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With Beth compromised, Jake & Pamela go to extreme lengths to save their friend |
Beth laid awake in Ingrid’s bed. She was naked and tired, but she couldn't shut her brain off. Ingrid had returned from not long after their last argument, but the Gothic girl had seemed more in control of herself. True to her word, Ingrid had finally gotten the intimate encounter she'd wanted with Beth. An hour-long session of sex had ensued, and Beth had to admit that it hadn't been as bad as she'd expected. Ingrid was almost as talented as Pam, but Beth felt guilty for every second of ecstasy she'd experienced. Telling herself she didn't have a choice only went so far, especially since Ingrid had been careful using her powers on her. Her jaw was sore from how long she'd had to spend going down on Ingrid, but she was thankful she hadn't been made to eat her ass. Ingrid had refrained from sitting on her face and riding it, but that didn't mean she hadn't squeezed Beth's head between her thighs amidst their lovemaking. She could still feel her tormentor's fingers combing through her hair in appreciation as she worked. Thanks to Pam's conditioning, it hadn't taken her long to get Ingrid off. Afterward, Ingrid was quick to return the favor for Beth. Before that, Ingrid had used her power to coax Beth into relaxing. "Let yourself go, and touch wherever you're curious, honey," she'd commanded in a soft tone. Maybe it was the year of being with another woman, but Beth had found herself curious to feel Ingrid’s curves. The soft flesh of breasts, the subtle curve of her hips, and how smooth her porcelain skin was were things Beth had found herself contemplating when she was alone. She still didn't know that she'd classify herself as gay, perse, but maybe gender didn't factor into attraction for her anymore? As crazy as things had been over the last year, that actually made sense. Whatever the case, Beth had only needed that slight push to give into her curiosities. Ingrid seemed to receive it well enough, and Beth's submissive side savored the appreciation that she got in return. Ingrid had pulled her into a gentle embrace after Beth had made a mess on her sheets. It wasn't the same as being with Pam, but it wasn't entirely terrible either. It was confusing and overwhelming to think about the fact that Beth felt almost calm in Ingrid's arms. Beth hated to think that she might lose Pam, but maybe Ingrid wouldn't be the absolute worst outcome for her. However, she knew Pam well enough to know that she wouldn't go down without a fight. The red apparition that Pam often conjured was the embodiment of her rage, but it was incredibly possessive of her. It was a testament to how much she cared for her, though, and that rage came from within her. The problem Beth was beginning to face was becoming less about getting free from Ingrid, and more about keeping Pam from killing her when she eventually broke free. It wasn't Ingrid’s fault that she was on the wrong side, not entirely anyways. Pam wouldn't see it that way, but Beth couldn't let another innocent die because of her. Enough girls had already suffered because of her, and Ingrid’s madness was primarily because of Beth's inability to communicate with the poor girl. It would have been nice if she could have found a way to set her nerdy stalker up with another girl before now. Maybe then they wouldn't be in this terrible mess. Ingrid hummed as she pulled Beth closer. Her head was resting against Ingrid’s chest, and Ingrid’s arms were wrapped protectively around her. "Mm, you smell good," Ingrid whispered, half asleep. Beth rolled her eyes at the sweet remark. It would have been touching if she hadn't ripped ass in her face earlier that night. "Ingrid," she sighed, putting a hand on her arm, "I gotta pee. Can I get up?" "No running off," Ingrid moaned, "But, yeah, you can get up." "Like I've got anywhere to go," Beth grumbled as she untangled herself from her stalker. Ingrid yawned as she sat up, her sleep now officially disturbed, "I'm only doing this because I love you, Beth." "I've seen what strong feelings can do when they're left unchecked," Beth said, grabbing her underwear, "It might be coming from a good place, but that doesn't excuse your actions, Ingrid." "Do you hate me?" Ingrid asked, showing some vulnerability for a change. "Hate is a strong word," Beth began, "I'm not a fan of being held against my will, watching my friends die, and being forced into sex, but I don't hate you." "Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't enjoy yourself," Ingrid countered with a small grin, "Tell me