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#1059848 added November 20, 2023 at 9:30pm
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COSTCO Shopping


from Bing AI write-up

COSTCO is an American multinational corporation that operates a chain of membership-only big-box retail stores, also known as warehouse clubs or wholesale clubs. COSTCO sells a wide range of products, from groceries and electronics to furniture and clothing, at discounted prices. COSTCO also offers services such as gas stations, pharmacies, optical centers, travel packages, and more. COSTCO is known for its Kirkland Signature brand, which is its private label of products that are often of high quality and low cost. COSTCO is also famous for its rotisserie chicken, hot dogs, and pizza, which are sold at its food courts.

COSTCO’s history dates back to 1976, when Sol Price, a pioneer in warehouse club retailing, opened the first Price Club in San Diego, California. Price Club was the world’s first membership warehouse club, a place where efficient buying and operating practices gave members access to unmatched savings. Price Club targeted small business owners, who could buy items in bulk for their use or resale. Price Club expanded rapidly, opening stores across the US and Canada.
In 1983, James Sinegal and Jeffrey Brotman, two former Price Club executives, opened the first COSTCO in Seattle, Washington. COSTCO followed a similar business model as Price Club but also catered to individual consumers as well as businesses. COSTCO also differentiated itself by offering a wider selection of products, including fresh produce, meat, seafood, bakery, and deli items. COSTCO also introduced its Kirkland Signature brand in 1992, which soon became a hallmark of its quality and value proposition. COSTCO grew quickly, opening stores in various states and countries.
In 1993, Price Club and COSTCO merged to form Price/COSTCO, a company that combined the strengths and expertise of both warehouse clubs. The merger created the largest membership warehouse club chain in the world, with over 200 locations and 22 million members. In 1997, the company changed its name to COSTCO Companies, Inc., and in 1999, it adopted its current name, COSTCO Wholesale Corporation.

Today, COSTCO is the third largest retailer in the world and the largest retailer of choice and prime beef, organic foods, rotisserie chicken, and wine. COSTCO has over 860 warehouses worldwide, serving more than 127 million members in 14 countries. COSTCO’s mission is to continually provide its members with quality goods and services at the lowest possible prices. COSTCO’s vision is to be the most respected and successful warehouse club in the world.
If you want to learn more about COSTCO, you can visit its official website1 or read some of the articles below:

COSTCO | History & Facts | Britannica
COSTCO - Wikipedia
About Us | COSTCO

COSTCO Wholesale History: Founding, Timeline, and Milestones - Zippier
COSTCO History and Founding: How the Wholesale Club Redefined Retail - Business Insider


Shopping At COSTCO Always an Adventure
Lost Shopping Cart in Songdo
Lost Shoe in Medford
Close Encounter with Potential Killer On Richmond Highway
Ode To the COSTCO Workers Around The World
Ode To COSTCO Old Poem
COSTCO People Watching

COSTCO People Watching

I love my COSTCO.
I love going there to shop.

But most importantly
I love people-watching.

Looking at people as they walk by
Wondering what their stories are.

And covertly checking
Out the beautiful girls
As they walk on by.

And when they smile at me
It makes my day.

Yes, I love my COSTCO.
And COSTCO loves me back.

Extracting my money
From my wallet.

I go in for one simple thing
And walk out
Having spent 500 dollars.

Yes COSTCO has my number
And loves me too

Long live COSTCO

Shopping At COSTCO Always An Adventure

I have been a COSTCO member
Since 2000 or so

And have shopped all over
Springfield Virginia
Was my home COSTCO,
Until we moved to Medford, Oregon.

Also shopped at the DC COSTCO,
The Richmond Highway COSTCO

COSTCO in Richmond, California
Or Fairfield California
When we are in the Bay Area.

COSTCO in Ilsan, Korea
Is now our home base.

Wherever we went
We always felt
Welcomed, safe

And the staff
Were always friendly
And helpful.

But shopping at COSTCO
Always is an adventure

Lost Shopping Cart In Songdo

Shopping at COSTCO
In Songdo Korea
In the COVID era,

We encountered
A strange phenomenon
We thought that someone
Had stolen our shopping cart.

We alerted the COSTCO staff
And they found
Our lost shopping cart.

The COSTCO staff
Were helpful as always.

And we left, shaken up
But finally satisfied.

Lost Shoe In Medford

In Medford, Oregon
We shopped at COSTCO
Bought thousands of dollars
In-home improvement products
As we renovated our rental properties.

Also of course food and clothing
And sundry items
Always walking out
After spending hundreds of dollars.

