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With Beth compromised, Jake & Pamela go to extreme lengths to save their friend |
Kaitlyn glared daggers at Razor as she cracked her neck. She'd been gone for a little over a month searching for answers to Metropolis' bigger problems, but she'd always intended to return to The Broken Rail. The fights here had been one of the few indulgences in her passion for combat and honor, and they served to keep her battle lust in check. Addy, her loyal little pet, had informed her that a new champion had been crowned in her absence. That was fine by her since she knew she'd be able to challenge once she was ready to return. However, Addy had then informed her that the current champion had secured her title by drugging her opponents rather than sheer skill. This was something that Kaitlyn simply couldn't abide, so when she learned that Jake had been scouting the club, she knew it was time for her to return. She'd been surprised to find Jake in the cage trying to fight off the reigning champ, but Jake had always had a fighting spirit. He wasn't the brightest, or even the strongest, but his spirit had always been something she held a begrudging respect for. Even with all the years of fighting against one another, that spirit had drawn her to him time and again. After the events with Goth, Kaitlyn counted Jake as a friend and ally. Seeing him in such a pitiful state, and knowing what happened to losers in the pit, only added fuel to hee growing fury. She was going to enjoy beating sense into the cheater that dared to taint her battleground. "Just gonna stand there and glare, or are you gonna fight?" Razor asked, ready to get started in earnest. "Do you always run your mouth this much, or is that just how you hide fear?" Kaitlyn asked. "Oh, I am going to fucking kill you!" Razor barked like a feral animal as she charged at Kaitlyn, "You're old news, you cowardly bitch!" Kaitlyn rolled her eyes as Razor ran at her wildly. She didn't make a move to counter, and instead let the street punk slam into her midsection. Admittedly, she was stronger than Kaitlyn first thought as she slid back a foot, but she planted her feet and brought them to a stop. She reached down and scooped Razor up before throwing her over her head with ease. She turned around expecting to see her opponent on the ground, but surprisingly the girl was on her feet. "Hmph, so you do have some skill," Kaitlyn smirked, "Let's see what you can do then, little girl." Outside of the pit, Sally stood and watched as Kaitlyn slowly warmed up. "She's your-wait, that means that you're!" Sally said, looking at the redhead beside her. "My name is Adelaide, but my Mistress calls me Addy," Addy nodded, watching the fight carefully, "Yes, we were enemies once, but my Mistress has seen to it that my talents are put to uses for good. I am no threat to you, Jake Blackridge, or anyone unless my Mistress chooses to use me as the blade I've become." "Fucking crazy is in full swing tonight," Sally mumbled, "Did you just compare yourself to a fucking sword?" "I am an instrument for Mistress Kaitlyn's will and desire," Addy answered, "I am her sword and shield should she need it, and my only purpose is to serve her until my dying breath." "Jesus fuck," Sally sighed, "Alexis mashed Miri's fucking brains, and Kait scrambled yours. Either you two were just waiting for someone to mold you, or those two have quite a way with shaping idiots." "You jest, but she saved me," Addy said, "Were it not for her, I'd either be dead or in jail. I owe her my life, and I give it to her of my volition. Watch and see just what my Mistress can do." "I know exactly what Kait can do, girlie," Sally scoffed, "Razor is in for a world of hurt unless she submit early." "Yes, it's going to be quite the show," Addy smiled behind her scarf. "Fucking crazies," Sally sighed, looking down as Razor and Kaitlyn circled one another. Back in the pit, Razor was sizing up Kaitlyn trying to figure out the best offense. She wasn't stupid. She was well aware of the reputation the champion held, and she knew that Mistress K was really Kaitlyn the Conqueror. She remembered seeing what the woman was capable of years ago. Hell, she had looked up to her at one point in her life! However, she was going to let her steal her boy toy when she'd just found him again. If that meant she had to go through a legend, then so be it. Luckily, the only rule in the pit was you couldn't outright kill your opponent. Hurt them, maim them, torture them even, but killing wasn't allowed. Now, if the loser never returned, that was another story. Razor spotted a chain lying on one of the old rails. She'd have to be quick and sneaky if she was going to use it, but she knew she couldn't just make a break for it. She'd hold off for the time being, and she'd find her