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Reposted "the World According to Cosmos "(https://theworldaccordingtocosmos.com) SIgn-up! |
which was previously published in Horror/Sleaze/Trash. More Spillwords poems published Spillwords Publishes Gun Madness More Spillwords SpillWords Interview spillwords horror slease trash Dear Jake, Thank you for submitting your literary work to us. We are delighted to share the exciting news that our team has reviewed your piece and it has been chosen for publication on Spillwords.com. Congratulations! We are currently finalizing the publication details. In the near future, you can expect another message from us with all the necessary information, including the publication date, time, and the link to your published work. Make sure to mark your calendar and share this wonderful news with your friends, family, and fellow writers. We are eager to celebrate your publication and witness the impact your words will have on readers worldwide. The Mean Streets of Bombay One wild night in Bombay, India, I walked into an evil bar 20 drinks too sober on the wicked-wrong end of a Friday night booze run. On the bad side of the Moon where Martian men drank, ogling the Venus girls and leering at Earth women in skin-tight pants that made their eyeballs hurt. I gave into the spirit and decided to join them, getting drunk on Martian whiskey and smoking that good old-fashioned Mars dust as well. Next thing I knew, I was on my way to Jupiter, on a lark with a gal who said she was from Saturn. Didn’t learn she was from Pluto until I woke the next day, naked and in jail somewhere near Alpha Centauri. A million miles away, a thousand years in the future, with no money, no honey, and no f***ing way home. Still 20 drinks too sober, I just pissed away my time with fine Pluto whisky and cold-ass alien wine. Then one day I found myself outside that bar again, enveloped in the miasmic mists by the old Martian whorehouse, down near the Gate of India. Walked up to my Pluto babe and said, man, that was some bad shit; let’s do it again sometime. Knew the day would come again, I’d be drinking with those Martian men. Something bad my way would come, another night of wicked fun. On the wrong side of the Moon, on just the right night, in the mean streets of Bombay. SPOTLIGHT ON WRITERS – JAKE COSMOS ALLER JAKE COSMOS ALLER·JUNE 26, 2021 Spotlight On Writers Jake Cosmos Aller @Jakecaller Where, do you hail from? I grew up in Berkeley,... AUTHORSPOETRYENGLISHQ&A 1 MIN READ MOZART BLUES JAKE COSMOS ALLER·OCTOBER 2, 2023 Mozart Blues written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @aller_jake One morning I woke up And walked out of my... POETRYENGLISH 1 MIN READ REFLECTIONS IN MY BEER JAKE COSMOS ALLER·MAY 31, 2023 Reflections in My Beer written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @aller_jake I sit staring at my beer Listening to... POETRYENGLISH 1 MIN READ LONELY DOG JAKE COSMOS ALLER·DECEMBER 30, 2022 Lonely Dog written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @aller_jake A lonely dog Goes out into the courtyard Waiting for... ENGLISHPOETRY 1 MIN READ DAZZLING LIGHT OF THE FULL MOON JAKE COSMOS ALLER·AUGUST 21, 2022 Dazzling Light of The Full Moon written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @aller_jake Dazzling light of the full moon... POETRYENGLISH 1 MIN READ STRANGERS SLEEPING ON THE STREETS JAKE COSMOS ALLER·SEPTEMBER 7, 2021 Strangers Sleeping on The Streets written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @Jakecaller In these sad days of the pandemic... ENGLISHPOETRY 1 MIN READ EVE EATS THE APPLE JAKE COSMOS ALLER·JUNE 10, 2021 Eve Eats The Apple written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @Jakecaller Eve was in the garden Talking with Mr.... ENGLISHPOETRY 1 MIN READ JUST ENOUGH FOR COFFEE JAKE COSMOS ALLER·FEBRUARY 9, 2021 Just Enough for Coffee written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @Jakecaller A homeless man Stood on the street Counting... FEATURED POSTENGLISHPOETRY 1 MIN READ MOCKING FACES STARING AT ME JAKE COSMOS ALLER·SEPTEMBER 19, 2020 Mocking Faces Staring at Me written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @Jakecaller Mocking faces hunting my dreams Hundreds of... POETRYENGLISH 1 MIN READ CHAOS JAKE COSMOS ALLER·JULY 6, 2020 Chaos written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @Jakecaller the world descends into chaos as our world leaders led by... ENGLISHPOETRY 1 MIN READ DORA THE INTERGALACTIC EXPLORER JAKE COSMOS ALLER·APRIL 27, 2020 Dora The Intergalactic Explorer written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @Jakecaller Dora the intergalactic explorer Is traveling to the... ENGLISHPOETRY 1 MIN READ EVERYDAY I TURN ON THE NEWS JAKE COSMOS ALLER·MARCH 26, 2020 Everyday I Turn On The News written by: Jake Cosmos Aller @Jakecaller every day I turn on the... ENGLISHPOETRY 1 MIN READ MORNING LIGHT JAKE COSMOS ALLER·FEBRUARY 12, 2020 Morning Light written by: Jake Cosmos Aller the terrors of the night the worst imaginings of what might... POETRYENGLISH 1 MIN READ RAMBLING MAN, WHERE IS YOUR HOME? JAKE COSMOS ALLER·SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 Rambling Man, Where is your Home? written by: Jake Cosmos Aller Where is my home? Where do I... POETRYENGLISH 1 MIN READ |