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There is a lot within me Other Than Scriptwriting. This blog is devoted to those stories.
#1063675 added February 6, 2024 at 11:43pm
Restrictions: None
A Good Reason for Not Writing?
A Good Reason for Not Writing?

I thought I was getting better with my writing. But after the numerous reviews, I have gotten over the last several months I think I still have a long way to go. Especially, with the SpaceHorrors short stories I have been writing lately. It hasn’t just been them the SpaceHorrors short stories. But they have been the major ones.

I’ve always had a problem with tenses. I thought I was getting a lot better with them too. And I have to some degree. But not as much as I thought I had been doing. I also still have a long way to go with tenses. Now I think maybe that’s a thing of the past too. No pun tense intended.

I’m still having problems with tenses. And I’m sure that I still will. But recently I learned about the Present Perfect tense. I thought that if a word ended in -ed or words like ‘found’ or ‘left’ they were Past Tense words. But they aren’t if they have ‘has’ or ‘have’ before them. Even ‘hasn’t’ and 'haven't’ mean they are Present Perfect.

It's sort of the same when it comes to ‘has been,’ ‘have been,’ etc. Only instead of an -ed at the end of it it’s -ing. I have been doing a lot of -ings anyway. But I have been adding a lot of words to make them end in -ing. That’s another problem I have with my writing.

I have a lot of problems repeating parts of sentences, parts of a phrase, especially parts of phrases at the end of a sentence. I’m kind of better doing this too. After all, I know about the Present Perfect tense now. But I’m still doing it. I’m still trying to solve this problem. I still have a long way to go with this problem too.

The word ‘still’ is a good example of my repeating words. This word I probably repeat the most. If it’s not this word, it’s most like the word ‘that.’ Even though I have gotten better with the word ‘that’ Lately. I usually can either erase it or change it to ‘this.’

How did I find out about the Present Perfect tense? I did it by doing searches on my phone for what tense different word phases were. For example, I searched for a phrase like this: ‘What is the tense for ‘has destroyed?’ Of course, I didn’t include the single Quotation Marks in the searches. The results for these searches came up with Present Perfect.

After doing numerous searches with these kinds of searches, I have come up with similar results for the Present Perfect tense. When I searched the Present Perfect Tense. One of those results was for Grammarly. After reading about it, I found the other Grammar Rules in Grammarly.

That’s what I have been doing most of the day today. Copying them into PDF files for me to access when needed. Unfortunately, it did take me most of the afternoon to do. After all, there were about forty of them. I also did some research on ‘Passive Voice vs Active Voice.” That’s another problem I have with my writing.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I haven’t gotten any writing done on the WDC Short Story for this month. I have gotten a little bit of it done today. unfortunately, it was in the first section/part. That means I still have nine more parts/sections left to write on this WDC Short Story.

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