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Rated: XGC · Book · Dark · #2272179
A series of stories involving my family's battle against Foreign movies.
#1052655 added July 18, 2023 at 12:01am
Restrictions: None
Child's Terrifying trip to movies - Psycho-Pass: Providence
It was July 12th, 2023, and you are just waking up to your phone going off with all kinds of notifications. It was from your family and it was in regards to a new photo that was just leaked! It was a photo of Ross making out with another whore in the lobby of the International Movie Theater! Nobody knew when this photo was taken, but they guess it was around the end of April when he went to see that one dumb Indian movie! Furious with this news, you decided to turn on your camera and make another video of yourself going on another tirade against that asshole Ross! From bitching and whining about how when you and your siblings went to bed hungry, his caretaker took him to a fancy restaurant for supper, to how she would take him to those dumb Pokemon movies when his own parents wouldn't, to how when you had no internet because your parents couldn't afford the internet bill, he was at the caretaker's house with his goddamn N64!

You would then upload the video to Youtube, feeling some relief after blowing a whole lot of steam!
That night, as you lay in bed, you stare at the ceiling and begin to think back to a few years ago when you were surrounded by friends! You used to hang out with all kinds of guys, but then years later, when that asshole Ross set foot in that International Movie Theater, things were never the same! Some guys either went to jail for felonies or in Jeffrey's case, stopped hanging out with you due to your "Racism" or whatever other bullshit excuse they used. You would then start to cry yourself to sleep that night!

On Friday, July 14th, 2023, you were once again checking in on that asshole brother of yours and see that he has just picked himself up...a tomato pie!

You were getting cranked up again because a friend of his made this for him and your girlfriend STILL CAN'T COOK WORTH A DAMN! Speaking of food, you were starting to get a bit hungry...and you also wanted to outdo this bastard, so you decided to call up your favorite restaurant...Olive Garden!

You were calling them up and tried to reserve a table, but the staff immediately refused service and hung up on you! You then remember that you have gotten banned from there because you showed your ass last time you were over there! But regardless, you have went through your "Hello Fresh" stash and luckily found a "chicken and pasta" meal!
Hello Fresh Chicken and Pasta plate!

You and your girlfriend would happily scarf this food down before going to bed with full stomachs!

The next day, on Saturday, July 15th, 2023, and you were once again checking in on that asshole brother of yours and see he is seeing some dumb anime called "Psycho-Pass: Providence!"

You couldn't fucking believe it! First, he watches some dumb Indian movies and now he is watching some stupid cartoons from mother fucking Japan! Oh, this is pissing you off again! You quickly get your camera and equipment together and rush on over to the International Movie Theater! You manage to arrive on time to see Ross and one of his dorky friends get out of his beat-up Jeep and go inside the theater! You waited until they were inside before you stepped out of the SUV, camera and stick in hand and attempt to storm inside! Unfortunately, as you got near the doors, the gargantuan security guards would pop up out of nowhere and immediately block your passage! Not in the mood to try to pick a fight with these brutes, you would quickly turn around and leave the parking lot! As you start to drive away from the movie theater, tears started to pour down your face again. You then think back to both the times when you were surrounded by friends and all of those skanks that he has started hanging out with at the International Movie Theater! You then decided that you needed some new lady friends...and you know just the place to go look for them!
Front sign for "Larry Flynt's Hustler Club"!

As you approach the front door, you would be told to pay up quite a bit of money! Unfortunately, your wallet was empty...but thankfully, an ATM was nearby! You draw out several hundred dollars, AKA, THE LAST AMOUNT OF MONEY IN YOUR BANK ACCOUNT FOR THE MONTH, and pay a good chunk of it to the doorman. After you walk inside, you were bedazzled by all of the pretty women dancing on various tables and stripper poles! You would then wonder what people would say if they found out you were here. You could tell them you were bored, but the truth was...your girlfriend is being a pain in the ass! Sure, she was smoking hot about 15 years ago, but now, especially after giving birth to those little shits...she has gained quite a bit of weight! She has turned into a fucking heifer! Not to mention, her overall attitude over the past few years have been outright horrible! She blames it all on "postpartum depression" or some stupid shit like that! After buying yourself a nice drink, you would sit in a chair and look around for a new lady friend! It wouldn't be long until a Native American looking woman comes out onto stage, having paw print tattoos on her sides and hip, and a huge tattoo of a wolf on her back! She is definitely the one! You would then sit next to the stage and gaze over her body before some time later, she would be leaning over and asking if you want a lap dance. You would quickly pull out a couple hundred dollars and she was more than happy to shake it for your obese ass! After you tip her with $20, you would wait until she starts to walk back onto stage before smacking her ass. She would then give you an odd look before she slaps you hard enough to make your head spin! Damn, she can swing! Just as you regain your vision, 3 huge guys wearing a tight, black t-shirt with "Security" written on it would approach you in a huff! You couldn't make out what they are saying due to the loud music, but you can read their lips and they say something along the lines of "Get Up!" and "Let's Go!" Not wanting to leave your new lady friends, you try to resist, but they all picked you up and hauled you out like an overloaded bag of trash! Outside the club, your drunken rage increases and you decided to pick a fight with the bouncers!
WORST. DECISION. EVER! The biggest guy had no trouble with beating you down to a pulp!
Drunkard being beat-down outside of a bar!

Luckily, you managed to make it out with your life and haul ass before they could do more damage to you! Your blood covered body would finally managed to make it home late that night and you would slowly stumble towards the door. As you walk in, the first thing you hear is your girlfriend yelling,

You try to answer her, but she would get a whiff of the stripper's cheap perfume on you along with the smell of booze. Then she gives you the most evil look she has given you in a long time. You are in for it now!!!

She would then storm into the bedroom and grabs one of your leather belts and charges at you angrily with it!

She would then chase you around the house, whipping your bloodied body with the belt as you scream for mercy!
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1052655-Childs-Terrifying-trip-to-movies---Psycho-Pass-Providence