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Just things that I think about now and then. |
1. Miss Manners: Use the words “please” and “thank you” in your writing. Using the words, please and thank you, have seemed to go by the wayside. When did it become acceptable to not express thanks when something nice is done to/for an individual? When did asking please, when making a request become a thing of the past? I'm not sure, but it is disheartening to see the entitlement of some people nowadays. I was raised to have manners, and to say please and thank you. I also remember being smacked or scolded if somehow I forgot to use these words (I can tell you, it wasn't very often that I forgot!). I raised my kids to have the same manners, but it seems that few people instill these ideals, or if they try, they do not meet failure with consequences. My opinion, in any case. 2. Cliche: Choose a common cliche, then write something that says the same thing but without using the catchphrase. "Every cloud has a silver lining" or No matter the troubles, there is always something good to come out of it. 3. Eco-friendly: Write about going green or an environmental concern you have. While it seems that we are making strides in "going green" as a country, there is still more to do. I just read that it will soon be illegal to purchase or manufacture incandescent lights. It'll have to be LED, I suppose, or nothing. I've read where people have invented machines to pick up plastic out of the oceans, but it would help immensely if people would quit dumping trash into the ocean. It's great to invent things, but it would be greater still to stop causing the issue in the first place. Again, just my opinion. 4. Missing You: Write about someone you miss. I miss my sister, Kathy. It is hard to believe that she has been gone about 2 1/2 years now. I still see something that I think she would like, or something that reminds me of her - and it hits me all over again. I wrote a poem for her a while back:
5. Set it Free: Think of a time when you had to let someone or something go to be free…did they come back? I guess that is just the thing - When I let it go, I didn't want it back. At least not right away. I did later on, but by then it was too late. Such is life, I suppose. That "something" was my first marriage that lasted for 16 years - I truly thought we'd go the distance; but in retrospect, I'm not sure how we made it that far. ![]() 6: Left Out: Write about a time when you’ve felt left out or you’ve noticed someone else feeling as if they didn’t belong. It was back before I was in high school. The cheer team wanted to do a half-time dance during a ball game. I wanted to participate, but no one wanted to pair with me. I was sad, and a teacher noticed and made them include me. I was stuck in the middle with no one to partner. In retrospect, it wouldn't have mattered if I were there or not. But it was nice for the teacher to have stuck up for me. 7. Suitcase: Write about packing for a trip or unpacking from when you arrive home. When I packed for my trip to Michigan back last Christmas (I live in Texas), I didn't pack much of anything. Truth be told, I didn't have much of anything to wear. I had been reduced to old T-shirts and cotton shorts, or nightgowns. I didn't get out much. But when I got back, my sister had gotten me a couple of dresses, a couple pairs of jeans, a couple of shirts, and I ended up sending most of what I had gotten in a box so I didn't have to fight with it on the plane. Now that I'm home, I still go about mostly in the T-shirts and shorts or pjs. It's just nice to have clothes, "just in case". 8. Fantasy: Write about fairies, gnomes, elves, or other mythical creatures. Fairies flutter among the flowers, While gnomes tend the gardens, Elves tend to be woodland creatures, Not given to begging pardon. A unicorn is such a rare sight, To see one is a treat. Leprechauns hiding gold at rainbows end; To find it is no mean feat. I wonder at the mythical creatures Full of lore and of fantasy; I'll believe in them as long as I can, For such a belief makes me free. 9. Give and Receive: Write about giving and receiving. The Bible says that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Giving is, in my opinion, a way to trust God for provision. Giving can be sacrificial, a way of trusting God to meet the needs made by the giving. Giving can be a selfless act, when one doesn't flaunt it. Receiving can possibly be harder, as pride prevents us from asking for help. Receiving something might make one feel as though they are a failure. ![]() These are only my opinions on the matter. I have been both a giver, and a receiver. I have to remember to be mindful of the gifts given, and the trust in God for when I