way to it if it came down to that. This was a perfect way to test herself. Truth be told, Razor had been hoping for a chance to prove herself since her escape last month. She hadn’t bothered with that cow’s offer, despite the multiple attempts to contact her. No, she wasn’t some lackey for a wannabe crime boss. She was her own woman, and she was determined to carve out a name for herself on her terms. Defeating and dethroning the legendary Kaitlyn the Conqueror was the perfect way to do just that. Kaitlyn waited and watched for her adversary to make a move. She was growing impatient, though, and her anger was steadily growing by the second. Just when she was getting ready to attack, Razor made her first move. The greasy woman darted forward in a serpentine pattern. Kaitlyn watched her carefully as she slid her right foot out to prepare for a counter. She was smarter than she looked, she’d give her that much. She’d been expecting another frontal assault, but it seemed this girl was wise enough to learn from her mistakes. However, that didn’t mean she would get the upper hand. Razor closed the gap and threw an uppercut aimed at Kaitlyn’s jaw, but the veteran leaned back out of the way of her fist. Razor expected as much, and she quickly twisted her body to throw a spinning kick at Kaitlyn’s side. Her heel connected with Kaitlyn’s ribs, but Kaitlyn brought her arm down to lock her leg in place. Razor frowned as she felt just how strong her enemy was, but she wasn’t going down without a fight. As Kaitlyn tried to bring her elbow down onto her kneecap, Razor threw herself into a corkscrew motion and slammed her other foot against Kaitlyn’s head. It was enough to break the hold, but Kaitlyn was still on her feet. “A beautiful counter from the lovely Razor!” Paul’s voice called over the loudspeaker, “But, I don’t think that’s gonna be enough to dismantle Mistress K, ladies and gents!” Kaitlyn rubbed her jaw from the surprise kick that Razor had delivered. She nodded as she got a feel for this girl’s resilience. “Not bad,” she said as she got ready for her own assault, “If you weren’t such a coward, I’d almost respect a move like that. Let’s see how your defense is, shall we?” Razor barred her teeth at Kaitlyn’s dismissive tone. She would show her exactly what she was made of. Kaitlyn kicked off and was in front of Razor before she could react, though. Razor was just barely able to duck under a massive right hook, and she caught a left-handed uppercut with both hands. She managed to avoid two devastating punches, but Kaitlyn’s fist pushed her back several feet. She’d barely managed to recover when Kaitlyn was rushing at her once again. She tried to brace herself for another defensive, but Kaitlyn suddenly ducked down and went low. Razor’s eyes widened when she felt two massive hands clap against the backs of her knees and force them to buckle. Her legs were pulled out from under her, and Kaitlyn had taken her down to the ground before she knew what was happening. Kaitlyn took full advantage of the opening she’d created for herself with that takedown to mount Razor and pin her to the ground. She started raining heavy blows down as Jake watched from off in the corner. He looked on in awe as he was reminded of the many battles he’d had with Kaitlyn over the years. He was glad they were on the same side, especially witnessing her now. He swore that she’d gotten faster somehow. With that said, Razor was putting up a shockingly impressive fight. Even as Kaitlyn rained down blow after blow, the greasy punk managed to slip her legs out and wrap them around Kaitlyn’s neck. Honestly, at this point Jake wasn’t sure who was going to win this fight. “Fuck you, you hasbeen!” Razor spat through a busted and bloody lip, “Give it up, and go rot in the shadows!” Kaitlyn growled as Razor tried to choke her out. It was a surprising and smart move on the girl’s part, but nothing she couldn’t handle. Even as she started to get lightheaded, she forced herself to slowly get to her feet. The roar of the crowd as she did so was electric, but the look on Razor’s face as she was hoisted into the air was what made it worthwhile. She grit her teeth as she suddenly threw her upper body forward and slammed Razor down against the dirt. Her legs remained wrapped around her throat, though, so Kaitlyn happily lifted her up and slammed her once again. This time, Razor’s legs loosened as she tried to slip away, but Kaitlyn wasn’t having it. She let her body fall, but she quickly reached down and grabbed a fistful of her tattered shirt. With one hand, Razor was sent flying across the pit and deeper into the darkness. She landed with a tumbling roll and a groan. Kaitlyn turned and slowly walked towards her. Razor grimaced as she felt bruises forming on her back. Dammit, she was stronger than she thought. She wanted to