Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1060400-Chapter-2
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2309407
They are given a task to acquire a dragon's egg, by a merchant paying size able sum.
#1060400 added January 4, 2024 at 9:51pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 2
         The candles that illuminated the dark, deep and forbidding shadows as the shadows guard the tavern upon nightfall when no candles were lit. The place was quiet, it looked deserted. The quiet hung like a noose
about their necks as They sat there. Shallynne thought, she heard the pitterpatter of mouse feet on the stones, It was just that quiet.
         Inside where They were curtains that covered the walls,
beside the fireplace. There were windows with stained glass in them depicting a Goblin who is well endowed standing beside the sign post.It was a good representation of a Goblin with big pointed ears, high
eyebrows, pointed ears, his mouth having large lips with a mouth open, you could see the inside gums of
his, wearing red pants, and big shoes.
         There was a border beneath the curtain was gold in copper, there was a carpet on the wall below the border. There was a staircase going up to five flights of rooms. Chandlers were used to see what was there, once you left the tavern’s bar. It had stairs that were twenty feet across.The tavern was safe for them to be here.
         The barkeep glared at the noble, He bolted to the door a hint of a smile crept across his face, His arms were muscular, he was at the moment wiping glasses He than said, “Shallynne stop. Relax, you know,I won’t do this?”
         "Shallynne knew of the trouble that your friend would wind up with a noose about his neck, It was just to get that person out here.” the barkeep said.
         “Thank goodness, You know what would happen if Mayrat would do if she caught us together,” Thalln said as he looked into the eyes of the barkeep.
         “There is no worry about that happening. Unless one of the other people here decides to go and speak to his mother. You know what they are likely to do, is avoid doing this. However what you saying, That you are here to see Creeton,” a burnette said as she took a seat beside them.
         Shallynne glared at the Barkeep for a moment she then sat down. She asked, “Did he really see Seleast. He seemed gleeful to have done this. Where’s he from?”
         “Some place to the east, he has been trying to Seleast for two weeks now. He had a scroll to deliver to her from someone there the way that he was trying to see her seemed urgent for him to do this with the
Grande Dame,” the other serving girl said as she put down her tray on the bar and walked over to them she had blonde hair with green eyes.
         “With some urgency, he finally arrived,” the bartender said as he set the glass down.
         “What is he? What does he do for a living?” Shallynne asked faced brunette's eyes and saw tears ran down her cheeks.
         “I heard a rumour that he is a slaver. He has come here to buy the prisoners in our jails. We don’t know what the scrolls are for.” the brunette said.
         “A royal decree with his people and ours. We do not know what is really happening with them and us, there is no way They can know this,” a red headed waitress said as Shallynne gained a cup.
         Thallin asked,”Have you seen Creeton?”
         “You mean he is coming here again. Don’t you two get tired of seeing him?” a blonde said, there was face a frown appeared on her face, Shallynne knew Creeton had an interest in her.
         “He isn’t here yet?” Shallynne said, As she brushed some black curls out of her face.
         “Hasn’t showed up,”
         “So, he hasn’t been here,” Shallynne said, as she lifted her hands from the table as their meals arrived. Shallynne smiled as she smelled the food. It was mouth
watering. The aroma was great, the appearance of the meal made up for the actions of this dolt. She savoried
every bit. It danced and played on her tongue.
         “Why are you here?” the brunette said.
         “The reason They were here was due to Creeton, where was he? He told us to come here,” Shallynne said.
         They took it easy waiting for Creeton to appear. Drinking and talking amongst ourselves in the tavern. The night was quickly falling. The meal was good. Shallynne walked over to the taverns owner to buy use a room for the night.
         “When Creeton gets here. Tell him to meet us in our room. If you wouldn’t mind,” Shallynne said as she went up the stairs to their room.

