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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #2309407
They are given a task to acquire a dragon's egg, by a merchant paying size able sum.
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#1060399 added January 4, 2024 at 8:28pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1
          A hodgepodge crowd of thirsty and hungry patrons, from the lord’s eldest in silk and velvet to the unwashed pickpocket wearing naught more than rags, filled “the Hung Goblin”, mingling with each other or with the few men and women plying their trade. The murmuring and laughter of the throng drowned out the singing bard. A merry dance of smoke, shadow, and firelight suffused the large chamber, and the air was heavy with alcohol, sweat. and pork drippings. Enough of the latter to mask the worst of the stench.
         She was a commoner, She works with the merchants in the community and carries with her a long bow, dagger and a broad sword for her personal protection as do most the people upon nightfall here in the community, there is something here that preys on the populace that walk the streets by nightfall. These beings do not fear weapons or people with weapons unless they know how to use them which she does as does her partner.
         Her scooped red blouse revealed her ample breasts. At the moment her right hand lay on the table, the other rested in her lap. There was a stein of ale before her. Her brown skirt show her beautiful legs they were crossed exposed her thighs. Her curly black hair fell to the small of her back. Her bow and quiver of arrows hung on the back rest. Her lips were rapier than colored scarlet as blood from an artery with a faint hint of rouge on her cheeks, her nose was small. She went by the name of Shallynne was an orphan, she was brown skinned as were her eyes. They were resting on Thallin's worried facem his brow was furled with cincern,
         It was late evening. She put her hand on Thallin’s wrist as he sat there watching the door were seated in a corner to have no one able to walk behind them, they were wary of the public. They had drinks already.
         They were waiting for Creeton to appear. Creeton said, "he had a great thing to tell us. He was to meet Zan somewhere nearby."
          Thallin is not loved by the ruling body here. Thallin turned to face the person who was making all that noise. This person had an escort of guards as a noble would have. They were walking into the tavern.
         The noble has the public's attention as he moved in. His voice was loud, cheerful. It sounded as if he was about to start singing.
         The noble dressed in a blue jacket with a crimson red cape dancing a jig, he was smiling and laughing gleefully. He clutched some papers in his hand, his right hand held the scroll. He said, “It’s a great day, I saw the grand dame Seleast, I saw her. I tell you!”
         Most of the populace turned to face this happy man as did Shallynnne. He saw her! Big deal! So he saw her. So, what was the big deal! Shallynne smirked, tapped her forefinger’s nail on the table’s surface. Wait a minute, He saw her.
         This noble had an entourage of eight guards as they walked toward the bar to turning over to their pole arms to barkeep. They still had their swords on their hips. The noble stared at Shallynne. She felt like slab of meat at the butcher’s shop. His clothing was not from here, She had never seen the garments he and his escort he wore, or the colors. Light blue yes, A horse with a horn in its forehead, either for that matter.
         When his eyes fell on Shallynne from across the room, he stared at her, his mouth hung agape. Was she produce to be inspected by a merchant for a blemish or bruise on it. She could see him lift her from the merchants cart to buy. Buy! How dare he. She am not something to buy! Did he think Thallin. Would sell her would he. How dare he! She closed her fist, drove her hand down. Knocked over her stein. It spilled over the table.
          The bosom serving girl brought it to her, the coins, she dumped in front of Thallin, Shallynne looked at the girl and asked, “Who bought this for me?”
         The girl said, “The noble over there did.” The serving girl pointed at the man she had looked at a moment ago.
         Thallin looked confused eyeing the coins and asked.” What is this for?”
          “Shallynne,” the busom girl said.
         “What do you mean? Shallynne is not a bobble to be bought,” Thallin said and reached for his weapon.
          The noble walked toward the table, being careful not to bump anyone. The noble bowed with a provocative flourish as he removed his broad brimmed hat from his head, and there was a feather in it. He had a handlebar mustache and his hair was blonde and fell to his shoulders. He wore a bright blue jacket, with a silk shirt with ruffles on the sides and a red cape had unicorn was standing on its hind legs with a gold underlining. His pants were black. He wore silk fingerless gloves. There was a scar on his cheek to his upper lip. In his opposing hand he held a cane. His smile was ear to ear laughed and winked at her, and said, ”My dear, why did you drop your glass. Miss can you get her another glass, please?”
         It was quite a sum, but she wasn’t for sale. She was not bought or sold! Thallin would as would she see to that fact being realised by this noble, whatever he is.
         Shallynne shoved the coins to litter the floor, She grimaced as she rose like a shark’s dorsal fin appear on the surface of water from her seat. Shallynne said, “How dare you!” She grabbed him by his collar shirt.
          Thallin hammered her shoulder. She was driven into her seat like a nail beneath a hammer’s head. Thallin screamed, “No!”
          The noble’s head collided with the table. Thanks to her hand. He and she struggled to be free of their hands. Found they could not do this. And closed her fist, tightly drawing blood. Slammed her fist down on the table. Nearly hit the noble.
          A guard charged to their table, the guard grabbed her arm holding the noble. His hand crushed her wrist. She did not release his collar.
