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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1056038-Teddy-Bears
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#1056038 added September 21, 2023 at 10:06pm
Restrictions: None
Teddy Bears
Prompt: National Teddy Bear Day. Write about Teddy Bears for your Blog entry today.


Since I had sons, their main toys were cars and Teddy Bears. We even had a life size Teddy Bear for them, which on its two sides, they snuggled and slept. This is the nostalgia part for me about Teddy Bears.

Teddy bears provide a sense of comfort and companionship to children, but they also become collector's items as they have a timeless and universal appeal, even becoming sentimental gifts not only for children but also for adults.

The birth of the Teddy Bear popularity had something to do with Theodore Roosevelt who was an avid hunter. Once, other hunters found a black bear and tied it to a tree and asked Roosevelt to shoot it, but the president refused to do that. This incident became big news at the time, and a candy shop owner created the toy plush bear in Roosevelt's honor. That stuffed toy became a worldwide prototype for all the plush bears. To this day, Teddy Bears appeal to children and adults alike.


Here is a gift Teddy Bear given to me by a young lady who I like very much. My cat also shares the joy of this Teddy Bear with me.

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