that, and I'll call you a liar right here and now." "That's not the point and you know it," Beth shook her head, "The point is that it's still not my choice." "Would you have said yes if I asked?" Ingrid pouted. "I know you don't like hearing this, but I am-" Beth started. "In a relationship," Ingrid spat bitterly, "You don't have to-" "Keep reminding you, I know," Beth finished, "I told you earlier, I'm not saying it to piss you off. I'm not someone who cheats, Ingrid. I feel bad for enjoying what we did. It would be the same if I was with you and Pam forced me into fucking." Ingrid frowned as she watched Beth. It was true that she wasn't the type to cheat, and it had always been one of the things that Ingrid admired about her. Anybody she asked, and had asked a lot of people, always spoke highly of her. She had a temper, sure, but nobody ever called her a slut or anything along those lines. She was, for all intents and purposes, a woman of integrity. Ingrid brought her knees to her chest as she realized she may have inadvertently furthered the wedge between her and her beloved crush. "Don't look like that," Beth sighed, seeing the way she was sulking. "Like what?" Ingrid asked. "Like someone just kicked your dog," Beth answered, "If you're worried about me liking you less because of this shit, don't be. It's already a pretty low bar, but again, I don't hate you. This is just as much my fault as it is yours." "What do you mean?" Ingrid asked, suddenly intrigued. "If I'd have grown a pair and just talked to you, then maybe it wouldn't have gotten this bad," Beth admitted, "You might have been pissed, but at least I could have said that I tried to do the right thing. We were friends, but I got caught up in so much other whacko bullshit that I forgot that. Who knows, you could have still pulled this same shit, but at least I wouldn't feel responsible for it. All the people you've hurt, my friends, Pam, and who knows what you're going to get stuck with once this is over, it's all because of me." "I made my own choices," Ingrid argued, "You didn't make me do anything." "Not intentionally, but I'm the reason you took the deal from that Eva lady you've mentioned," Beth sighed, "My job is to protect people, and I put a lot of people in danger because of this, you included. We're not on the same side here, let's be real, but I don't think you're the same as most of the other psychos I've dealt with." "You don't think I'm on their level?" Ingrid asked, sounding mildly offended, "Tch, you sound like Jake when I captured his sorry ass years ago." "That's not what I'm saying," Beth countered, "I'm saying that you're not heartless. You managed to get me, Jake, and Pam on your first try. You're smart, talented, and dangerous, don't misunderstand me. You know how many of those fuckers on the streets tried and failed to get us? Countless, but you bagged a trio on your first go around. You've only got one thing in common with them." "And what's that?" Ingrid asked. "You're overconfident," Beth replied, "I've already told you what's going to happen, but you don't want to accept that your systems can be beaten. Yeah, you've got a plan for if it happens, but you still think that'll be enough. You don't know the level of power that you're fucking with in Pam, and that's what worries me." "Afraid that I'll lose, Beth?" Ingrid asked, "I'm not sure if I should be insulted or touched." "I'm serious, Ingrid," Beth stared at her, "I'm worried about you. You can write magic off all you want, but I've seen what she's capable of when she's pushed." "Don't start with the whole making people disappear and soul ripping talk again," Ingrid huffed, "That sort of superstitious talk is a real mood killer." "I'm not going to repeat what I've already told you," Beth crossed her arms, "I've made my point about her, and you can act like you're not intimidated, but we both know that's not true. But, excuse the fuck out of me for being concerned." Ingrid looked away and frowned as Beth turned on her heel. It was maddening how easily Beth could get to her, but it was a fact that Beth seemed to have discovered. "Wait," Ingrid sighed, "Let's say that I believe you, okay? What makes you so sure that she can beat me?" "It's not that I don't think you're capable, let's get that straight," Beth replied, turning back around, "Pam nearly took Goth down herself, and she forced her to retreat when the city was under her control. Whenever the odds are against her, and anytime I'm in danger, she finds a way to break through whatever ceiling she's hit. She's done it in Ravenfalls, with Goth, and now she's done it with your game. She is not