         The noble was gasping, he lifted his head from the table. He pointed at her and she drove his face into the table. Blood ran from his face and said, “She touched me! You cur!”
         “Take it easy, no harm done,” Thallin said and dismissed it with a wave his hand toward the serving girl’s hand, “Send it back.”.
         “It was you and you bought it for me?” She said, It figures. I wanted to kill him! How dare he make this suggestion. A frown appeared on her face, She lifted her stein, glared at him. Slammed her stein down. Thought it was his Head that she was crushing.
         He appeared troubled by her reaction, his face was downcast. The noble approached their table. The noble said, “You spilled the drink I bought for you. I thought I would partake of you tonight.” Playing with the handlebar of his mustache with his fingers.
          Thallin rose from his feet to stop him from getting any closer and knocked over the chair.
          ”I don’t want another. Thank you. No! and you haven’t bought me ever and most assuredly not for the evening. Pick up your coins and be gone,” Shallynne said as she glared at him, wiping her mouth in disgust.
         The noble grinned, he brushed off Thallin’s hand off. his eyes twinkled and said, “I want to have what I purchased? And I shall have what I purchased. Do you not understand me.”
         “What do you mean purchased, I am not an animal to be bought and sold. I am as you are. I tell you, I bleed the same red blood and am human as you are,” she said as she reached out to stop Thallin, her hand missed his arm as he drove toward the noble like loin to its prey. Talons gleaming, his fangs exposed he leapt toward the guard. Hell bent to arrive there. Thallin collided with him drove him backwards he crashed into a table to his right. Hammered the person with his shoulder and back, the patron fell throwing his stein into the air..
         The noble stopped, his hand fell to his foil. When he saw what was happening. He decided against it. Thallin stepped further into his path, so he could not step further toward her.
         Thallin drove his fist at his head. He blocked it with his shoulder. the noble staggered back. Clutched his shoulder and winced.
         In the ensuing confusion as the other people got to their feet. The noble drew his dagger. Glared at Thallin, his hand arrived on their table. He grinned at me.
          “How dare you touch me. You are a soiled, dirty peon, My you stink. I will have to burn my garments. Pig, Wallowing in shit as you commoner's do!” the noble snarled, glaring at Thallin, He lifted a kerchief to wipe his shoulder.
         “How dare you speak to me like that,” Thallin drew back, hurled another fist at him, caught him in the face.
          Shallynne leaped back, drew up an arrow, and bow. Stepped away from the table. She did not want his diseased flesh to touch her. She could smell his cologne. It stank of roses. It turned her stomach.
         His guards began to close the gap knocked people from their feet and Drew their swords. The guard came up to Thallin, swung his sword at Thallin leapt aside.
         “Stop this before it gets ugly,” Thallin advised.kicked the guard in the crotch.. The guard fell like a ton of bricks was holding his crotch.
         The noble knocked a patron to the ground, with his arm. The noble charged toward Shallynne. Eyes narrowed like the eyes of a man playing billiards. It looked as if he was wanting to put Thallin in a Bear hug.
         The noble screamed, “What is the meaning of this? I have bought her for the evening. I tell you. Haven’t I? Why do you deny me this? Was my silver not enough. Do you think your worthy of more gold, then silver You are nothing, You’re worth more than my Alatrice. You are worth less than a common harlot in value,”
         “Did you not hear me, I can’t be simply bought.” she said nearly as loud as his voice. Her hand fell to her bow.
         People began to back away from the table where they were. The people's faces were drained of blood and reached for the weapons. The laughter stopped. The quiet descended like a falcon its talons gleamed. blood ran from the mouse's talons as it lifted it, from it ran. People rose from their chairs. The merriment had ended.
          “I tell you I did. Didn’t I do this?” the noble grinned cruelly running his hand beneath his chin. He spat.
         Thallin stepped toward the noble who had created the scene.
         The noble brought his dagger up. Thallin leapt back. the noble’s dagger swung toward his guts. Thallin drew up his own dagger,the knife passed the noble's neck missing him. Thallin threw the dagger at the noble’s shoulder dagger’s arm. The noble released the dagger. He lifted other hand to his shoulder.. Blood coursed about Thallin's dagger edge in unending stream.
          The noble winced. Stepped away from Thallin, his guards closed the gap.
         Shallynne quickly pulled the bow. In less than a heart beat an arrow was on the bow, the bow string drawn back. she was far enough for the bow to do maximum damage,
         ”What is the meaning of this? I bought her.” The noble said as he reached for his foil.
         Shallynne watched him; she frowned, and said, “Stop or I will have to kill you. At this distance I shan’t miss. Do you understand me?”
          Shallynne released her arrow. It caught the noble’s wrist and gut sank into it.
         “I will have him hung by the neck till death. And then I will have my way with her,” the noble snarled, as he removed the dagger from his shoulder.
          As the other guards charged toward the wounded noble and dropped their weapons to the floor to aid him.
          Shallynne drew another arrow snd shifted to face the escort of the noble. The guard froze.
          Other guards began to pull the noble away. The noble had to break the arrow to remove it from his leg.
          The inn keeper screamed, “Stop this. I have sent for the sheriff’s gaurds. Do you hear me?"
         The others in the tavern raced to the door.
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