Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1060401-Chapter-3
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2309407
They are given a task to acquire a dragon's egg, by a merchant paying size able sum.
#1060401 added January 4, 2024 at 11:03pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3

         Thallin saw Creeton, he reacehd out to grab him and throw him inside. Creeton went to the window while being airborne. Why was he so bloody happy? Didn't he realise what would happen to us if what he said was true?
         Thallin saw a tabard of the watch as they were climbing the stairs. They hadn't turned the corner yet to their floor, The blood drained from his face.
         "Ah'm comin‘. Comin‘,” a man said. “Can’t you wait a minute? Damn you!”
         We heard the stomping of heavy feet in the hallway. There was a sound as the latch on the door was lifted and the door opens.
         Then we heard another hand hammering the next door. It was getting closer.-
         Shallynne quickly dressed while our door remained shut.
         This is before the door that was theirs was rapped upon. The door shuddered beneath the guards' hands. Thallin moves the bed in the path of the door to stop the guards from arriving there.
         Creeton grabbed the masonry and the frame of the window and window's ledge so he would not fall. He smiled joyously on saving himself.
         He looked down, out the window, and saw five guards in the courtyard below. He took hold of the lattice and slippery ivy that climbed to the roof.
         Shallynne raced to the window in a crouch to avoid being seen by anyone below the window. She arrives there.
         “Look. There,” someone said below the window.
         One of the guards drew up his bow and shot at Creeton. The arrow flew but missed him by a scant inch.          Inside Thallin saw an axe tear through the door. Thallin lifts a chair to stop it from coming inside the room.
         Other guards attacked the door.
         Shallynne yells back, “Throw me my bow quiver and sword.”
         Thallin lifted up the quiver of arrows and a long bow. He tossed them toward her. She accepts them, She was worried about what was about to happen.
         The guards are shooting arrows at Creeton as he climbed onto the lattice work,’He had to be careful The ivy was as thick as a ship’s rigging. And was slippeyr. Fluid erupted from within the ivy’s flesh. It wrenched a strip from the latticework. He fought to maintain his grasp.--
         Creeton's foot and left hand slipped, leaving him dangling from his right arm.
         Creeton saw Shallynne as she reached for him, heard sword play behind her, she briefly looks that way. To see Thallin hacking away with chair to stop the guards trying to come in.Their axes tore the door to kindling.
         In the next thing she looked at the guards shooting arrows at Creeton, as his hand missed hers, he begins his descent.
         Shallynne lifted an arrow and the bow the arrow would have to be shot where she could avoid the mail. She saw the guards neck was visible just beneath the mail. She prayed as she shot the arrow at the guard.
         It struck the guard on the neck. Blood appeared about the arrow’s shaft, it was growing to be a larger mass of fluid that spread from the wound, jettisoned from neck through the hole. The guard fell dead, blood spewed from his neck to wash the mail and its inner fabric.
         The weight was too heavy for him to hold on–
         Shallynne climbed through the window to crawl across the latticework and ivy as they were trying to shoot him with arrows. Shallynne slithered out on the lattice work, the ivy was slippery, and the ivy was thick as rope for rigging She looked down at where Creeton had fallen, seeing the guards lumbering to their feet.-
         The guard screamed.