someone that you need to underestimate. Despite everything you've done, I don't want to see you get hurt." Ingrid shook her head and looked down at her hands, "It's too late to turn back now, Beth. We passed the point of no return a while ago. It's her or me, and the winner is getting you." "I know that, but it doesn't have to come to this," Beth sighed, "You two don't have to kill each other, especially over me." "What other option is there?" Ingrid asked, "If everything you're saying is true, then she's not going to stop until she's dead. I'm done rolling over and giving up too, so I don't see another way this ends." "Let them out, let me talk to them, and walk away," Beth said, "I've said it before, but I can convince them to let you go." "I can't do that," Ingrid shook her head. "Why not?" Beth asked, "Because you're tired of this game? Because you don't want to lose me?" "That's why I accepted the offer, but that's not why I can't stop," Ingrid frowned, "The woman that I'm working for isn't the type of person to let someone like me go. I'm a liability to her, and if I'm not with her, then I'm a loose end. I'm willing to fight back, but I need you for that. Your skills, and my smarts, we can stand a chance against her." "Then work with us!" Beth snapped, "I can talk to Pam, and-" "She'd never agree to it, and you know that, Beth!" Ingrid cut her off, "Jake might go for it, but your girlfriend and I won't ever be able to work together. Eva knows that, and she'd use it to her advantage." Beth ground her teeth in frustration. Ingrid was right and she knew it. As much as she loved Pam, the likelihood of Ingrid and Pam getting along was slim to none after everything that happened. "Then tell me about this Eva woman," Beth sighed, "You've mentioned her before, but all I know about her is that she's the one in charge." "I don't know much about her outside of that she's loaded and she's a ghost," Ingrid admitted, "She's not in any databases, there's no record of her, but she showed up when I found out that Myers was dead long before the election. Murray works for her, and there's no telling who else is working for her. This place was given to me by her, and she's been supplying me a hefty paycheck in exchange for whatever I can find." "Fucking A,"Beth groaned, realizing that somehow she and the others had managed to overlook yet another threat lurking in the shadows, "So, this woman just approached you out of the blue? She didn't email you, contact you before, or anything?" "No, she let herself into my apartment," Ingrid shrugged, "She's the one who told me about you, and she gave me this awesome power." "The same awesome power that's twisting your mind," Beth pointed out, adding when Ingrid glared at her, "You said it yourself, don't look at me like that! You know what those things are doing to you, Ingrid." "Don't talk about me like I'm not in control here," Ingrid warned, slowly sitting back up. "That right there, that's exactly what I'm talking about," Beth met her stare with one of her own, "I'm saying exactly what you said, and you're getting defensive about it because you don't like it. I can see it in your eyes, you're thinking about using those things on me, aren't you?" "What if I am?" Ingrid asked, "What are you going to do to stop it?" "Not a damn thing except let my resentment continue to build," Beth answered, unwilling to back down, "The more you use those things to take advantage of me, the more you push me away. Moreover, the less chance you have of me coming between you and Pam when she breaks out. I'm your only chance of walking out of this alive, and even if you manage to beat her, I won't help you if you're going to treat me like a fucking slave." "Says the girl who wears a collar day in and day out," Ingrid scoffed, striking a nerve with Beth. "Don't insult me!" Beth snapped, the sore spot officially triggered as she stepped forward, "I wear that because I trust her, not because I have to! It's a symbol of the fact that I choose to submit to her, not that I'm someone less than her, or anyone. I've seen what cruelty brings, I've learned the difference between a slave and a submissive, and you'd do well to do your fucking homework!" "Stop!" Ingrid shouted as Beth drew closer than she would have liked, "Not another step, Beth, I mean it." "Go ahead," Beth snarled, "Give me some shitty command. Sit on my fucking face, use me, show me what you've become, Ingrid. Give me a reason to see you as the scum you've been working with." Ingrid glared at Beth for a moment before looking away. A wave of pain shot through her head as she looked at the ground. She brought a hand up