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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #2242131
There is a lot within me Other Than Scriptwriting. This blog is devoted to those stories.
#1063956 added February 10, 2024 at 11:10pm
Restrictions: None
With Only a Little Sleep
With Only a Little Sleep

Haven’t gotten a lot of writing done today, but I have gotten a little bit written today. It started with me only getting about three or four hours of sleep last night. If I even got that much, and it only got worse from there. That’s how bad my day was today.

It wasn’t the normal reason why I didn’t get too much sleep last night. Usually, it’s because I can’t get to sleep. I tried to do it, but I can’t. Eventually, I will go to sleep, but it takes me a long time to do it. That wasn’t what happened to me last night.

I had some trouble getting to sleep, but it wasn’t as bad as it usually is. What prevented me from getting more sleep was the belching and burping that started soon after I fell asleep the first time, and that started with me feeling like I was going to be sick.

Feeling sick was so bad, I grabbed a plastic grocery bag, just in case I didn’t get to where I could be sick. Luckily I didn’t need it, though. In a way, I wish that I did need it. After all, that’s when the belching and burping started. That’s what kept me awake most of the night.

It got so bad that at about seven AM WDC time, I got up and tried to get some sleep in my chair. I didn’t eventually get another hour or two of sleep, but it wasn’t easy. As a result, I haven’t felt like doing too much writing today on anything. Luckily, I didn’t need to do it.

I already had my WDC Short Story finished for this month. All I needed to do was create it. That wasn’t too easy to do either. That’s because my brother and I had a few things that we needed to get done today after all. It didn’t take us too long to do them, but it did take some time.

As a result, I didn’t get my WDC Short Story for this month created as soon as I wanted it to be created. I was going to do that as soon as I woke up today, but between the missing sleep and what my brother and I had to do today, it wasn’t as soon as it should have been.

Also had some problems with my Shameless Plug Page and my Please Review Page. I had reached my limits on both of them. So, I had to delete my old Plugs and Review Requests before posting them. That’s why I didn’t get them posted right after I created this WDC Short Story.

My Notebook update wasn’t that much of a problem. After I did the Shameless Plug Page and the Please Review Page, I created and posted my Notebook update. Unfortunately, all combined I didn’t get this WDC Short Story into WDC until almost the end of today.

Don’t get me wrong, I did get some writing done on my third Novel Outline for my SpaceHorrors screenwriting/novel/short stories Movie Introduction. Unfortunately, I didn’t get too much done on it either. Mostly, because it has been so long since I have been able to work on it.

I was wrong about this third Novel Outline, though. It was Chapter Twenty-Five that I was about to start aka the end of Act Three of Part One of my Movie Introduction. I’ve got a lot more to write about regarding this, but this blog entry has gone on long enough.

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