win this fair, but she was starting to learn that wasn’t likely. Losing wasn’t an option, not tonight. She pushed herself up and coughed as she remembered the syringe in her vest. A nice little trick that psychotic nurse bitch had given her out of seemingly nowhere. Spotting the chain not far off either, Razor decided to change her gameplan. Razor grabbed the chain as Kaitlyn approached and wrapped it around her left arm and fist. She'd need all the added stopping power she could get if she was going to stand a chance at taking down Kaitlyn. She reached into her vest's inner pocket to grab the syringe she'd tucked away for safekeeping as Kaitlyn got closer. Razor got to her feet and ran forward. She jumped with her right hand out, and she was caught by Kaitlyn as she suspected. Kaitlyn pulled her in for a headbutt, and Razor smirked as she drove the needle into her neck and mashed down on the injector. Kaitlyn immediately dropped her and shouted as she took a couple of steps back. "Ack, you cheating little shit," Kaitlyn growled as she ripped the syringe from her neck and looked down at it, "It's not enough to tarnish my arena while I'm gone, you have to do it against me?!" "No rules in the pit, honey," Razor grinned as Kaitlyn fell to one knee from the drugs quickly working their way through her system, "I'm not losing my title, and I'm not giving up my bitch for the night." Jake's heart sank as he watched Kaitlyn stumble and fall. He should have expected something dirty like this from Razor, but he was powerless to do anything. All he could do was watch as Razor walked up and delivered a hard left hook with her fist wrapped in a chain. As tough as Kaitlyn was, she was sent to the ground from the force of her punch. Jake glared at Razor from his resting place, but she didn't pay him any mind as she climbed on top of Kaitlyn and grabbed her shirt. She pulled her up and started beating her with her left hand. She cackled wildly as she hit her again and again, and Jake tried to think of some way to help or get out of the situation he was trapped in. "Fucking bitch!" Sally shouted, grabbing the fence and snarling as she watched her friend get pummeled. "Hmm, as we suspected," Addy remarked, still not making a move beyond watching intently. "You knew this was going to happen?!" Sally exclaimed, "You gonna just stand there and watch, or are you gonna help your precious Mistress, girl?" "There's no need for me to get involved," Addy replied calmly, "Watch and learn." "What the hell are you talking about?" Sally asked, turning back to watch Razor slam another fist against Kaitlyn's jaw, "She's gonna fucking kill her!" "No, she won't," Addy said, confidence oozing from her, "My Mistress won't be outdone by cheap tricks, I assure you." Sally watched in disbelief as Kaitlyn suddenly snapped up and caught Razor’s fist as though nothing had happened, "No fucking way…" Razor was grinning wickedly as she continued beating her former hero into oblivion, but her smile fell as her fist was suddenly snatched. Kaitlyn's eyes snapped open, and she tightened her grip on Razor's hand. "W-what the fuck?" Razor shouted as the pressure on her hand doubled and Kaitlyn pushed herself up. Kaitlyn headbutted Razor to knock her off of her as she got to her feet. Her legs were a little shaky, but this was nothing she hadn't been prepared for. She rubbed her knuckles along her bottom lip to wipe away the blood dripping down her chin. She took two steps forward and steadied herself as she took a couple of deep breaths. The look of shock and fear in Razor's eyes brought back memories of past battles. It was gone in an instant, though, and Razor started to circle Kaitlyn once more. "Did you really think that would work on me?" Kaitlyn scoffed, rolling her neck, "Who do you think you're dealing with here, girl?" "That dose should have been enough to knock out a damn horse," Razor grumbled, "Doesn't matter, you're not fooling me!" "You think this is an act?" Kaitlyn laughed, holding her arms out, "Come get some then, and let's see how well your drugs work." "Fucking asshole," Razor grumbled before letting out a battle cry and charging forward. To everyone's shock, Kaitlyn managed to easily dodge an incoming punch from Razor. Undeterred and unafraid, Razor tried to cross with her right, but again Kaitlyn stepped out of the way with ease. In utter disbelief, Razor screamed as she launched into a fast combination of strikes. Kaitlyn scoffed as she practically danced around Razor's offense. She stopped and caught Razor’s left hand as it flew towards her face. Razor tried to pull her hand back, but Kaitlyn smirked as she twisted it and a sickening crack rang out in the pit. Razor howled in pain, and Kaitlyn lifted her into the air to look at her. She grabbed the chain wrapped around Razor's hand, and hit her