to her head and exhaled slowly, "I don't…I won't do that, I can't." Beth took a deep breath to compose herself and reign in her growing anger. "Then there's still hope," she said, "Undo the command, Ingrid, please." Ingrid looked back at her and asked, "How do I know you're not going to try something?" "Everything starts with trust," Beth replied, "Show me that you trust me." Ingrid bit her lip and swallowed before relenting, "Fine, move freely." Beth felt her body relax and her control return. It was tempting to attack Ingrid, but she knew she needed to play this carefully. Instead, she walked back to her naked stalker and sat down beside her. Pam would probably be furious at her for what she was about to do, but she needed to show Ingrid the difference between barking orders and allowing Beth to be herself. She swallowed the bundle of nerves working in her stomach and took Ingrid’s hands in hers. Ingrid looked on in confusion as Beth put her hands around her neck, and pulled her into a kiss. It was shocking for both women, but for different reasons. Ingrid hadn't been expecting it, but she was happy to reciprocate it. Beth was surprised at just how good it felt for herself. She could feel Ingrid relaxing as her nerves and anger were squashed by the sensations washing over them. Beth pulled away and stared at Ingrid for a minute, their foreheads resting against one another. "I don't know how this is gonna end," she said, "But, I know that there's still a part of you in there that's the same girl I met in college. Win or lose, just know that I do care about you. Please, please don't make me regret this." "You're something else, Beth Thompson," Ingrid breathed, pulling back despite the yearning deep within her, "I…I can't let you go. You're everything I've ever wanted in a girl. Smart, funny, curvy, a total badass, you're perfect." "That's a crock of shit," Beth scoffed, but she smiled, "I usually speak before I think when I get pissed. It's gotten me into more trouble than I like to admit." "You're passionate," Ingrid smiled, running her thumb along Beth's cheek, "That's another reason that I'm drawn to you, and I bet it's why your girlfriend is too." "You sound like her right now," Beth chuckled, "She's said the same thing, but I've been in trouble because of my temper a lot. I'm not going to try to stop you from whatever you're doing to them in your game. It's not like I could anyways with your powers, but I'm begging you to think before you unleash that thing if they get out." "I can't stop now, Beth," Ingrid sighed, "If they get out, I am in too deep to just give up. Eva won't let it go if I just roll over, and I'm too close to having you for me to give up." Beth frowned as she pulled away. It sucked to hear, but Ingrid had a point about the first part, at least. "We could protect you," she offered, hoping to appeal to Ingrid, "Jake and I, we could keep you safe while we take her out. Please, just-" "You don't know what they're capable of," Ingrid cut her off, "I don't know everything either, but you both are bad at underestimating people. No, if I can do this and keep you, then that's the best chance we have to topple her and her followers." "Then promise me something," Beth sighed, deciding to give up on swaying Ingrid to their side, "Whatever happens, you accept the outcome. If you won't stop, then you're going to end up in prison, Ingrid. I'll do what I can to keep Pam from finishing you, but you're going to go away for this." "Hmph, your faith in me is inspiring," Ingrid huffed, "Fine, but you have to promise me something then. When I win, not if, you'll stay with me. You'll try to be happy with me." "As long as you learn the difference between a slave and a sub, I'll try," Beth said, "Treat me like I'm less than you, and everything is off the table. I'll accept the outcome, but you'll have to give me time. Do those things for me, and I'll keep my end of the deal." "Then we've got an accord," Ingrid smiled, accepting that this was as close as she was going to get with Beth, "I've got a game to win, if you'll excuse me. Your friends are walking into a death trap, so I'll be back to collect my prize soon enough." "Not an object," Beth glared at her. "Relax, I'm just teasing," Ingrid assured her, scooting closer so their legs were touching, "I just meant that you're like a precious gem, Beth. You're a person, but you're the most important thing in the world to me. I'm going to take good care of you, I promise." "Not off to the greatest start with all this," Beth pointed out, but added when Ingrid frowned, "But, you trusted me earlier. That's a step in the right direction." "We