Left-overs piled on hot rice and mixed. |
🌻 pwheeler ~ love joy peace hosts a give-thanks poetry contest.
I bought coffee today, a croissant, a slice of crepe-cake with strawberry... I'm sugared, caffeinated and hoping I can sleep tonight. Pan isn't here. That means I can sleep spread-eagle. He usually hogs the bed allowing me to cling to the edges. Wish he were here. I miss him. I didn't have any drama today {a red day). I'm not as depressed as normal either. I have little new news; therefore, I have nothing urgent to write about. But I still observe (two doves on a wire, yellow birdwing in flight) and scribble notes. I keep track of my daily exercise (above average this morning) and how many words I've written. Even blog entries count. I don't charge people by the word. I did get to speak to people today. And I'm in touch with others... from all around the world. There was a fire-drill today, insect extermination on the 9th (hope the geckos are okay... because they help), an electrical check a couple days ago. The big animals don't live in town. Monkeys and elephants are found in this region but not in the city (unlike Lopburi). We do have water-buffalo. They're huge but mostly gentle, nothing like bison. I watched the end of a series, "I feel you linger in the air" based on a novel, "Violet Rain" about a young man who almost drowns and finds himself in Chiang Mai 95 years ago. There will be a part 2 (or maybe 3). The thread is that Khun Yai is Jom's past and Jom is Yai's future. I really enjoyed it. Parts are sad and that suits me fine when I'm sad as well. To Kathleen Kelly (FB): I choose to embrace my coffee addiction every day. Trauma? Still triggered. Depression I treat by getting out, walking, exercising. I do try to be careful eating... not too much, not too little. In Montana it's best that I never buy chocolate. To stevengepp in "20231105 NaNo V" : "Life intrudes... and then bits and pieces become part of future stories. The homeless shelter daily drama (all channels, all the time) gave me plenty to stress about. Some of my best writing came from the time though... I'm writing 500-1000 words daily. For me that's enough right now." To DLSpirit~writer❄️🙏🌳 in "No idea how many words I wrote!! Lol NABLOPOMO #4" "My pronouns are he/him by-the-way. I'm so not offended. Kare = a woman's name in Norwegian, but my name is Kåre. [å] is an 'awe' sound a bit like 'saw' or 'bought' in my American dialect. The only English speakers to get it right are Geordies from Newcastle. I only do word count because I'm using my blogging for "NaNo" to gauge how much I'm writing. My goal is 15-20,000. I still prefer to comment as I'm naturally chatty and crave connection. Many on-line are counting/looking for clicks. Everything becomes commercialized/monetized for some folks. Not me." To QueenNormaJean snow finally!!! in " National Bison Day " "We have termites in the building but I haven't seen any. The exterminator comes around periodically. Next visit is this week on the 9th. Bison... I've seen a few. But only on the Bison Range on the Flathead Nation north of here and in the Tallgrass Prairie in Oklahoma. I respect them... at a distance. The Indian/Buffalo nickel was very special when we were children. Yellowstone... never been... but Scott, by-the-way, is back in Missoula. And I'm not. No idea when I may return." To Jeff "Underground Protoplanets" : We are stardust. We exist because human entities replicate their ancestors and those ancestors incorporated whatever organic and inorganic material that surrounded them. They swam through the primordial soup... eventually to become us. Theia... dear Theia, how we miss thy radiance in our sky. Now that you reside beneath our feet, we give thanks with every step we take. 708 words 327 |