hard across the face with her free hand. Razor went crashing to the ground, but Kaitlyn pulled her back with the chain. Kaitlyn planted her boot on her chest and ground her heel as she stared down at her, "Submit." "Fuck you!" Razor barked and cried out when Kaitlyn applied more pressure, "Alright, fine! I submit!" "Smarter than you look," Kaitlyn scoffed as she stepped over Razor to address the crowd, "Your champion has returned!" "Ladies and lowlives, we have a winner!" Paul shouted, "Your reigning, defending, and still undisputed champion Mistress K!" Kaitlyn held up her hands in victory to bask in the praise of the crowd. She turned her attention down to Razor who was crawling to get away. She clamped a hand down on her calf and lifted her back into the air, "You, that belt, and Jake belong to me for the night. You're not going anywhere, slave." "Fucking try and break me, bitch," Razor spat defiantly. "Lucky for you, I like spirit in a slave," Kaitlyn chuckled, "I think my girl will make good use of you, but first things first." Kaitlyn dragged Razor over to Jake, who'd watched the last leg of the fight in awe. When Razor had injected Kaitlyn with the syringe, he'd thought for sure it was over and his fate was sealed. Then, miraculously, Kaitlyn had gotten up and fought as though nothing had happened. Even after taking the intensive beating from Razor’s weapons zed fist, Kaitlyn had gotten up with relative ease. Now, she was dragging his former tormentor as she tried to claw at the dirt to stop herself. Seeing her match towards him brought back memories of past defeats at Kaitlyn's hands. There was a familiar glint in her eyes, and Jake couldn't shake the slight anxiety he felt at seeing it. Ashley was still silent in his head, so there was no voice of reason to quell the mild panic forming in his mind. "Stop struggling!" Kaitlyn snapped at Razor before looking back and shouting into the crowd, "Addy, come get this little trophy!" Jake watched as the redhead from earlier weaved through the crowd with ease and dropped into the pit. He frowned as it dawned on him who she was. She was the girl that Kaitlyn had taken from the fight against Rebecca. She'd changed more than he had thought possible, but then again, so had Miri. "Yes, Mistress," Addy said as she hurried over to Razor and silenced her with a boot to the side of her head, "I'll take her for you, ma'am. What would you have me do with her?" "Amuse yourself if she wakes, but I want her still able to speak," Kaitlyn replied, reaching down and roughly grabbing Jake by the collar of his coat, "Make sure you slip our location to our friend. I'll be there soon enough." "Consider it done, Mistress," Addy nodded, picking up her new playmate and hiding her glee behind a stoic mask. "Kait, whatever you're thinking-" Jake started as Kaitlyn lifted him into the air. Kaitlyn winked at him before raising her arm and pulling his face into her armpit. Jake grimaced as his face was covered in her reeking pit sweat. It was all too familiar, and it was a crushing blow to his spirit. "This one, and that pretender belong to me!" Kaitlyn shouted, rubbing Jake's face around in her swampy pit, "Your champion has returned, and she has spoken!" "There you have it, folks!" Paul exclaimed, "Mistress K is back, and she has taken our old champion and tonight's challenger for herself! Let's hear it for another fantastic showing!" The crowd roared in response to Kaitlyn's victory and Paul's proclamation. Kaitlyn continued to use Jake as a living sweat rag for a moment longer before pulling him away, much to his relief. "Keep your mouth shut, Jake," Kaitlyn whispered as she threw him over her shoulder, "We can talk once we're out of here." Jake did as he was told, and let Kaitlyn roughly carry him out of the pit. He felt a few people give his ass a slap on the way out, but after the third person Kaitlyn snapped. From then, the two of them were given a wide berth as they marched out. Kaitlyn kept Jake on her shoulder until they'd cleared the stairs of the old subway entrance. She tried to set him down once they were clear of the crowds and rabble, but Jake's legs were still wobbly and shaking. Kaitlyn reached out to steady him. "The great Jake Blackridge has been neglecting his training," Kaitlyn scoffed as she helped him stand, "I'm disappointed, Jake." "I've been a little preoccupied," Jake countered, "Where have you been, Kait?" "I'll explain once we get to my base," Kaitlyn answered, "I was going to have you follow behind me, but clearly you're in no shape to drive. You'll ride with me. Come on, let's get moving." Kaitlyn led Jake to an old jeep that she'd relieved one of Metropolis' many crimelords of two months ago. She wasn't gentle as she practically shoved him into the passenger seat, but Jake thanked her for the help all the same. The