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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#1062046 added January 15, 2024 at 8:14am
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43rd week of the Year 180.
Groan Groan smiley (exercise) = Exor. (observations) = obsv. (s***,shave,shower) = ss&s. (read something) = read. (comment blogs/newsfeed/notebook) = bogs. (BoyLove series on-line) = ytBL. (Thai TV BL series on GMMTV25) = tv25. (write poetry or prose) = PorP. (take a daily walk) = walk. (buy something) = shop. (take a photo) = foto. (video) = วิดีโอ. (speak Thai/Lao) = pôod. (learn Thai) Thai. (go-into-the-water) = pool. (dirty clothes) = wash. (cook something) = cook. (tidy up) = mess. (travel) = trip. (noon) = เที่ยง. (talking to ex-pats/travelers/strangers in European) = chat. (Thai teaching book) = book. (hand written journal) = jour. (contests) = test. (water) = agua. (market) = ตลาด. (WdC weekly goals challenge) = week. ฟอรั่ม (forums) = QotD, Xin8,X40w,Hook,P-Me,BcoF,*Bananas*Bar,*Bulby*SH*Bulby*. (National Blog Post Month) NBPM.

14 januar *Pool7* 14 มกราคม

*Checkr* ss&s
*Clock* เที่ยง. 80 degrees. AQ41.
*Checkr* exor. 300/300/300/300 = 1200. It was getting warm and the sun was coming around. fin. 12:30
*Checkr* obsv. blue sky, only swallows swooping, big butterfly, quiet.
*Checkr* ss&s. 2nd time.
*Checkr* chat. Batuan. I ranted. *Sad*
*Checkr* ฟอรั่ม. Xin8.
*Checkr* PorP. "Split pea soupOpen in new Window.
*Checkr* bogs. MightyJen/Nat/Stik
*Checkr* blog. "I said no to lifeOpen in new Window.
*Checkr* jour. page 5291-2
*Checkr* Thai. Chpt. 4
*Checkr* ytBL. Last Twilight Ep.9 2/4
*Xr* walk. too sick.

I hope I'm done vomiting. Literally (well, figuratively too).

13 januar *Traincar2v* 13 มกราคม

Children's Day - วันเด็ก

*Checkv* exor. 400/400/400/500 = 1800. 10:07-11:05. 72-75 degrees. AQ42 (fair)
*Checkv* obsv. puddles, breeze. Tom said it rained! Racket coming from UD Town.
*Checkv* blog. "Exercising. What to do in Montana?Open in new Window.
*Checkv* ฟอรั่ม. Didn't know (or had forgotten) that there was a forum post list! 33 posts since 1/1.
*Checkv* test. "In the Wilds of Time Open in new Window. for *Bulby*SH*Bulby*
*Checkv* bogs. BadVoodoo/Grace/Stephen.
*Checkv* trip. The flight is booked. The hostel in Bangkok is booked. Now I can calm down?
*Checkv* ss&s.
*Checkv* walk. Got coffee (y1,b2,r3,g4) and air freshener at Big C, but didn't get fried fish... *Sad*
*Checkv* chat. Batuan.
*Checkv* tv25. "Cherry Magic"
*Checkv* ytBL. Last Twilight Ep 9 1/4
*Checkv* jour. page 5291.

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Share Your Faith

12 januar *Dragonheadb* 12 มกราคม

My head is fuzzy. Too much stress. I need to lay down for a bit. Pan did come home but left this morning for work. It's the 'new normal'. I tried and failed regarding buying my tickets out of here. I'll be stressed until that's resolved.

To Neva: "I try to walk every day. Sometimes I just go to the market like yesterday; but we also have a 'city pond' where people go after sunset. There are places to work out, places to eat, places to dance or sit.

I don't wear sunscreen. I wear a hat and a long-sleeve shirt between 10-16 when the sun is beating down on us in Hot Season. Now... it's winter, so not quite as necessary for a short walk. Working in the fields though...