There was someone or thing that hunted the city’s street at night, they
were near the water so there was usually a mist on the streets, the scent
of salt was also there in the air, our streets were littered with
seagull droppings, and the stench of rotting fish was also prevalent there.

         They were full. Thallin patted his happy stomach and burped. The wine was sweet and aromatic. They didn’t dine here regularly but Creeton did that was why they were here.
         The bartender winced, the other girl rose to her feet and walked toward the eight of them, She looked a little worried until she saw the coins. Then she beamed and led the eight of them to another set of tables.
         The girl had to go and get their meals, they looked about as if they had never seen anything like where they were presently.
         Shallynne found the group to be curious of them, and their community. Their skin was olive coloured, their voices were different from anyone they had ever seen before high pitched in sound,
         “Whatever you want to call him. He was a person high on his horse. He was a buffoon,” Shallynne aked as Thallin drained his glass. Shallynne saw a mouse scramble across the bar’s top and laughed.
         “He might have seen the Grande Dame Seleast.” Thallin said, he gnawed on his fingernail.
         “So, what he thinks is Seleast,” Shallynne said as put the glass down.
         “We could be in trouble. If he knows Seleast.”
          “I doubt she will remember him. No matter what he thinks.”
Shallynne said.
         ”What if my mother finds out about us being together?” Thallin asked as he squeezed the bridge of his nose.
         The brunette had an interest Creeton, or so. Shallynne suspected looked at us her brow was furled, there was a frown on her face. She walked toward them, stared at Thallin, and said, ” You were brave, you know you could have gotten yourself killed in this tavern. Shallynne. You have to one day show me how to shoot a bow as well as you do.”
         “The noble was not from this country, He was from somewhere else. I did not feel you had anything to worry about. He may have something to do with them being here.” the brunette said as she rubbed the sole of her foot.
         “How dare he suggest this about me,”Shallynne said as she sat down, slammed her hand down and smirked/
         “Creeton was a young priest of his Lady. She would provide him with the power to protect himself.”
         “Creeton had been captured by people who feared who he was praying to. They feared that he was willing to sacrifice people for his Goddess; his power would amplify to a far greater thing. There would be no stopping him,” Thallin said, looking at his empty plate..
         “You remember what he told us, that he was captured by the
Keyca.” Thallin asked.
         “Punished by Keyca that was why he has the welts on; his back and body had been scoured till it bled with a great deal of blood and pain as it tore through him,”Thallin said.
         "He struggled to be free of the rope that held him unable to avoid the whip” Shallynne said tears ran from her eyes. Thallin recalled what he had said to him. Thallin said.
         “Creeton was a young man; he wanted to allow people to know of his lady. They were afraid if he was caught again by the people who pursued him. Creeton knew that he was safe here.
No one in this realm haunted priests. Thallin continued.
         “This community accepted them as being people they needed for protection.” Thallin said.
         ““People who were able to cast spells either prayed to god or goddesses the other people made use of daemons or devils to cast spells. These beings Creeton had called them by these names.He suggested he was protected by his Goddess; the other people attacked Creeton to kill him. The priest stone was able to put a stoppage of Creeton’s power to speak with his Lady.”Shallynne said.
         “The other communities feared their being anywhere near them. The people had shown a great dislike of the priests. Creeton’s mother had been slain by them."
         "A friend carried him away after they had put the priest stone on his neck. The stone had a burning sensation as it touched down on his skin. There was a marking on his chest to indicate that he was a priest,” Thallin said.
         “He had seen smoke billow and climb off of the stone, blood ran about the sides of the stone. There was a great deal of pain with it touching down on his chest there, the chain sank onto his skin the skin grew over the chain that was held there,” Shallynne said.

         When there was no one about the barkeep allowed the light to be reduced as he knows where everything `in the dark. He knew them, so he provided them with their room, Shalynne is usually used here. It was spacious enough for her and her boy.
         She was growing tired, They would want to spend the night here. Rather than going outside onto the streets.


