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There is a lot within me Other Than Scriptwriting. This blog is devoted to those stories.
#1064714 added February 22, 2024 at 11:34pm
Restrictions: None
Part Three and Part Four
Part Three and Part Four

I didn’t have too much time to get any writing done on my SpaceHorrors scriptwriting/novel/short stories project, but I did have a few hours to get some writing done. With the time that I did have, I got quite a bit of writing done on this project. Not as much as I wanted to get done, but a lot more than I thought that I would because of the amount of time I had to work on this project.

What is the normal reason why I don’t get more writing done than I thought I was going to get done? That’s right, it’s because of what my brother and I had to get done today. I didn’t think that we had that much that we needed to get done today, but I was wrong about that.

It wasn’t that bad, though. I didn’t think we had that much that needed to be done today. If we had anything to be done, but I was wrong about that. We did have a lot that needed doing, but what we did need to do took us most of the afternoon to do it. As a result, I only have a few hours to work on my SpaceHorrors project.

At first, I thought that I would continue working on Part One of this project. After all, I was ready to start updating the single-sentence Scene Outline. That isn’t what I did, though. Instead, I started working on Part Three and Part Four of this Movie Introduction.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get too far on this part of my project. I got the planning part of both Part Three and Part Four completed, but I only got the Act Breakdown for Part One finished physically. Because of my time limitations, that’s all that I have written today. it’s not as bad as it reads, though in more ways than one.

Overall, I think that I got quite a bit accomplished today on this project. If not for what my brother and I needed to get done today, I would have gotten a lot more done. maybe even finishing the single sentences for the two Act Breakdowns and the two single sentences for the Story Outlines.

I don’t think I would have gotten to the single-sentence Scene Outlines today, but I may have been able to get to them. These single-sentence breakdowns and Outlines weren’t all that I did today, though. I also made some title changes for these Parts. What do I mean by that? It means the title for these Parts has changed.

Originally, ‘Creating the DeathBringers’ and ‘Them Against Everyone’ were the titles for Part One and Part Two. Now they are the titles Part Three and Part Four. The only difference is that ‘Creating the DeathBringers’ is now just ‘Creating DeathBringers.’ Why did I do that?

It's because of the Headers for these Act Breakdowns and Outlines. By stretching out this project to a four-part Movie Introduction, these titles didn’t fit with Parts One and Two anymore. So, I changed the titles for these Parts. I’m just not sure if they will fit in the Headers, though. I may still need to shorten them some.

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