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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Hello, Writing.Com Community! We're thrilled to announce a fantastic update to Community Recognition that makes it even easier to support and appreciate each other here on Writing.Com! Starting now, the waiting period between merit badges and awardicons contributing to your CR points has been halved from 14 days to just 7 days! This means more frequent opportunities to acknowledge your fellow writers... and of course to see your own CR score grow a little bit faster. Yes... You read that right: Your gifted badges and awards now add to the recipient's CR once per week! We understand that our community thrives on mutual support and the recognition you can each award one another. This update makes it quicker and easier to spread joy, encouragement and positivity throughout our writing family. So, go ahead and celebrate each other's successes more often in 2024! Send out those virtual goodies we all know and love... watch as all of our Community Recognition numbers continue to grow, reflecting the vibrant, supportive environment we all cherish here at Writing.Com. Keep writing, keep inspiring, and keep supporting one another! * Please note: This change is not retroactive. Badges/Awards given prior to January 2nd 2024 are still governed by the waiting period at the time they were given. |