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The simplicity of my day to day. |
"Blogging Circle of Friends " ![]() Use these random words in your entry today: hilarious, lampoon, fancy-sick, buttress, composite, and jump. Oh my word! William Shakespeare has a lot to answer for. Fancy-sick? I would have had no idea that it was Mr Shakespeare himself who penned that term. It sounds as if it was some hilarious term the kids might say today. Thinking of the things kids say and text to each other makes me feel really old and I don’t even attempt to lampoon them. After all they deserve to be misunderstood just as we all once were. On my walk today and every day, I pass by the most amazing tree. I often stop and gaze up into her branches. Yes, she is a she, so graceful, but strong, like a warrior Princess. She must be hundreds of years old, her buttress roots hold her fast to the earth as she withstands years of drought, cyclonic winds and lightning strikes. She is a Morton Bay Fig tree and could tell so many stories. I do talk to her and ask her if many children jumped or fell from her while hiding in her mighty canopy. How I’d love to see a cross section of her trunk, view her many composite parts: Bark, Sapwood, cambium layer, heartwood and right in the centre her medulla (pith) It would be wonderful to count her annual layers and know this grand old lady’s real age. 238 words |