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My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum. |
How did I celebrate the closure of one year and the entrance of another? Well, I didn't cavort or guzzle anything other than cups of tea which I paired with a plethora of delectable and tantalizing Christmas leftovers. Those cookies do entice me and to squelch their allure I banished some to the deep freeze. When I succumb to their sweetness in the new year and I accept I will the calories' inherent therein have to have been rendered non-existent or at least much less potent. My hubby is addicted to anything and everything Hallmark or soap-opera'ish. I doubt there could possibly be a tear-jerker Christmas-themed movie he hasn't seen, but, meh, anything's possible. I sat through several of them last night. I suppose I do appreciate the happy endings. Earlier in 2023 I fractured my right leg and endured a too long confinement of eleven weeks in a cast and reliant upon a wheelchair. Had I been engaged in a daring, reckless feat, perhaps an attempt to be athletic? Nope. I simply stepped out of my pick-up truck onto a patch of sand meant to mitigate icy misfortunes and I slipped. Nothing heroic. This was my first and I hope final non-weight bearing injury. The few occasions I deserted my apartment for medical appointments I had to bump down and then up the nineteen steps to my apartment. The words of my landlord echoed. "The stairs will keep you young." I lost count of how many times I ran over the toes of my left foot as I conducted daily and numerous three-point turns perched on an ornery chair atop wheels. That cantankerous torture device disliked my tiny home. I now have tremendous respect for people forced to rely upon this mode of transportation fulltime. It's not for the faint of heart. Anyway, I celebrate the return of function for one of my legs with daily strolls. I celebrate the freedom to come and go without restriction. Last evening I sauntered through the short main street of 'my' village inhaling crisp air and admiring the glowing Christmas light displays. Along the way I encountered a few fellow villagers and we exchanged Happy New Year greetings. Snug at home I oohed and aahed over a midnight fireworks display cascading outside my livingroom window. The brilliant bursts of colour punctuated the night sky as if to say this next year will be fantastic. Of course I exchanged internet messages/salutations with family and friends. I marvel at the many emojis and animated Gifs created for my use. In February of 2023 we welcomed a fourth grandgiggle. I am truly blessed. If this number holds I believe I'll be okay. Remembering four names and birth dates is not too burdensome. Today, January 1st, I am de-Christmasing. I'm reminded of the Whos in Whoville and the Grinch as I pull down and dismiss my decorations. While they are displayed they provide smiles and enhance memories, but I do not break out in song at the sight of them. For a few days I will miss their festive colours. All that red makes an impact. They shall be banished to storage bins to await another Christmas. Huh, this effort is similar to moving house. I must pack and unpack. I wish for yet one more year of no accidents and spills from the stacked storage containers. An avalanche would be disastrous. Do I subscribe to resolutions? In a word, no. The unexpected is a constant, good and bad. Welcome 2024, surprise me. Day of Recovery - 01 January 2024 prompts What did you do last night at Midnight WDC time? Your time zone may vary, such as New Zealanders having New Year Day supper (or whatever the evening meal is called there). Do you have any New Years Day traditions? Detail as much as possible from time you get up to passing the day to evening activities and who is involved. What's your thoughts on the enormous exapnsion of holiday lights and light polution and those lights using electricity made from fossil fuels? How was the fireworks and firecracker noise around you residence last night and was it enjoyable or not? If you're doing WDC's Fifth Sunday prompt, "Note: Fifth Sunday *BurstBL* Random Prompt! It&...", feel free to use it. |