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Rated: XGC · Book · Action/Adventure · #2314954
Spike Drakeson makes a wish while holding a special ring in a alleyway. Chaos is ensured!
#1064983 added February 27, 2024 at 9:54am
Restrictions: None
The staff of The Dragon Harem Maid Cafe!
Upon entering through the door, Spike looked around in astonishment of the decor, trying his best to keep his mind from going into over drive from what he's been going through the past few hours. Which is easier said then done when a bunch sexy girls are walking around in the same clothes as both Twilight and Sci-Twi were wearing. Yet, a single question does pop into his mind.

'I love the decor, very mystifying. But why are most of the female staff have animal features? And do they look familliar to me?'

For decor, as Spike could see, the wall's were painted black with a starfilled sky, while showing cities of in the distance. With pillows surrounding foot tall tables in the center, along with booth tables along the surrounding walls, he began to really feel like he was in a land of the Arabian Knights. On the wall just opposite of where he stood, he saw a doorway labeled kitchen just above it with a bar where beverages were made before given to the customers.

Off to the left was a doorway leading to a seperate room, with more booths and pillows surrounding tables. There stood a stage where he believed that entertainment for the customers was held.

As for the staff themselves though, there were staff members with animal like features. In fact, to his surprise and shock of seeing the staff infront of him, he realized that they were characters from anime, cartoons, movies, and games he played and/or watched in his younger days as a kid or teenager.

By the cash register desk near the entrance was who believed to be none other than Diane Foxington. While wearing a pair of spectacles to see clearer, she was dressed in a pair of black slip on slippers, black sweat pants with a yellow stripe going down both legs, a black tube top, holding in her large C-cup breasts, with a yellow pin in the center, and a crimson colored diamond belly button ring in the shape of a paw print. To say he enjoyed seeing her in a uniform similar to her 'Crimson Paw' persona, he was glad to see she was able to find something to show her orange fox fur to all to see with her kind smile.

Looking to the performance room, he saw two vixens walking side be side, as if they were sisters, to the stage he never expected to see such creatures to exist.

Looking at them, he recognized one to be the golden fur vixen of the digital world, Renamon. Standing tall, she was wearing a pair of gold sweat pants, embeded with her purple balance symbol on each leg, and slip on shoes. Holding her large D-cup breasts was a gold tube top tightly to emphasized her size. And to top her outfitoff, she had a gold veil to cover the lower portion of her face, and a belly ring of a gold fox face made of pure gold.

And to his surprise, walking next to her, was her dark counterpart of black fur of herself, Black Renamon. Only, to his surprise, her outfit was slightly different. With her black slip on shoes, and her sweat pants being black with red balance symbol on them, her top holding her large D-cup breasts was, to his surprise not a tube top, but a string bikini that held her breasts tight to her body, emphasizing her breasts. And to top her outfit off, she had a black viel to cover her face, and a belly ring in a fox shape face made of obsidian.

Looking inside the kitchen, his eyes widen at who he saw. There, working inside of thrvstation, was none other then a dragoness known to be the dragon terror of the skies, Cynder.

Covered in purple scales with white tribal tattoo's, Cynder took over the kitchen like a woman on a mission. Dressed in a pair of purple slip on shoes and sweat pants, her purples tube top strugged to keep the modesty of her generous DD-cup breasts. With silver rings adorned on her horns, she had a belly jewel made of obsidian in the shape of a dragon head in her belly button.

Looking to the kitchen door, he saw three certain girls step out that he, admittedly, had a small crush on in his teenage years. Watching the three girls, he recognized them to be Carmelita Fox, Rouge the Bat, and Amy Rose.

Looking at them, he noticed there outfits looked a little more refined then the other girls he has seen since he entered the cafe. Yet, he wasn't about to complain as it brought out a certain charm about the three of them moving through the cafe.

As all three walked around, he noticed they all had the same colored outfit of light purple colored slip on shoes, sweatpants, and tube tops that were stretched to the limits, as each of them sported heavily generous large DD-cup breasts. The only differences he saw was the gold belts and arm bands that carried tiny bells adorn on them, and they each had a different belly ring to each of them.

Looking to them, he saw Carmelita had a gold upside down pentagon with a star over it, Amy had a red ruby shaped like a rose for her, and Rouge had a black diamond shaped like a bat with wings stretched out as if stretching up.

Watching them, he had to admit the outfits fit Carmelita's orange fur, Amy's pink quills, and Rouges albine white fur.

To say he felt as if he was in heaven at the moment would be a understatement if anyone would walk in and see him right now.

Looking to the genie sisters of the ring, he saw they began to giggle, just barely able to hold there laughter in at his confused, yet a bit of a fan boy grin adorned his face. If anything, he was letting his inner geek out.

"How did...? Are they...? Okay, how are they here? Wait, are they...?"

Not able to hold it in any longer, the genie sisters let loose the laughter they have been holding in. As there laughter died down, they helped him to his seat before taking one each beside him themselves.

Getting herself under control first, Twilight relaxed as she conjured a cup of jasmine tea up in porcealine cups for each of them.