COSTCO knows
How to extract money
From their grateful customers.

But one day
We had a strange thing happen
While trying on shoes
Somehow, I lost my shoes.

Someone had stolen
My shoes
Or so it seemed.

We searched high
And low
But never found
Our shoes.

The manager was apologetic
But there was little to be done
Just another misadventure
In COSTCO land.

Close Encounter With Potential Killer On Richmond Highway

In all my years
Of shopping at COSTCO
Only once did I feel
Threatened or unsafe.

It happened so suddenly
My wife was
Accosted by someone
Claiming we had cut in line.

She was holding my spot
As I brought the cart over.

An angry black woman
Got real personal
In her face
Using abusive language.

And making a huge scene
My wife told her
To buzz off.

This all occurred
While I was in the restroom
Came back to find the woman
Cursing at Angela.

Then we left
She was waiting for us
At the exit.

We felt uncomfortable
Went to the manager
Who escorted us
To our car.

We felt that woman
Who was high
Probably on speed
Or crack cocaine.

Might have gone
To get a gun
To blow us away.

But fortunately
She left
And we left.

Shaken by the close
Encounter with a random act
Of senseless violence.

Ode To The COSTCO Workers Around The World

Before COVID shutdowns
I always liked going to COSTCO.

Liked the sampling
The bustle,
Checking out new products.

Checking out the other customers
The staff were always friendly
Helpful and courteous.

But with the COVID shutdowns
COSTCO has become
Even more of a lifesaver
For many people
Around the world.

And we all feel
That COSTCO has our backs
As we navigate the new normal.

COSTCO was one of the first corporations
To mandate mask use throughout their stores
Before it was required.

They had senior hours
To protect the most vulnerable.

COSTCO workers
Are my heroes
In these dark times
We are living in.


I love my COSTCO
I love going there to shop.

But most importantly
I love people-watching.

Looking at people as they walk by
Wondering what their stories are.

And covertly checking
Out the beautiful girls
As they walk on by.

And when they,
Smile at me
It makes my day

Yes I love my COSTCO
Loves me back.

Extracting my money
From my wallet.

I go in for one simple thing
And walk out
Having spent 500 dollars.

Yes COSTCO has my number
And loves me too.


This poem is about the narrator’s frustration with the long lines and crowds at COSTCO, and how he wishes he could escape to a more peaceful place.

I hate going to COSTCO.
The lines are always too long.
The people are always rude.
The carts are always full.
The prices are always high.
The products are always cheap.
The samples are always gone.
The parking lot is always full,

I wish I could go somewhere else.
Somewhere quiet and serene.
Somewhere with no lines,
And no crowds.
Somewhere with no carts
And no samples.

With no prices.
And no products.

Somewhere like heaven
But I can’t.

I need to buy toilet paper.
And rotisserie chicken
And Kirkland Signature vodka
And a giant teddy bear.
And a 65-inch TV.
And a lifetime
Supply of batteries.

And a coffin,
For when
I die of COSTCO blues.


This poem is about the narrator’s love for COSTCO, and how he finds everything he needs and wants there, including his soulmate.

I love going to COSTCO.

The lines are always worth the wait.
The people are always friendly.
The carts are always full of goodies.
The prices are always low.
The products are always high-quality.
The samples are always delicious.
The parking lot is always spacious.

I don’t want to go anywhere else.
COSTCO is my paradise.
COSTCO is my home.
COSTCO is my everything.

I find everything I need.
And want at COSTCO.
Food and drinks
And clothes and books.
Gadgets and toys,
And tools and furniture.
Jewelry and flowers,
And art and travel.
And most importantly,

Costco Marriage

I met my soulmate at COSTCO.
We were both reaching
For the last rotisserie chicken.
We locked eyes and smiled.
We decided
To share the chicken
And our lives.

We got married at COSTCO,
In front of the giant teddy bear.

We exchanged rings
From the jewelry section.
We cut a cake from the bakery.

We toasted with
Kirkland Signature champagne.
We danced to the music
From the electronics department.

We spent our honeymoon
At COSTCO in Spain.
In a tent
From the camping section.
We made love on a mattress
From the bedding section.