         In the morning, a heavy hand fell on the door falling with the speed of woodpecker’s beak on a tree to get grubs. Her head throbbed each time this hand came down . She held head and it was booming. She was gagging, her mouth felt as if it was filled with cotton, her tongue felt like it was huge.
         Her eyes were closed tears ran from her eyes. She winced, "The light heavens it hurts. Its exploding. God it hurts. Shallynne winced and said, “What is the meaning of this? Why is there a horse trotting here?
The hooves must be hammering the door.” Tears spilled, Shallynne winced.
         ”My head. Oh. God It hurts,”Shallynne wailed. Lifted her hand to block the light from striking her face, than saw Thallin a smile crept across her faceas Thallin pulled himself from the bed. Shallynne liked his cute butt and flicked the sheet at his butt, He jumped as it struck him., His muscular frame was clearly visible, and he reached out for his sword, shirt and pants. Wagged a finger at her.
         They heard through the door, a loud voice that was chattering with laughter, “I have heard that there is a noble who desires the head or heads of the people in this room.”
         Creeton stood there with the priest stone was protruding from his small neck
it could not be concealed in any way was a cube of blue quartz about the size of his
two fists. The chain had been cauterised inside of his neck. He wore a red jacket,
with a silk silver blouse and black slacks he stood there not realising the door
opened his fist caught Thallin in the face. Thallin tasted blood.
         Creeton did a little dance, rubbed his hands together, laughed, when he saw
Thallin there.
         Thallin stepped backward, threw his fist at Creeton’s neck. caught the the priest stone in Thallin’s hand.about his neck, the chain had been fused to his neck. As Thallin’s huge hand closed about it.
         Creeton brought his hands up to protect his neck from the hand now, holding the stone,
Creeton’s hands tried to pry Thallin’s hand off.
         Thallin threw him into the air like a nail hurled by the claw hammer from wood
into the air. Creeton flew through the air toward the closed window. His booted
feet shattered the glass.
         Thallin slammed the door closed as he did this he saw the tabard of the Grande Dame’s guards. Saw the gloved hand and the mail that covered the forearm ofthe guards from there. Thallin was worried about this happening here. Heard the guards’ heavy boots falling upon the wooden steps and the floor.
         Creeton continued to fly by and he said, “The guards will be here shortly. They will do as he
bid. However Creeron have made a deal witha man. The man paid a great deal for what They were to bring him.”
         “Which is what?” Thallin said, still puzzled by Creeton’s actions.
         “A dragon’s egg.” Creeton said.
         “A what?” Thallin said he knew he hadn’t heard Creeton.          
         “I just told you, a dragon’s egg.” Creeton said.
         “I know I heard Get an egg from the market or the nearest hen house. That’s quite a joke. There are no
dragons, much less eggs of one. They won’t be able to find one!” Thallin said, looked where he threw Creeton.
         “There is no such thing as this?” Shallynne said.
         As Creeton smirked there was a sense of amusement in his voice,”You should see what he
has been given to do this. You should see. See!” Creeton drew out of his purse, patted it with his
right hand.
         “Why did you accept payment?” Shallynne said, her body was growing cold. “Who was it? who gave you
this coin?”
         “Zan. Can you imagine that, really look at the coin, he paid an electrum for it, and believes that they are alive.” Creeton said. His eyes were bright with laughter, grinned like a fool.
         In the next Shallynne heard heavy footsteps where Creeton had been. They were louder than Creeton’s
persistent knocking at the door, sounded like monster of work horse ‘s hooves on the floor. Shallynne said,”Keep quiet Creeton.”
         “What do you mean; the noble has been able to have us Slain.” Shallynne asked and lifted her hand from the hem of the skirt, her eyes still hurt and was strangling to breath. Raced to the window, to leave shortly, They heard a heavier hand fall upon the next door to our room, but not our door, thank goodness for that. They heard, “Open up or we will break down your door.”
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