I had ticks, chiggers and poison ivy in Oklahoma... no joke!

When I'm back in Montana I'll need to figure out an exercise routine. Walking would be great but I don't think going out alone on the snow/ice would be wise. I need a walking buddy!"

*Clock2* เที่ยง. 82 degrees. AQ43 Clouds lifting.
*Checkb* bogs. Neva/Beholden/Eric.
*Checkb* blog. "3600 views after 18+ years...Open in new Window.
*Checkb* ฟอรั่ม. "Re: Andre's Fractured Resolutions Prompts Week 2"  Open in new Window.
*Checkb* walk.
*Checkb* foto. yellow flowers, apres sunset.
*Checkb* shop.
*Checkb* chat. V&B, P'Nan.
*Checkb* exor. 300/300/300/300 = 1200. 19:38-20:02. 82 degrees. AQ 45/49.
*Checkb* obsv. pesky fly, all the exercise equipment around Nong Bua. mosquitoes, sirens, long rumbling ot the train, taste of chicken liver.
*Checkb* tv25. Last Twilight on 25 and PitBabe on 31.
*Checkb* jour. page 5290-1.

Merit Badge in Number 1 Fan
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To Bobbie on FB: "My father's father was born in 1880. He was 72 the year I was born. I am 71 now. I don't remember him (he met me but I have few childhood memories) but my great uncle Eddy was born in 1874 in Sweden. When they say "unto the seventh generation" they are not jesting. Gen Z is not an example of "spontaneous generation". They are built upon the good and bad judgments of their forefathers. In the past that would be their linear heritage or the village they grew up in. Nowadays they draw from the Global Village and K-Pop can be as influential as European or American music. 1970 may as well be as ancient as the Civil War. 1917 = WW1 in White-Eurocentric circles. 1918 = pandemic (important in my mother's family). But Jim Crow was in force and Native Americans didn't dare step off the Reservation. Different histories, some forgotten, some still healing from the scars."

11 januar *Orange* 11 มกราคม

*Checko* chat. Venera and Boreu. Saw Tom. Later: V&B and Nancy.
*Checko* exor. 400/300/300/300 = 1300. 10:39-11:23. 81 degrees. AQ41 (fair) Some clouds.
*Checko* obsv. V&B cleaning two bicycles, the myna hop,
*Hourglass* เที่ยง. 84 degrees. AQ40 (fair)
*Checko* ฟอรั่ม. P-Me. "#2 Map (what's a #1 map?)"  Open in new Window.
*Checko* blog. "Consideration or "Harm none but do whatever I want?" Open in new Window.
*Checko* wash. Pan has hung up the clothes and the pillows, bed sheet and covers are dry.
*Checko* test. Made additions to a couple of contests. Good use of nervous energy? Or avoidance...
*Checko* bogs. Sandy/NormaJean/Whirls.
*Checko* walk.
*Checko* rose. red.
*Checko* shop. ขนม
*Checko* tv25. Faceless Love.
*Checko* Thai. Chpt. 3
*Checko* trip. Looked at flights. No decisions. Gonna be rough until I have it planned. About 30k baht to MSO.
*Xo* ss&s. Didn't bother until almost midnight and didn't shave.

To NormaJean: "I edited my un-posted "Dear Me" letter. NO resolutions, just an inner dialogue between my suggestions and my reluctance to follow them. Very real... in some ways.

I try to go for a walk every day. I keep track of this in Porthole. The problem arises when I'm back in Montana. A long walk on a bone-cold day? Not to forget those 42 steps going down... and then back up. I guess I could skip a couple going up if I'm careful. I'm more concerned about falling down them.

Even Missoula will be chilled. -12 tomorrow; never going above 0 on Saturday. I hope my place will be okay. There's nothing I can do from here. I made sure my windows were shut. The winds will be coming down Hellgate Canyon from the north-east, but my windows face south. And winds under 9 mph.

Merit Badge in Meet That Deadline!
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  Writing.Com Time  
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." by Douglas Adams
Meet That Deadline!