drive was quiet and more than a little awkward for him. While they were technically on the same side now, the history between the two of them left an almost palpable tension whenever they were alone. It didn't help that Kaitlyn wasn't saying much as she drove either. It wasn't necessarily uncomfortable, but it was a little heavy. Ordinarily, Jake would have been trying to fill the silence, but he was tired, sore, and still working whatever Razor had slipped him with out of his system. "It's anesthesia," Kaitlyn said, seemingly reading his mind. "What?" Jake asked. "The stuff that greasy streetrat was using," Kaitlyn explained, "It's a dose of the same stuff that Anna Murray has been using on her victims over the last month. In small doses, it acts similar to a roofie, but when administered directly It's suppose to render you unconscious. My guess is that woman had someone slip it into your drink while you weren't looking. Once again, I have to say that I'm both surprised and disappointed that you missed that little tidbit, Jake. The young boy that battled against me and the other veteran villains of this city wouldn't have fallen for such a simple and cheap trick. You're slipping in your age, boy." Jake looked at Kaitlyn as she chided him, but he caught the smirk on her lips at the last minute. "I've been a little distracted lately," he admitted, looking out the window, "You might have missed it, but I was in prison for a bit." "Yeah, barely a fucking week, birdbrain, try months on end," Kaitlyn scoffed, "Did you ever know me or any of the other girls to lose our edge because you locked us up?" "Didn't figure there were many prisoners dumb enough to fuck with Kaitlyn the Conqueror," Jake countered, earning a boisterous laugh from Kaitlyn. "I guess you've got a point there," she smiled at him, "Still, you could do well with some training, Jake. I'm not even sure you could take Addy in a fight the way you handled yourself back there." "I was drugged," Jake reminded her, "I could have taken Razor if it wasn't for that little fact, "By the way, what was the deal with using me as a damn sweatrag back there?" "Old times sake," Kaitlyn grinned, "Don't act like you didn't like it. You were with Goth for months, and you forget that I know you, little man." "I thought you and Jason had a thing going," Jake said, purposefully ignoring Kaitlyn's comment. "Jay and I have an arrangement, yes, but he's been away on business for quite some time," Kaitlyn replied, noticeably frowning at the mention of their mutual friend, "Addy has been taking care of my needs in his absence." "That's the girl you took from Rebecca," Jake said, trying to make sure he had the right person in mind, "What the hell did you do to her, Kait?" "I made her into something better than she ever could have hoped for," Kaitlyn said, "She's a good girl, but she was corrupted and brainwashed by your ex when I took her. She needed guidance, training, and a firm hand to point her in the right direction. Now, she's a true warrior, and there's nobody I'd trust more at my back than her. Faster than most, quick witted, and she doesn't question when I give an order." "You broke her," Jake sighed, piecing together what she meant. "She was broken when I took her," Kaitlyn corrected him, "I picked up the pieces and put them into a strong foundation. You're worried that I've turned her into a slave, right?" "You've got a reputation that precedes you, Kait," Jake answered. "I took a page out of Pam's book with my approach," Kaitlyn explained, "I saw the way that Beth follows her, the way she trusts her no matter the stakes, and I decided to try something different. I have no regrets, and I will protect her at all costs. She does more than just keep me warm on a cold night." "Okay, I don't need anymore details," Jake said, earning another laugh from his enemy turned ally. "Is the fearless Raven blushing at the idea of two women together?" Kaitlyn asked, "I'd have thought with your best friends being involved you'd have been more used to this sort of thing." "Doesn't mean I ask them about their sexlife," Jake said before asking, "You're not forcing her into anything are you?" "No," Kaitlyn answered honestly, "She was unwilling to trust me at first, and I forced her physical training on her during the first month. It was after that first month when she nearly got herself killed that she started to trust me, and it was after that when she started to pursue more with me than simple servitude." "Kaitlyn the Conqueror has a soft spot for a stray girl and a dead man," Jake chuckled, "It's unbelievable how much things have changed." "Shut up, Blackridge," Kaitlyn scoffed, resisting the urge to punch him, "Fighting alongside you and the others against a common enemy changed my perspective on things. It wasn't just the thought of Beth putting a