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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1058573-Not-A-Happy-Entry
Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2299061
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#1058573 added November 1, 2023 at 10:59pm
Restrictions: None
Not A Happy Entry
Probably shouldn't write while I'm so upset, but I'm hoping by writing all this out it will calm my nerves. We had a horrible afternoon. My dogs have always gotten along with each other, loved each other....never any problem at all. Until this afternoon.

We decided to watch some movies and my husband got out the counter top popcorn popper and it was doing it's thing. He opend the front panel to reach in and a few pieces of popcorn fell on the floor. Both dogs went to snif/eat...we are not really sure what exactly happened but all hell broke loose.

Neither of my dogs are pit bulls. One is a boxer and the other is a red nosed hunting dog with a bit of Catahoula in her. Well, Annie, the hunting dog grabbed hold of Hannasy's neck and absolutely refused to let go! They were snarling, and flat out going at it...it was vicious!! My husband grabbed both by the back of the neck and tried to pull them apart but they were not stopping. I got the broom and we tried getting it between them but that didn't work so my husband started whacking them with the broom on their rear ends...THAT didn't stop them! I was crying, the dogs were fighting and making an awful noise, and my husband was yelling and cursing.

I didn't think we'd ever get them apart...I was sure they were going to kill each other! I'm still horrified over the whole thing. Finally, I grabbed Hanassy and my husband grabbed Annie and literally pried her jaws open....her whole face was a bloody mess. We separated them put one in the bedroom and one in the livingroom and just let them catch their breath while we caught ours and tried to calm ourselves down.

Finally, Annie came over to me and allowed me to use some baby wipes and gentle cleaner to clean up her face. She's got some wounds...not too bad...nothing that needs stitches or medical attention. Pretty sure she's gonna be sore though. I'll keep an eye on those scratches and bite marks. Next, I went into the bedroom and checked Hannasy. Her neck is swollen, has a knot the size of a baseball on the side and like Annie, quite a few bite marks and scratches..but also nothing that needs stitches or serious medical attention. I cleaned her up and will keep an eye on her wounds as well.

We kept them separate for several hours, making sure they each got lots of love, hugs and kisses. They each had their supper alone...and had to go for their walks alone. Just a little while ago, we let them back together and they touched noses and sniffed each other. They were calm and loving towards each other.

But I still don't trust them now. That was a horrible, vicious attack! One of them could have easily been very hurt. We've decided starting tomorrow morning, after they return from their morning walk, ONE dog will go back into the bedroom with my husband and the other dog will then stay out here with me for a few hours. Maybe giving them a few hours each day away from each other will help?? Maybe they just got on each other's nerves? We really don't know. We will rotate which dog goes into the bedroom and which stays out here with me.

We will try that for a few weeks and see how it goes. If they fight again, or act like they will, we may have to consider rehoming one or both of them. I can't let them fight and hurt each other. I wish I knew what exactly triggered that attack.

During the scramble to get them pried apart, my husband got clawed up as well and I had to clean his arms up but he didn't need medical attention. He was furious and had to leave the house and go for a walk by himself to calm down. He loves those dogs more than anything else in this world...and the whole thing really scared him. He has both dogs on his lap now while he's talking to them.

While I'm typing this, it occurs to me maybe we need to do more to occupy them. Thankfully it's the first of the month and I'm about to order supplies. I'll make sure I get some good, sturdy chew sticks...and pig ears.

If your a dog owner and have any advice, I'd sure be open minded and grateful for any words of wisdom or suggestions on insuring something like this doesn't happen again.

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