give a gift. 10. Baker’s Dozen: Imagine the scents and sights of a bakery and write. Hot fresh bread, right out of the oven. Butter melted upon a warm fresh slice. The smell of donuts and pies filled with fruit or cream. The strong smell of coffee to go along a decadent treat. Hopefully, a friend or family member to share the delicacies; maybe ordering a box "to go" in order to remember the treats of the morning later in the day. 11. Treehouse: Write about your own secret treehouse hideaway. High above the ground (but not too high! I don't like heights) Is a cozy tree house for me. I could look all around to see the sights When I look around what would I see? (If I dared open my eyes) Probably the tops of other trees. 12. Risk: Write about taking a gamble on something. Some people say that all of life is a gamble; I'm not 100% sure that I believe that. There is risk involved in a lot of ventures, but some people do all they can not to risk anything. I think of the saying "nothing ventured (risked), nothing gained". I guess you have to put yourself out there - but not an easy task for someone who is an introvert. On the other hand, you have people who live like it is their last day - doing crazy things, or being an adrenaline junkie. You can go to the extremes both ways. I'm not a huge fan of risk taking, but I don't mind challenges. Just my opinion. 13. Acrostic: Choose a word and write an acrostic poem where every line starts with a letter from the word. Still it's quite warm Under the Texas sky; Memories of cooler weather are in My mind's eye. Even so, the promise of fall is coming. I Reckon it'll be here eventually, as the Seasons begin to change. Eventually, it'll be cold, and Noone will remember the heat or it's Dreary dragging on. 14. Crossword Puzzle: Open up the newspaper or find a crossword puzzle online and choose one of the clues to use as inspiration for your writing. Prompt ▼ Getting Lucky So many connotations has this phrase; whether it is reference to a relationship, or to a lottery ticket, or even missing an accident in a car. Some of these things may be good, bad, or heart-stopping. It just depends on the situation, I guess. I've had my fair share of "near misses" and a couple of "bad breaks" in a vehicle. Being hit from behind on a snowy road behind a snow plow is not something I would consider lucky. The car ended up being totaled (mine) and the other driver was solicitous in his behavior (not surprising as he had fallen asleep at the wheel) That we were both ok was lucky, though. I was grateful to get another vehicle soon after (an upgrade) but I'm sure there was an easier way to do that ![]() 15. Silver Lining: Write about the good that happens in a bad situation. When trials go against you Do not become despondent; A silver lining will show itself If only you look for it. The lining may not be what you want, But it may be what you need; Put your trust in the One Who creates the silver lining. 16. Gloves: Write about a pair of gloves – what kind of gloves are they? Who wears them and why? A pair of long ladies' gloves - a faded white lace adorning the edges and the cracked leather showing signs of disuse or neglect. A remanent from another time - long ago; when it was considered fashionable and indeed, necessary to wear gloves to dinner. Not having them was considered a faux pas. My, how times have changed. 17. All that Glitters: Write about a shiny object. This reminds me of the Moana song "Shiny" were the crab made himself into a work of "art". I thought he was gaudy, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? He had attached all manner of glittery things to his shell and had become huge. He was a villain in the story, but an entertaining one to say the least. 18. Jealousy: Write with a theme of envy and jealousy. That green-eyed monster How do you keep it at bay? I find that not coveting what's wanted Goes a long, long way. Once in a while, it sneaks up on me; When I get busy and have no time to think. That monster jumps out of nowhere I must put it back in the clink. 19. How Does Your Garden Grow? Write about a flower that grows in an unusual place. "Ah, I see light, just a little more pushing." "I can feel the warmth, I'm almost there." "Oh, the concrete is warm, but it feels sooo good." "I'm through! I'm through! Now I can spread my leaves and enjoy the sun!" "This is the life, I'm glad I made it. I don't have to compete with other plants in the middle of the sidewalk." "Oh, no! Stop! What are you doing? Don't pick me! Help!" 20. Jury Duty: Write a short story or poem that takes place in a courtroom. The lawyers have argued, Testimony was given, The jury must decide - The fate of the accused hangs in the balance; They must judge each position. Twelve people locked in a room Deciding the fate of the defendant; Is there enough evidence to convict? Are the charges even relevant? It's no mean feat making a decision, That will have consequences; It will change the lives of more than one, And maybe give recompenses. 