bullet between my eyes that did it. I've seen what the pursuit of power can do to a woman, and I have no interest in walking down that path. Who I choose to spend my time with is my choice." "I don't mean any disrespect, Kait," Jake said, leaning against the door and looking out the window, "I just never would have guessed that this is the way things would shake out. Beth toting guns and dating a woman who enslaved her, you renouncing your old ways for some kind of justice-" "You dating Alexis Hamilton, the infamous Footgirl," Kaitlyn added with a grin, "That's right, I know about your little meetups and dates with that nutjob. I hope you're not stringing her along, Jake. You're playing with a wildfire of psychosis in a small package." "Trust me, I'm well aware of how dangerous and crazy Alexis is," Jake said. "That doesn't confirm or deny anything," Kaitlyn pointed out, "She's crazy, but she's driven by an obsession with your scrawny ass. Using her is a surefire way to cause more problems for you and the city, Jake. Let me be more direct. Are you stringing her along?" "I'm not trying to, no," Jake answered honestly, "I am trying to take things slow, and I've told her that much. I know how she is, and I'm trying to keep her in the loop with as much open communication as possible." "At least you've grown a little bit then," Kaitlyn said before adding, "Alexis isn't like other women, though. She doesn't handle rejection well, and she'll only wait for so long. Even if you're trying to take it slow, there's no guarantee she'll accept a no if things don't work out. I'm not trying to freak you out, but you need to be prepared for what may come." "Believe me, I know," Jake sighed, "That's one of the things that always kept me from giving this a shot. It's never been that I don't find her attractive, it's how unhinged she is. I'm basically dating my stalker on a trial basis." "Not that different from your relationship with Goth, if you ask me," Kaitlyn scoffed, adding when Jake shot her a hard glare, "You're going to argue that she was possessed and all, which she was, but she chased demons because of her obsession with you." "Maybe I'm a bad influence, Kait," Jake sighed, reminded of his shortcomings. "Don't start throwing a damn pity party," Kaitlyn said with a roll of her eyes, "You're no good to anyone when you're stuck in your sad little head. There's a difference between being a magnet for crazy, and driving people crazy. Don't get it twisted, dumbass, these women were already nuts before you came into their lives." "Hard not to see it that way when Rebecca sold her soul, and Alexis has nearly destroyed the city because of me," Jake said. "Fuck me, you're really gonna make me do this, aren't you?" Kaitlyn groaned, "Listen up because I'm only going to say this once, Jake. You're not a bad guy, and you didn't force either of those women to do anything. We all have choices to make in this life, and they made theirs of their own accord. Just because you attract the insane doesn't make you the cause for their insanity. A board can have a screw loose before you pick it up." "Getting a pep talk from an old enemy," Jake chuckled, "Feels weird." "Feels weird to be giving it," Kaitlyn agreed as she pulled into a parking garage, "Let's not make a habit of it, yeah?" "But you're so good at it," Jake smirked at her. "Piss off, bird-bitch," Kaitlyn scoffed, although she shared a smirk, "Moving on, how are Beth and Pam doing?" "Good, all things considered," Jake replied, "Pam's been a little freaked out because Beth is insisting on continuing to go out at night." "She's been doing good work," Kaitlyn commented, "It's because of her that over two dozen girls have been saved from trafficking rings over the last month. That's not a small feat given such a short time. That said, I know why Pam is worried. The killer that's been targeting women that resemble Beth. Hmph, that protective side of hers is bordering on possessiveness." "There's no bordering, she's incredibly possessive of Beth," Jake corrected, "How do you know so much about what's been going on, Kait? What the hell have you been up to?" "You three aren't the only ones who've been busy, Jake," Kaitlyn answered as she parked the jeep, "Come on, we're here. I'll explain inside after I check on my guest for the night. I need to make sure Addy hasn't broken her yet. She's a sweet girl, but she sometimes gets over excited when she plays with her toys." "I'm not going to walk in on her torturing Razor, am I?" Jake asked. "Hard to say," Kaitlyn shrugged, "Addy usually takes her playmates to her room, so you shouldn't have too much to worry about. Sally should be along shortly, but I'll answer your questions once we get inside. Come on, I'm ready to get going." "Right," Jake said, opening the door and standing on shaky legs, "Let's go." |