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There is a lot within me Other Than Scriptwriting. This blog is devoted to those stories.
#1063255 added January 31, 2024 at 11:13pm
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Almost Double My Average So Far
Almost Double
My Average So Far

Maybe I’m getting better at writing the third Novel Outline for the October Prep Challenge. After all, this is the second day in a row that I’ve gotten more than my average so far. Yesterday it was seventeen instead of twelve. And today it was almost double my average. I got twenty-two single paragraphs written for this third Novel Outline.

Up until yesterday and two, my average per day was twelve single paragraphs written for this third Novel Outline. If I was lucky. There have been one or two days it was under twelve. Especially when I first started writing them. But for the last couple of days, it has been more than twelve single paragraphs.

A little over four Chapters. The first two Chapters ended the first half of the Part One Movie Introduction script/novel. And the first two Chapters that started the second half of this script/novel. Plus, a couple of more single paragraphs from the next Chapter in this third Novel Outline for a total of twenty-two single paragraphs.

How did I get so many single paragraphs written in one day? That I don’t know. All that I do know is that once I started writing them I couldn’t stop doing it. Of course, I did have a little bit of some distractions that slowed me down with my writing these single paragraphs. But it wasn’t the normal distractions that took me hours away from my writing.

Come to think about it, that may be part of the reason why I got so many single paragraphs written in one day. I didn’t have the usual distractions that I normally have. My brother and I typically have several things that we need to do each day. But today we didn’t. At least I didn’t. My brother had a couple of things to do. But he didn’t need me to do them.

Whether he needs me to help him or not, he usually wants me to go with him. Sometimes it’s because we both need to go to get things done. But sometimes it’s because he wants me to go too for one reason or another. Today he didn’t need or want me to go. That’s why I think that’s one of the reasons why I got more written today than I usually do.

Another reason is my lack of concentration, my lack of sleep, and my re-writing. I didn’t have any of those problems that I often have. Didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. But I did get about seven hours of sleep. That is good for me. I also didn’t have a lack of concentration either. As I wrote above, once I started writing I couldn’t stop.

The only thing that I often have problems with that may slow me down with my writing is rewrites. I didn’t have any of them today. That’s another reason why I think I’m getting better at writing this third Novel Outline. The storylines are flowing more freely now a little over halfway through this third Novel Outline.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1063255-Almost-Double-My-Average-So-Far