21. Gifts: Write about a gift you have given or received. The gift I was given this past year was my life. There were a few people that had infections gone septic that were not a lucky as I. I can only imagine that God is not done with me yet. It's been a long year of recovery, and while I still have a couple of issues, they are minor compared to what could have been. So this past year, I've tried to draw closer to God, and to try to see what He wants from me. 22. Running: Write about running away from someone or something. Running, running, one foot in front of the other - We cannot outrun what's chasing us; For it is Time - and one cannot outrun time. We have only a few short moments In the larger scheme of things But in the end, we are but dust, No matter how fast we run. 23. Discovery: Think of something you’ve recently discovered and use it as inspiration. 24. Complaint: Write about your complaints about something. I don't really know if it is a complaint, but I wish people would just get along. There is so much hatred and bad mouthing and bad feelings. I know some of it may be warranted, but on the whole, people seem to just be mean-spirited. It's like the "golden rule" was never heard of: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.". It seems more like, "Do unto others before they do unto you". Just my ruminations. 25. Gratitude: Write a poem or journal entry that is all about things you are thankful for. I am thankful for many things, As God is the giver of all. It is up to me to remember them, When upon His name I call. Life, and all of its blessings. Even when sometimes it sucks. My family, those I have remaining, For me it is more than "luck". To think, to feel to love and write, All of these things I am grateful; For nothing is promised in this life, And to the Father I shall remain faithful. 26. Chemistry: Choose an element and write a poem or story that uses that word in one of the lines. I did this for a Writer's Cramp entry some time ago. here it is:
31. Rainbow: What is at the end of a rainbow? Or, take a cue from Kermit the Frog, and ask yourself, why are there so many songs about rainbows? There's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, .This is the story I've been told. I've seen a rainbow's end, but never any pot or gold. The shimmer of the rainbow is a wonderous sight to see. But I think the leprechauns are stingy, Hiding the gold from me 32. End of the rainbow writing idea: What’s on the other side of this rainbow? Who’s waiting for you? Write about it! My dad had a wonderful pug, named Jesse. She passed over the rainbow bridge back in March of 2023. I wrote this poem for dad about Jesse:
36. From the Roof-tops: Imagine you could stand on a rooftop and broadcast a message to everyone below – what would you say? Since I am afraid of heights, the message I would broadcast is "Help! Get me down from here!" 40. Pirates: Write about a pirate ship. I've been listening to pirate-themed songs as of late. My two favorite songs are a cover from VoicePlay called "Hoist the Colors", and an original song written for an upcoming game called "Skull and Bones" by HomeFree. The rolling of the waves, The yelling from the crew. Quarry seen off the port bow-Hoist the Colors! Let them see a frightening view. The ship is poised and ready to strike, Plunder is what they seek; Treasure of all matter is found; The fate of victims is bleak. 46. Boredom: Write about being bored or make a list of different ways to entertain yourself. This has been an issue for me this past year. Going from working full time, to not working. I try to keep myself busy with reading, reviewing, writing here on WdC. I also try to do some crafting and crocheting. Don't even get me started on the several rabbit holes that I've found on YouTube with all manner of things: crafting, house flipping, music, DIY, even history and law - you name it, I've probably seen something about it ![]() I also do a lot of cooking, and Allrecipes.com is like a best friend. I check in with family members at least once a week. So, I'm not just lying around on the couch (although I went through a dark 6 weeks where I did nothing but watch TV ![]() 55. Font-tastic: Choose a unique font and type out a poem, story, or journal entry using that font. This font I've not used before, It is quite new to me. I've added also a unique color For everyone to see. I'm not usually so bold, I am down right plain; But maybe shaking things up Will have some sort of gain. ![]() ![]() |