"Don't worry master. When I conjured this building up, it seemed that a few genie rings were hidden undersground as well. So when I turned said underground into a basement, I unknowingly awaken them."

Chuckling a bit, Sci-Twi eyed her playfully.

"Awaken them? Is that what you call six rookie genies, that just burst into the cafe in a giant plume of smoke?"

Pouting, Twilight eyed her sister with a bit of dejection.

"How was I suppose to know that six jewels of rookie genies were in the same plot of land that I conjured this very building on? If you ask me, it was a gift of the three goddesses presented to us as a way to keep from hiring staff."

Hearing this, Spike began to take in all heard. Yet, at the same time, he realized that he now possibly had up to eight genies with him now.

"Wait, those six girls are genies? Like the two of you? Where are there rings?"

Clearing her throaght, Sci-Twi looked to him with a calm mind. Placing her locket on the table, she pulled up the hologram projection up.

"They don't have ring Spike. At least... Not yet of coarse. The six you see before you as staff members are nothing more then 'Rookie Genies.' They have yet to unlock there true potential as genies, and the only jewel they have to say they are genies, are the jewels in there belly buttons, which also acts as there source of power and sleep. When that potential is unlocked, there rings shall appear, and go to whoever they believe to be the best to act as there master."

Giggling, Twilight covered her mouth as she took a sip of her tea. Placing it down, she took time to relax.

"After they appeared, I agreed to teach them the ropes, and help them to reach there true potential, and in return they will work and live here. Who knows, they might even choose you to be there master if you work with them long and hard enough."

Feeling a bit flustered, Spike began to imagine being surrounded by all the genies. Praising him as if he was a king of a land.

But unfortunately, a problem popped into his mind. One that scared him to a point of worry for both his genies, as well as the staff of the cafe.

"Wait, what about the customers? Won't they think it's a bit odd that female characters from games, movies, and anime magically appeared? We could be putting them in serious trouble."

Giggling, the genie sisters waved there hands, as if pushing his thought away like a pesky fly bugging them. It confused him a bit as to how calm they were about something so troubling.

Controling her fit of giggling, Sci-Twi pulled up a image of what looked like a orb with wires coming out.

"No worries master, I thought about that and created a mind damper. To any customers who enter, the girls will look like human versions of themselves wearing animal head bands and belts. But to us, they will look like they now. So, unless your challenged to a harem war, by somebody, everyone here is safe."

Hearing this calmed Spikes nerves slightly, knowing that his staff was safe. That is, until something she said clicked in his mind.

"Wait. Whats is a 'Harem War'?"

Blinking, both genies stopped and stared at him before smacking themselves in the face.

"Ugh, Twilight. Did you forget to explain the rules of owning a genie, as well as explain what a harem war is?"

Chuckling, Twilight blushed a bit as she played with her index fingers togerther.

"Uh, oops?"

Shaking he head, Sci-Twi looked at Spike with a serious expression. To Spike, he took this as a serious matter.

"Harem Wars. A game for genie masters. Masters of genies bid a number of genies, where the victor gains the losers genies, and the wishes, time, and memories vanish from the masters mind. We remember them though, unfortunately it is a form of curse to us."

Taking her words to heart, Spike saw the down trotted looks of the two, as well as all the staff members, and decided to make a effort to see them being happy.

"Well, then I hope the three of us can create new memories. Memories that you can carry on to future generations. Not just you two, but each and everyone here in the building right now."

Hearing the statement he made, two things happened. Both Sci-Twi and Twilight began to tear up, touch by his words. As the staff listened in on the conversation, they began to see Spike in a light of both creativity, and for a possible master.

Moving around the table, the two sisters came around to his sides with Sci-Twi locking his right arm into her bussom as Twilight took his left arm into her bussom. And before he could utter a single word, they kissed his cheeks.

"~Thank you master. We promise to do our best for only you.~"

Hearing them, and still a bit dazed from the two kisses, a single thought ran through his mind.

'What have I gotten myself into?'

As the staff watched on, they couldn't help but giggle as they began to think a single thought.

'Things just got more interesting.'

With that, the staff returned to there duties. Making sure everything is ready to open for the first day of bussiness.
Author's Note

Sexy staff for the cafe?
Menu with delicous food?
Spike acting as manager and boss of cafe?
A busy bussiness day with a random critic inspecting them on opening day?
Two beautiful sexy genies inhabiting a single ring?
Welp, another chapter down, and the begining of the staff has been explained. Hope you all enjoy, not just the staff, but also the story itself.
~List of Employee's~

-Carmelita Fox -Sly Cooper -Waitress
-Diane Foxington -The Bad Guys -Cashier
-Renamon -Digimon Tamers -Performer
-Black Renamon -Dark version of Renamon -Performer
-Amy Rose -Sonic the Hedgehog -Waitress
-Rouge the Bat -Sonic the Hedgehog -Waitress
-Cynder -Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon -Cook
~"List of Spikes Genies"~

~On hand~

-Twilight Sparkle
-Twilight Science (Sci-Twi)
~In Wait~

-Black Renamon
-Diane Foxington
-Carmelita Fox
-Amy Rose
-Rouge the Bat
"May your creativity continue to run wild for all to enjoy!"
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