can be great together," Ingrid said, "You just have to give me a chance, and I know that you won't regret it. Get dressed, go pee, do whatever you want while I'm handling things. Just be a good girl for me, and don't try anything that'll make me have to punish you, okay?" "It's really patronizing when you talk to me like that, you know that?" Beth sighed, "I haven't done anything on purpose to fuck with you, or your stuff. Trust me, I'm not trying to get tortured." "Punishments aren't supposed to be fun," Ingrid pointed out. "I get that, but they're also supposed to have a just cause behind them," Beth countered, "You farted in my damn face earlier because you were paranoid." "I-" Ingrid started before stopping and looking down, "You're right, okay? This is hard for me, and I've already told you that these things are making it hard for me to think straight. I'm sorry." It was an earnest admission, and Beth could hear it in Ingrid’s voice. "I've had worse," she sighed, "As long as you don't make a habit of doing it without reason, I'll be okay." "All I can do is try," Ingrid said, grabbing some clothes to throw on. "Do you mind if I look through Jake's stuff?" Beth asked, earning a suspicious look from Ingrid, "I'm asking!" "What for?" Ingrid asked, eyeing Beth skeptically. "I just want to check his phone, okay?" Beth answered, "He's got people that might be looking for him, and you don't want them coming here." "You expect me to believe that you're looking out for me?" Ingrid crossed her arms. "I expect you to show me that trust we were just talking about," Beth replied. Ingrid stared at her for a long minute before sighing, "Fine, but one call to the outside, and you're going to be sorry. I'm trusting you, Beth, don't cross me on this." "If I was going to try anything, I'd be going for my guns," Beth pointed out, "Grab his weapons, take his stuff, I just want to check his phone. Do you want me to let you check it afterwards, or are you gonna trust me?" "Don't act cute," Ingrid said, pulling her pants up, "Given the situation, I think my concern is valid here. This one has nothing to do with my implant." "I guess that's fair," Beth shrugged, grabbing her clothes. "His phone is in my nightstand," Ingrid shook her head, "Do what you need to do, but don't think I won't be checking it when I get back." "I was serious about bringing it to you," Beth said, "I don't have anything to hide." "Fine," Ingrid said, "Meet me in the control room when you're done. You can watch as your idiot friends get themselves killed." "Doesn't help your case when you talk about them like that," Beth frowned. "Doesn't make me wrong, though," Ingrid shrugged, "They're the obstacles in my way, they're going to be eliminated soon enough." "Remember your promise, Ingrid," Beth said as Ingrid walked past her, "Whatever happens, you'll accept the outcome." "I will as long as you remember yours," Ingrid said as she walked out. Beth waited until Ingrid was gone before releasing the breath she'd been holding. This was harder than she thought it would be. She'd fought countless psychos, could hit a fly from twenty yards, but balancing a lovesick stalker was way more difficult than she had ever thought. The fact that Ingrid was unhinged because of the tech and her didn't help. If she'd have gone entirely off the deep end, then maybe Beth would have had an easier time separating things. As it stood, her lucid moments of clarity were making it impossible. Ingrid wasn't evil, but she certainly wasn't good either. A pain shot through her as she realized she still hadn't gone to the bathroom. She hadn't been lying when she originally had gotten up, but she'd gotten lost in the back and forth with her captor. It was weird to think that she was having a civil conversation with someone holding her against her will. She'd been captured more times than she was proud to admit in the past, but usually the talking was one-sided and resulted in monologuing by the captor. Ingrid had had her moments, sure, but she was different than most of the other lunatics she'd dealt with. Usually, any attempts at appealing to reason were met with snide comments and hateful retorts. She could still hear Abigail taunting her as she cried and begged to go home. The memory was from months ago, but she could still feel that terror like it was yesterday. Beth walked over to Ingrid's nightstand and opened it to find Jake's phone. She might as well kill two birds with one stone here. She plodded off to the bathroom and thought more about her situation. Specifically, she was trying to figure out how she was going to stop Pam and Ingrid from killing one another. There wasn't a doubt in Beth's mind that between Jake and Pam they'd find a way out. Ingrid talked a big game, but Beth could see the worry in her eyes. She knew that their chances of escaping were climbing by the minute. As much as Beth hated what she'd been through, she couldn't let Pam kill Ingrid. Would her lover listen to her, though? Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't question it, but these were anything but normal. She'd seen what Pam was capable of when pushed, but more specifically whenever she was threatened. Reasoning with her possessive side wasn't an easy feat. Then there were the worries about what Pam would say whenever she learned what had happened. Everything Beth had done she'd done out of a need to survive, or at least that was what she told herself. She'd thought of Pam during her time with Ingrid, but those sensations had turned carnal before long. Would Pam be angry at her? How would she react to Beth asking her to spare the girl that trapped the three of them? Ingrid would have to go to prison, there was no avoiding that. Maybe, just maybe, if she served her time until they dealt with this Eva character, Jake could find a way to get her on probation. Although, Beth could already hear Pam chiding her for even considering this. "I've spent too much time with Alexis," Beth muttered as she closed the bathroom door, "I'm actually trying to figure out a way to free a criminal that is obsessed with me. Is this how Jake feels? Fuck, maybe I shouldn't have…what the fuck?" Beth frowned as she opened Jake's phone and saw the number of missed calls and text messages. One hundred and thirty-seven texts, and seventy missed calls all from Alexis were displayed on his screen. Beth furrowed her brow as she entered Jake's pass code and opened the messages. She scrolled through to the top to see how far apart they were. They'd only been gone for a couple of days, but this was ridiculous. The messages started off innocent enough, but they soon started to shift to an all too familiar tone. One that Beth knew was still a possibility in the back of her mind, but that she'd hoped to have been able to bury in the past. Slowly, the messages began to sound less like Alexis, the girl Beth had befriended, and more like Footgirl as they went on. Hey, Jake, just wanted to see how things are going. Hey, haven't heard from you today. Been thinking about you, and I wouldn't mind a call. Jake, are you okay? Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me, or something? Jake, answer me! I've called you six times already, why aren't you AT LEAST texting me back?! You are gonna get it when I see you, mister! If you think our last session was rough, you have NO IDEA what you're in for! I'm sorry, okay? I know, I know, I probably sound crazy. Just…just call me, Jake, please. Jake, I need to hear from you right now! I'm about to do something crazy if you don't call me in the next hour! That thing on the news? Yeah, ignore that…I might have gotten a little impulsive there, but nobody got SERIOUSLY hurt. Goddammit, Jake, I'm about to lose it if I don't hear from you! Are you in danger? Are you with another woman? What is going on?! What's this bitch's name, Jake?! I will cut a bitch, so help me! Ugh, fine! If you're gonna be like this, then you're leaving me no choice…if you won't talk to me, then I'll just have to make you come to me. See you soon, lover boy! Beth scrolled through the messages and sighed. "Goddammit, Alexis," she muttered to herself, "What sort of crazy shit are you up to? Fuck, I bet Jake didn't let her know he was coming to find me. Great, more bullshit on my hands…" She could only hope that Alexis was willing to hold it together a little longer. The last thing they needed was an unleashed Footgirl on top of the insanity unfolding before them. Players hiding in the shadows, psychotic doctors, another damn cult, and now the possibility of a resurgence of Footgirl. Jake had been the only thing keeping that crazy in the bottle, and now he was stuck in cyberspace thanks to her. She was tempted to call Alexis, but that would only end in disaster. Ingrid would know, and then her psychotic friend would wind up breaking down the doors to find Jake. She was a genius, but she was reckless whenever she was pushed to a breaking point. "I'm gonna have to figure something out," Beth said as she finished in the bathroom, "Jake is never gonna let me hear the end of this if she's losing it. Hold on, Alexis, just hang in there. We can only handle one shit storm at a time, and we've got a doozy on her hands right now. Pam, whatever you're doing, hurry up in there…" |