10 januar *Carg**Cargr* 10 มกราคม

*Checkg* obsv. passing train, jet roar, dove coo; bouncing ball; purple orchids starting.
*Checkg* bogs. Phyllis/Joy/Jennifer
*Clock2* เที่ยง. 84 degrees. AQ45 (fair)
*Checkg* ytBL. Pitbabe Ep.7 Ep.8
*Checkg* ฟอรั่ม. Hook. "Round 8"  Open in new Window.
*Checkg* ss&s.
*Checkg* agua. 5 liters
*Checkgr* walk.
*Checkgr* 7/11. bread, bologna, butter (from Australia in a container).
*Checkgr* exor. 300/300/300/300 = 1200. 20:47-21:10. 79 degrees. AQ49 (fair)
*Checkgr* chat. short chat with Batuaan.
*Checkgr* Thai. Chpt. 2

The simple yet easily overlooked

"garbage can"

may be too common... kinda like sending dandelions in May to someone in Michigan. They'll just send a gazillion back.

In Thailand


will do. It's a beloved, tasty and, sometimes expensive, fruit but few people like the odor and hotels and means of transport ban it.

"burning fields"

may be too general or uncommon. The sugarcane and corn fields put soot in the air and it can become unbreathable. Air pollution is a real problem outside of rainy season. Bangkok and Chiang Mai are to be avoided. It comes with a tingling of the eyes and a cough.

"Pittsburgh 1960"

is a very old scent, only evoking 'fond' memories of former generations (age 65+) of the black skies of factory towns across the USA. It comes with black dust that clings like glitter and dulls everything it touches... and won't wash off. But... the deluxe package comes with a recording of the steam engines running the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad. And that may make it a best seller among the lung cancer crowd.

9 januar *Monster11* 9 มกราคม

*Checkp* Thai. Read Thai Chpt. 1
*Checkp* exor. 600/300/300/600 = 1800. 08:48-09:27, ~70 degrees. AQ42, but felt worse.
*Checkp* obsv. noisy flock of myna birds, dirty horizon, fragrance of plumeria.
*Checkp* cook. I made rice w/egg plus leftovers. Pan is neither cooking nor eating *Sad* I worry.
*Checkp* ss&s.
*Checkp* bogs. AmyJo/TJ/Richard
*Clock2* เที่ยง. 84 degrees. AQ 40. Sunny blue skies. Slight breeze.
*Checkp* blog. "How money works... or not.Open in new Window.
*Checkp* ฟอรั่ม. Xin8. "Caught in my eyeOpen in new Window.
*Checkp* ytBL. Pit Babe Ep.5 Ep.6 omegaverse genre.
*Checkp* walk.
*Checkp* 7/11. toilet paper. Cheap stuff but we ran out.

Pan didn't oversleep. Some days he cannot get up before noon. At noon he went to work. And he told me what he was doing, said goodbye and even mentioned a time to come back! His lack of respect has been driving me mad. At least today went well... so far.

8 januar *Duck* 8 มกราคม

*Checky* bogs. Jim/Mighty/Jane
*Checky* exor. 400/300/300/500 = 1500. 81 degrees. AQ39 (fair) 10:10-10:42.
*Checky* obsv. Pesky fly, handsome woman in blue wide-leg pants, my elbow isn't as swollen, saw Tom.
*Hourglass* เที่ยง. 82 degrees. AQ39 (fair)
*Checky* Thai. "Read Thai" intro reread.
*Checky* ytBL. Pitbabe Ep.4
*Checky* ss&s.
*Checky* ตลาด. sweet potato sticks, eggs, bananas, green onions, mushrooms...
*Xy* walk.
*Checky* cook. chicken...
*Checky* chat. with Venera and Boreu.

To Sharon West on FB: "One of the secrets of gracefully getting older is seeing the mundane in new ways. I'm seldom bored observing the ever-changing world around me."


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1062046-43rd-week-of-the-Year-180