         The door burst open.
         Shallynne released Thallin and they tumbled to the ground.."
         Creeton was on his belly crawled to the guard kicked him, Held his dagger in his hand drove the blade through the top of the guard’s food. Creeton was desperate to stay alive.
Once they have gotten to their feet.
         Thallin swung at the guard as he drew his sword to attackCreeton and tore the finger tips and cuticles were torn and bleeding, His hand went into the net that made up mail hood the guard wore, my hand got entangled in it, the hood’s net was small enough to capture my hand there.Blood trickled from her hand.
         Thallin wrenched back as the pain tore through his hand. Blood ran in small rivulets from it. I kicked the guard in the breastplate, drove him backward. I grit my teeth.
         The guard struggled to be free, but was unable, he did not move, Thallin laughed,-I smiled and saw Creeton faced two guards.
         Thallin reached out to grabbed a guard's shoulder. The guard turned around to face me. The other two guards drew their weapons after gaining their footing. Creeton ducked the sword swung his way. He charged beneath guards blade where the arm pit was with his dagger. The dagger’s blade sank within his arm pit.
         She found her bow. She smiled as she lifted the bow from the ground and found a few arrows nearby.She drew an arrow from the quiver, lifted it to her bowstring, and lined up the shot, careful to not shoot them.
Come on, Creeton, Get out ! I shoot him! If you stay there, How do you expect me to Can I not shoot him? With you there! Shallynne finally saw an opening.
         The guards up in the room they shared poked their heads out the window to watch the fight below. One of them screamed, "Stop those murderers!"
         The guards turned and bolted for the stairs to get to them. Their cries were loud enough to be heard by all.
         Shallynne sped toward no doubt the guard’s steed. On her back was her provisions and another shirt. It vaulted to the next horse.
         Creeton stumbled a bit, but he got to his muke. Creeton looked nervously about. He slapped his reins on his horse’s withers.
         There were people in the street walking about doing their business. The people looked at the guards and the fight that had occurred beside the tavern.


         Creeton closed his eyes; he knew he would be in his Lady’s cathedral, beseeching his Lady to have her allow him to create some way to hide from the guards pursued him. He found himself on his knees. He looked up at her face as she stood on the podium, speaking with her acolytes.
         She was nude, as she so often was when he saw her. She looked at him; there was a hint of a smile on her face. She asked, “Why are you here?”
         “I have need of you to find a way to hide us from the guards who are pursuing us.” Creeton said as he looked away from her face.
         She smiled and opened her hands to show him that they were empty. Sand fell from her hands to float in the air. “I see. Why are they pursuing you?”
         “My friend attacked a noble, who showed an interest in his lady friend. This noble tried to buy her. She did not accept his desire and told him so. He took exception to this.”
         “I see. I will help you,” she said as she looked at him and made a dismissive gesture. He opened his eyes have the cathedral vanish from view.

He opened his eyes to see that he was still in the saddle. He was fortunate he had not fallen from the horse. He kicked the horse's withers.
         The crowd seemed excited seeing the guards burst out the door of the tavern. The guards reached for their weapons as the three of us rode away from the Hung Goblin. They raced toward their steeds as a dust storm exploded onto the street and covered everything.
         Creeton knew there would be a great wind to blow through the town. It would hide the three of us from view. He smiled and laughed.
         The queen would want their hides if the noble told the guardstold the Grand Dame who Thallin was. It could spell their death warrants. Thallin's mother was a close associate of hers. The queen ruled over the country with an iron fist running with blood, and she had a distinct dislike for men if they chose to attack nobles from other countries. Thallin die this on the behalf of Shallynne. However, Thallin doubted this fact would make any difference to the queen or her decision.
         They looked behind to see a huge cloud of sand billowing up and swallowing the streets with sand. The houses were invisible through the cloud.
         Shallynne looked at Creeton, and he laughed as he peered at the street. There were tears in his eyes. The guards would be unable to see.
         They were fortunate. The sand would hide them from the guards prying eyes. The would be safe the guards would be looking for them. Thallin did not know if the guards would be able to describe him.
         The watch’s guards did not know who he was. Thallin prayed that the guards would not describe him to the queen or his mother. They both would know who he was.
         His mother would not be pleased of hearing that he was with Shallynne. She despised his friends and the community where he usually was when not in her eyesight. She had made his life worthless.
         The coins he had were from his father’s hand; the coins allowed them to have safe passage.
         A great wind exploded and blew across the streets where they did not ride. No one could see anything in this windstorm.
         The streets were black with dirt; the guards could not see what had been behind them. The guards were stuck there.
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