The meeting had begun at the amphitheater where the VIP event had been held. Phil did his best to explain the fish problem and its cause. He presented evidence of the southern migration -- the bad fishing at Windy Point, the relative absence of dolphins on the northern shores and their abundance along the Dragonfly Coast. No one could disagree on these facts. The evidence on why this happened, however, wasn't as convincing. "My friend George, a fisherman with the Windy Point fleet, explained to me that each species prefers a particular water temperature -- which is consistent with my own understanding. He also reported that the fish rebounded right after that typhoon two weeks ago. Storms like this tend to cool the waters, which explains why the fish returned there. And thus, rising temperatures in the years previous would explain why the fish left in the first place."
At this a crusty old Triceratops spoke up through his Protoceratops translator: "I find the facts concerning the fishing credible, yet your conjecture on the cause rather unconvincing. Coincidence does not imply causality, my good friend. How do we really know that weather and sea conditions have changed over time as you suggest?" This Trike was a Habitat Partner and a direct descendant of Stubbs, famous from the Denison's days.
Phil responded, "The Waterfall City archives has records dating back some 20 years, which might shed some light upon this. I've begun researching these and since my footprint reading is not quite up to snuff yet, I've recommended two of my students to continue the research." After some more back and forth, the meeting adjourned for lunch.
At lunch, Phil found Bob and Eddie glowing with excitement. Of course they wanted to know, "How's the meeting going?
Phil responded with a downcast look, "Not very well. Yes, everyone agrees we have a problem -- yet we have no convincing evidence for its cause."
Bob smiled, pulling something out of his pocket. "This came in while I was making the morning observation." Phil read the letter from the Waterfall City Weather Service. "It looks like they somehow got wind of George's fishing report and they suspected what we had -- that climate change has affected the fishing. So, they went looking into the archives themselves! Wow! The records show the average sea temperature around Dinotopia has risen a full degree Celsius since when these records began!" "With this data we can convincingly present our case."
Back at the meeting, Phil described the research showing unmistakably the rising temperature -- and thus, the causality which the Habitat Partner had desired. The discussion logically turned to, "What can be done about this?" Phil suggested that, since the dolphins have moved to the South, the fishing operation should follow their lead. "When was the last time we fished along the Dragonfly Coast?"
"I'm not sure," said one of the Senators from Sauropolis. I think it was hundreds of years ago, in the Denisons' day. But then we found better fishing at Windy Point. So, the operation drifted there over some years. This left a vacuum which those pirates and treasure hunters that gather at the Black Fish Tavern happily filled. Thus, it will be tough convincing any self-respecting professional fishers to relocate there."
"We have to try. Let's start a pilot program -- First, find a suitable spot to set up somewhere between Dolphin Bay and Cape Turtletail. Ask for volunteers willing to move to where the fish are, in the true Dinotopian spirit."
"You know, you have something there. To sign up for this mission supports half the Codes of Dinotopia. Let's see: 'Survival of all or none.' 'One raindrop raises the sea.' 'Give more, take less.' 'Others first, self last.' So perhaps we can find enough crew that's willing to go."
"Bring perhaps two fishing boats, a smoker, and the crew. With the fishing out of Windy Point as bad as it is, these will hardly be missed. Then see how the fishing goes down there."
"How might we move all this stuff?"
"Perhaps the boats could bring the crew and smoker down the West Coast?"
"Not so sure about this. The boats were made for fishing, not cargo. And it's an awful long way to row. It would take weeks."
"Too bad our boats don't have pedal-powered propellers like I've read about in one of our history books. Then we could harness Deinonychus muscle like they did."
"Well, it looks like we have only one option. We'll bring the whole load right through the heart of the Rainy Basin and get set up in no time."
"Are you kidding?" The way the carnivores are behaving, they'd have us for lunch before we could eat ours!"
Phil reminded them: "The carnivores aren't the problem; the lack of fish is. For this one trip we can pile on enough fish to bring us there safely."
"That would empty our reserves. Then what will we do?"
"The reserves will only last another month anyway. Thus, should we miss this opportunity, we'll still use up the reserves and without the Dragonfly Coast fishing besides. Our inaction now will result in a literal dead-end later, accompanied by carnage the likes of which no one has ever seen."
"Well, that settles it. Let's get this operation going, the sooner the better." |