-Antipathies
Rated: 18+ · Book · Activity · #2314828
Whatever happens, happens
#1065087 added February 29, 2024 at 4:23pm
Restrictions: None
A-2 The Antipathies
When ScreenX moved me East to Tennessee, I thought it would be a nice change of scenery from Silicon Valley’s tech bros and their toxic masculinity. Since I just arrived yesterday, I have the day off to settle in at home. With my few boxes of belongings unpacked, I decide to make the most of my day and do some sightseeing.

I weave through a throng of people to check the bus schedule. Route 612, next bus 3:13. I glance at my watch. 3:11. Perfect, I think to myself, 2 minutes before the bus arrives. I weave back through to wait for the bus. Behind me, I hear a whispered “Yes!” and the frantic tapping of buttons. Shortly after, there’s a louder “Aw Man!” and a guttural groan. “Bruh,” he mutters. I peek at my watch. 3:16, and no bus. Weird. I tiptoe and strain to see past the horizon. I reach into my pocket to see if the Transportation Department posted any updates about this bus, only to realize, I shipped my phone off for a screen replacement last night. I turn around to the video game kid. “Excuse me.”

No response. His hood is up and he’s thoroughly engrossed in his device. I try again, a little louder. “Excuse me!”
I look around and notice everyone else’s identical stance. Heads down, shoulders hunched forward. Figuring no other option, I tap the gamer lightly on his arm.
“Fuck!” He jumps up about a foot, takes out an earbud, and glances up at me, before glaring. “What do you want?” Meanwhile, nobody else has looked up from their devices.

“Do you know where the bus is? The time table says 3:13 but it’s essentially 3:20 now and-“ I’m interrupted by the hissing and squeaking of the bus.

He nods towards the bus before putting his earbud back in and boarding.

Okay, note to self, don’t go out without something to check bus times. I roll my eyes and board the bus as well, only to find the driver is also checking his phone in one hand while the vehicle is stopped. This is not how things were in Silicon Valley, I think. My fitness instructor friends would be giving me a lecture on text neck by now. I sit up a little straighter in my seat as I think of them. Next to me, a toddler is watching Miss Rachel teach viewers how to say mama. The mom glances over, and tries to pry the tablet away. “That’s enough for now, sweetie. Let’s take a break.” The toddler screeches, Curling her fingers around the tablet handle, as of her life depends on it. Tears well up, and she flails her arms up and down. The mom puts down her own device and begins uncurling her daughter’s fingers from the handle. “We can watch more later, okay? Here, take my phone. Mommy needs the tablet.” At that, the child releases her death grip on the large device and grabs the small one. Her fingers fly over the screen, and before too long, the overalled lady is back on the screen. I don’t know if I should be impressed or alarmed at this kid’s skills.

Soon the bus reaches the end of the line, and I exit, marveling at how everyone , child included, seamlessly steps off the bus without so much as a pause or glance in any direction.

I wander around and find a diner next to a park. The sign on the diner’s door says “MUST BRING PHONE TO SCAN MENU”. Guess I’m going to the park. I hear the first friendly voices of the day. “Psyduck is over here!” “I found Squirtle! Come here!” “Look! I caught Snorlax!” I look towards the voices and see a group of tweens running around, phones in hand, catching Pokemon on their screens. Further away is a park bench where the gamer’s thumbs are wildly moving up and down the edges of his game console, and other teens with large headphones over their hoods slouch and game.

There’s a short wall at the edge of the park, stating its name and sponsors. ScreenX is on the list. The park’s mission is to “provide digital education and electronics access outdoors”.

Finally, it dawns on me. TN didn’t stand for Tennessee. It stood for Text Neck.

WC: 721
Prompt: Alice believed she would meet these folks who walk with their heads downward if she keeps falling. Write your own adventure of discovering such a place.

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