We cuddled under a blanket
From the home section/
We dreamed of our future

Raising our kids,
And growing old together.
And saving
And living and loving

My COSTCO love

Long live COSTCO

Lost bag

I am at a crowded cafeteria and a college campus I am an underground agent for the government and we are tracking the movements of a potential terrorist who has threatened to kill Palestinians and or Jewish kids at this college,
I put down my bag on on a counter and we went to track down the terrorists when we finished arresting them, avoiding a huge incident when we finished arresting the terrorists. I go back and find that my bag is completely gone.
I don't know what to do. I lost my laptop and my phone and some money in it, and a library book.
I was devastated as I had lost my bag. I also realized I was stupid for leaving the bag unattended so I called my wife who was out of town. And she agreed I could go to COSTCO to replace the phone and the computer.

I arranged to do that but I missed my computer and missed my phone and I am upset at how stupid and careless I had been.

COSTCO Goes Green

COSTCO announces
a bold new strategy to combat climate change. They will put in every COSTCO warehouse and office building around the world solar panels and mini wind turbines to generate enough power to run their warehouses off the grid and to sell the power back to the local utilities if there is any excess power.

They also in some areas agreed to install geothermal water heating and solar water heating everywhere.

They also agree to fund local bus service so people can get to and from COSTCO from the nearest metro subway systems and they challenge Walmart, Sam's, Target, and other large big box stores worldwide to follow suit. Most of them agreed to do so and join COSTO in forming the Green Business Alliance which will bring together the Corporate sector to jointly work on climate and renewable energy initiatives with governments and the academic sector, vowing to hold a COSTCO Foundation Green Energy annual summit bringing together business, academic and Government leaders to make concrete progress.
COSTCO said that saving the planet is the most important thing that they could do and that they would be fully supportive of a new Green Deal. They also will sell COSTCO renewable energy supplies and they will set up a renewable energy research corporation to help companies and individuals install renewable energy systems.
The progressive left hails COSTCO and conservatives denounce COSTCO for going “woke”. The public slides with COSTCO's reputation and sales go way up.



I have been a member since 1998. I have long admired your corporation for being a great corporation with progressive values. You are a leader in so many areas not to mention that you are a great company to work for, sell great products at a great price, and have the best customer service in the world.

You do so many things you do right and I want to thank you for that, for all the good that you do every day. I would like to suggest that you do much more to combat climate change and become a leader in combating climate change, which as you are no doubt aware is an existential crisis. Climate change and the need to shift to a new Green Deal are imperative if we want to save the entire planet.

There are many things that corporations could do and it's time for COSTCO to step up to do their part. At a minimum, I would recommend that you commit to putting in every single COSTCO warehouse worldwide solar panels on the rooftops and in shading over the car lots, and mini wind turbines so that each COSTCO will be carbon neutral and self-sufficient in terms of energy. This should also include setting up water harvesting systems so that all the water will be self-generated and solar water heaters as well. Excess power could be sold back to the local utilities at cost. I would also greatly expand electric vehicle charging stations.

COSTCO is unfortunately not that accessible to people without public transit. This is something that COSTCO should address. At a minimum, they should set up a free shuttle bus system going employees, visitors, and members taking people from the nearest metro subway stop to COSTCO and this should run during COSTCO business hours starting about 1/2 an hour before the opening of business ending a half an hour after the close of business. It should be free to the public and should run every half hour. This would be a very simple and cost-effective way to make sure that people can easily access COSTCO corporation shops and COSTCO should also consider contributing money to the local public transit companies to expand bus service in the COSTCO neighborhoods that they serve.
I would suggest you call upon your colleagues in the big box industries around the world to do the same, committing to addressing climate change, transit accessibility, and water conservation policies in every store worldwide. If COSTCO steps up and takes the lead, Walmart, Target and the other big market companies will feel they need to do the same. This commitment will make a tremendous difference around the world and it would not cost her much to do so in fact it would save money on energy for all your COSTCO operations worldwide

I'm asking you to commit to making every single COSTCO a green energy building do it for the sake of the planet thank you.

I have blogged about my positive experiences with COSTCO here and feel free to publish any of my COSTCO poems on your website and your magazines. Thanks again for doing everything you do.
Long Live COSTCO.

COSTCO Sets Up Bus Service

COSTCO is unfortunately not that accessible to people without public transit. This is something that COSTCO should address. At a minimum, they should set up a free shuttle bus system going employees, visitors, and members taking people from the nearest metro subway stop to COSTCO and this should run during COSTCO business hours starting about 1/2 an hour before the opening of business ending a half an hour after the close of business. It should be free to the public and should run every half hour. This would be a very simple and cost-effective way to make sure that people can easily access COSTCO corporation shops and COSTCO should also consider contributing money to the local bus service companies to expand bus service in the COSTCO neighborhoods that they serve.

The End

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